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   MONDAY, APRIL 12, 2004

6:00  -- Harbor Committee Meeting

7:00  --  Public Hearings

    -   Victualer's Licenses
         -  Richard & Eleni Angel dba/Fountain Books
         -  Nancy Bishop dba/The WACO Diner - R
         -  Paula Bouchard dba/Rosie's Hot Dog Stand -R
         -  Robert Del Papa dba/Eastport Chowder House - R
         -  Robert Dep Papa dba/The Happy Crab
          -  Frank Dimarco dba/Frank's Deli - R
         -  Beverly Limbo dba/The Wicker House - R
         -  Sidney & Hilda Lewis dba/The Blue Iris - R
         -  Valerie Maggiani dba/La Sardina Loca - R
         -  Ruth McInnis dba/The Todd House - R
         -  Gregory Noyes dba/The Kilby House - R
         -  Jett & John Peterson dba/The Weston House -R
         -  Basil & Janice Pottle dba/The Seaview - R
         -  Nancy Raye dba/Raye's Mustard - R
         -  Bill & Mary Williams dba/The Milliken House - R

    -  Liquor License
         -  Robert Del Papa dba/The Eastport Chowder House - R

    -  Entertainment License
         -  Robert Del Papa dba/The Eastport Chowder House - R

Council Meeting:

1.  Call to Order
2.  Adjustments to the Agenda
3.  Approval of the Minutes
4.  Financial Report
5.  Code Enforcement & Assessor Reports
6.  Sewer Operations Report
7.  Police Department Report
8.  Public Works Report
9.  - -   Reports & Appointments - Boards and Committees
      -   Planning Board - ZBA - Historic Preservation Committee
      -   Airport Advisory Committee - Harbor Committee
      -   Comprehensive Plan Update Committee
      -   Eastport for Pride - CDAC
10.  Action on Public Hearings
11.  Schedule Public Hearings
12.  Commit sewer fees to Muriel Randall, City Treasurer for
       4th quarter FY04  
13.  Transfer of $15,425 from UDFB to Airport Master Plan &
      Taxi-way Construction
14.  Downtown Revitalization - Bank Square Civic Space
15.  Deed Correction - City Property & Commons Building
       on Water Street
16.  Rosie's Hot Dog Stand - Lease
17.  Verizon Pole Permit - Vanesse Road @ Rt 190 -
      Quoddy Village
18.  Perpetual Care - Sherman Clough Lot
19.  City Managers Contract
20 -  City Manager's Issues
         -  Navy Ship Visit - 4th of July/Old home Week
         -  FY2005 Budget Update
         -  FEMA Funds - $7,441.05
         -  Signs
21 -  Open Forum  (Will be held at 9:00 when meetings
                                      extend beyond)
22 -  Executive Session - Legal & Personnel Issues
23 -  Adjournment