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06/09/2008 ZBA Minutes
East Hampton Zoning Board of Appeals
Regular Meeting
June 9, 2008
Town Hall Meeting Room
7:00 P.M.


1.      Call to Order:  Chairman Nichols called the ZBA Meeting of June 9, 2008 to order at 7:00PM
Members Present: Chairman Charles Nichols, Members Sharon Ives-Lawson, Suzanne Redfield
Alternate Members Present: Vincent Jacobson, Brian Spack, Linda Dart
Absent: Willie Fuqua, Brendan Flannery
Staff Present:  James Carey, Building, Planning & Zoning Administrator

2.      Seating of the Alternates:  Brian Spack and Linda Dart were seated

3.      Legal Notice:  Mr. Carey read the legal notice.

4.      Approval of Minutes
        a.      May 12, 2008 Regular Meeting:
Ms. Redfield moved, and Ms. Dart seconded, to approve the minutes of May 12, 2008 regular meeting as submitted.  The motion carried unanimously.

5.      Application of Stephen & Nance McMahon, 172 Lake Drive, requesting a variance of the East Hampton Zoning Regulations, Section No. 6.1, reduction of east side yard setback from 25’ to 16’, to construct a sunroom.

Mr. McMahon presented his request to the commission.  The existing home preexist the zoning regulations.  The sun-room addition is 200sf off the rear of the home and will be further from the side lot than the current home is now.  Mr. Carey clarified the zoning of the lot and stated no communication from abutting neighbors was received.

Ms. Ives-Lawson moved, and Ms. Redfield seconded, to approve the application of Stephen & Nance McMahon, 172 Lake Drive, requesting a variance of the East Hampton Zoning Regulations, Section No. 6.1, reduction of east side yard setback from 25’ to 16’, to construct a sunroom based on the pre-existing home, the fact that the width of the lot, the topography and design of the lot substantiates the hardship.  Motion passed unanimously.

6.      New Business-
        Mr. Carey read into the record a letter of resignation received from Ms. Sharon Ives-Lawson effective June 9, 2008 due to Ms. Lawson relocating to Simsbury, CT.
        Mr. Carey thanks Ms. Lawson for her service, hard work, and dedication.

        Ms. Ives thanked the members of the commission and very grateful for having this opportunity and will be taking what she has learned along with her.

        Chairman Nichols thanked Ms. Lawson for her time on the board.

7.      Old Business-

8.      Adjournment:  
        Ms. Redfield moved, and Ms. Ives-Lawson seconded, to adjourn the regular schedule meeting.  Motion passed unanimously.  The meeting was adjourned at 7:09 P.M.

        Respectfully Submitted

        Kamey Peterson
        Recording Secretary