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06/21/2010 WPCA Minutes
Water Pollution Control Authority
Special Meeting Minutes
June 21, 2010

The special meeting of the Water Pollution Control Authority was held on Monday,   June 21, 2010 at the Wastewater Treatment Plant, 20 Gildersleeve Drive, East Hampton, CT.   The members in attendance included:

Dag Lindland                            Roger Abraham
           John Hanson                                       Elizabeth Mackie

Dave Kelsey and Mark Barmasse were not in attendance. Also in attendance were Vincent F. Susco, Jr., Public Utilities Administrator and Pam McCann who served as recording secretary.  

Call to Order
As longest standing member Dag Lindland, called the meeting to order at 5:43 P.M. and reminded the members that this was a Special Meeting and the only business listed on the call for the meeting may be transacted.

Action on project and recommendation of appropriation and financing
Mr. Susco presented an update on the State of Connecticut Department of Public Health Drinking Water Division (DPH), Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) loan program for federal fiscal year 2009-2010.    

Mr. Susco distributed key components of the June 16, 2010 letter from bond council, Day Pitney that outlined the proceedings necessary for the Town to move forward.  The first step required the Water and Sewer Authority (Authority) to approve the project description which is as follows:
  • $190,000.00 for piloting studies for water treatment plant construction and operation,
$225,000.00 for one year of program management and
  • $2,973,000.00 for engineering costs for the final design and construction documents for a wellfield, water treatment plant, low service water storage tank, administration/maintenance and booster station building and corresponding transmission mains.
The Authority must also request the appropriation and financing necessary to perform the work under Town Ordnance No. 4.02; and Connecticut General Statutes Ch. 102.   Mr. Susco pointed out the difference between the original project appropriation and the final project appropriation includes funding from the Capital Reserve Fund in the amount of $22,000 which is anticipated to be used to cover costs of issuance.

DPH is expected to finalize the Project Priority List (PPL) shortly and management continues to believe the #1 ranking of this project will not change.  Once the PPL is finalized a Financial Assistance Application (FAA) will be forwarded.  This FFA will include a timeline for completion.  Town authorization will be required for the award.

Water Pollution Control Authority                                                       Page 2
Special Meeting Minutes
June 21, 2010

Upon responding to questions from the members the following resolution moved by Mr. Hanson, seconded by Mr. Lindland was unanimously adopted:

RESOLVED, that the Water and Sewer Authority of the Town of East Hampton recommends that the Town of East Hampton appropriate $3,410,000, to be funded $22,000 from the Capital Reserve Fund and the $3,388,000 balance from the proceeds of bonds, notes or other obligations or the receipt of grants, for costs in connection with the project development through construction bid document preparation phases for a municipal water system to serve the central portion of East Hampton substantially as described in the Town’s Water Supply Plan dated August 30, 2006, other related work and the financing of the project.  The project is contemplated to include piloting studies for water treatment plant construction and operation, program management and engineering for the final design and construction documents for a wellfield, water treatment plant, low service water storage tank, administration/maintenance and booster station building and corresponding transmission mains.  The Town anticipates that eligible project costs will be funded by a combination of loans and grants under the State of Connecticut’s Drinking Water State Revolving Fund program.
This being a Special Meeting there was no further business that could be acted upon and Mr. Lindland called for adjournment.  Mr. Hanson motioned, seconded by Mr. Lindland, to adjourn the meeting. All voting in favor the meeting was adjourned at 5:50 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Pam McCann
Recording Secretary

Approved by unanimous vote of the Water Pollution Control Authority on August 3 2010.