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02/15/2008 Water Development Task Force Minutes
Water Development Task Force
MINUTES of February 15, 2008
Town Garage Meeting Room

Meeting called to Order at 7:05 a.m.
In attendance were Melissa Engel, John Hanson, Peter Aarrestad, Bob Heidel, Mark Barmasse, Ted Hintz, Vinnie Susco, Bob Drewry. John Tuttle was absent.

The group reviewed the Consent Order that was approved 6-0 by Town Council at their previous meeting Tuesday, Feb 12, 2008.

Mr. Susco presented the group with a map outlining the Village Center Water System as it currently exists.  Discussion followed.

St. Clements update included a report from the members that attended a preliminary meeting with Peter Callan, and his attorney Ken Slater.  Representing East Hampton were Mr. Heidel, Mr. Tuttle, Mr. Susco, Mr. Drewry, Ms. Engel and Atty. D’Aquila.   The meeting focused on purchasing the two well sites inclusive of a 300-foot radius plus a tour of the property and their plans going forward for the remainder of the property.  Another meeting is scheduled for March 15th.

Discussion ensued regarding the two wells on the Center School property and the gallons per minute that could be obtained from each.  It totaled 51 gpm yield with a safe yield of 28 gpm which is enough to accommodate the 29 users plus approximately 4,900 gallons per day in reserve.

Mr. Susco provided an estimate of the cost of $61,000 for engineering and $550,000 for installation of the new treatment facility plus all other costs associated with fulfilling the Consent Order.

Ted Hintz left the meeting at 7:47 a.m.

Meeting adjourned at 8:01 a.m.