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Free Energy Audits this Summer Means Heat Savings This Winter
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Last Updated: 2014/8/21
On behalf of the Energy Committee, I want to share the results of this summer's home heating efficiency audits with you.

In all 27 Eastport home owners participated, and each received between $400 and $600 in cash incentives to pay for a $600 audit that included 6 hours of air sealing (efficiency improvement enacted immediately in response to the blower-door test findings).

I attach the tally of results, with names and addresses withheld of course.  You will see that the average improvement in cold air penetration after one day of work was 12.3%, while the best results left property owners with efficiency gains of up to 32%.

Each audit participant receives a full written report, with prioritized recommendations for next steps to save money in the coming winter.  We will continue to work with those owners interested in pursuing these retrofit measures, in hopes of increasing efficiency gains still further while lowering winter heating bills overall.

These are small but important steps towards an ongoing investment in affordable heat in Eastport, which will lower the cost of living and retain / attract year-round residents.  We hope you too find these results encouraging, and will join us in encouraging more Eastport residents to achieve similar savings in the future.

Yours cordially,

Jon Calame


Jon Calame
​Chair, Eastport Energy Committee

Coordinator, Thermal Efficiency: Eastport
​ & Affordable Heat Consortium​

mobile: (845) 363-6564