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01/16/2009 Water Development Task Force Minutes
East Hampton Water Development Task Force
Minutes from Friday January 16, 2009  
7 a.m. at WPCA

Meeting called to order 7:06 a.m.

Present:  Vinnie Susco, Atty. Jean D’Aquila, Johnny Hanson, John Tuttle, Ted Hintz Jr.,  Jeff O’Keefe, Mark Barmasse, Melissa Engel and Peter Arrestaad.

Entered into Executive Session at 7:07 a.m. for the purpose of discussing potential land acquisition.  Motion made and seconded by Mr. Tuttle and Mr. Hintz respectively. Approved unanimously.

Out of executive session at 7:55 a.m.

A discussiuo took place about water for the excpansion of the Memroial School.  The fourth well at Royal Oaks is on Town property so there would be not cost associated with the well and is is suspected that there would be ample water.  Other options discussed were a new well on the property or a water storage tank.  Mr. Susco will draft a water plan.

Meeting adjourned at 8:05 a.m.  Motion made and seconded by Ms. Engel and Mr. Hanson respectively. Unanimously approved.

Respectfully submitted by

Melissa Engel