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Planning Board Meeting 04/7/04
Planning Board Meeting

April 7, 2004

Members Present:
       Steve Collins
       Allan Salleroli,
        Fred Hartman
       Robert DeWitt.

Public Hearing called to order at 6:00 pm

The purpose of the hearing is to consider a petition for a
Zoning Ordinance Amendment presented by the Eastport
Port authority.  The petition requests that the building height
restrictions located in Article 5.10 relative to the Shoreland
General Development Zone, be removed.

Margaret Higginson does not like the change to unlimited height
because it would open the zone to condos or large structures.

Steve Collins asked if it was set up as a special exception if
that would eliminate problems of just leaving the height
unrestricted.  He stated there must be some kind of control
to building height.

Laura Whelan, the Downtown Director also doesn’t like leaving the
height unrestricted.

There being no further comment the public hearing was closed
at 6:15 p.m.

Adjustments to Agenda:

           Mr. Daryl Brown and Mr. Porter Leighton were added
            under open forum to discuss a project.

Action on Public Hearing:

           Motion Salleroli, second Dewitt to pass on to the
            Council to approve on amendment that reads:

            Article 5.10, Shoreland Development Zone Height shall
             be 35 feet unless under exceptional circumstances a
             waiver is granted by the Planning Board after a public
             hearing  Unanimous Yes Vote.


Motion Dewitt, Second Hartman to accept the minutes dated
March 3, 2004.  Unanimous Yes Vote.

Old Business

Collins asked CEO Carl Young about junkyard amendment.
Young stated he is still working on them and should have
something next month.

Mr. Daryl Brown and Mr. Porter Leighton presented a plan
for dividing a lot on Carlow’s Island.  It’s only a two-way split
and is after the 5-year waiting period of their subdivision.
The board signed the plans stating the project was reviewed
and is not a subdivision.

CEO Young distributed a Permit Record for proposed renovation
of structure located at 84 Toll Bridge Road. Map E4-A4-1.  This
does not need Board approval.  CEO Young is just presenting
It for review of the Board.

Set Next Agenda

6pm Public Hearing.

      Petition for a Zoning Ordinance Admendment asking to
       amend Sec.  “all signs shall be in keeping
       with the character of the Historic District on building.”

Call to order
Adjustments to agenda
Action on Public Hearing
Review of Minutes
Old Business
New Business
Open Forum
Set Next agenda

Motion Dewitt, second Hartman to adjourn.  Unanimous Yes Votes

Adjourned 6:55 pm