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08/13/2013 Town Council Regular Meeting
Town of East Hampton
Town Council Regular Meeting
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
East Hampton High School Library


Present:  Chairperson Susan Weintraub, Vice Chairman Glenn Suprono, Council Members Kyle Dostaler, Ted Hintz, Jr., Derek Johnson, Barbara Moore and George Pfaffenbach and Town Manager Michael Maniscalco.

Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance
Chairperson Weintraub called the regular meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. in the East Hampton High School Library.

Adoption of Agenda
A motion was made by Mr. Dostaler, seconded by Ms. Moore, to add Assessment Deferral for 130/138/140 East High Street under New Business.  Voted (7-0).

Approval of Minutes  
A motion was made by Mr. Pfaffenbach, seconded by Mr. Suprono, to approve the minutes of the Town Council Regular Meeting of July 23, 2013 as written.  Voted (5-0-2) Mr. Dostaler and Mr. Hintz abstained as they were not present at that meeting.

Public Remarks
Cindy Rooth, Chairperson of the Economic Development Commission, apologized for not having the assessment deferral information for the Council packet before last Friday.

Judie Bobbi, East Hampton Housing Authority, thanked the Town for assisting the Housing Authority in the preparations for the CDBG grant that was awarded to them in the amount of $800,000.

Introduction of New Public Works Director Philip Sissick
Mr. Sissick was unable to attend due to a prior commitment.

Bids & Contracts
Epoch Arts Roof Replacement
A motion was made by Ms. Moore, seconded by Mr. Dostaler, to award the contract for the Epoch Arts Roof Replacement to The Imperial Company in the amount of $215,800.  Voted (7-0).

Town Hall Copiers
A motion was made by Ms. Moore, seconded by Mr. Johnson, to authorize the Finance Director to procure goods and services from A&A Office Systems, Inc. of Middletown, CT in accordance with State of Connecticut contract #12PSX0026.  Voted (7-0).

IT Network Equipment
A motion was made by Mr. Hintz, seconded by Mr. Johnson, to authorize the Board of Education to purchase from CDWG, networking equipment from the PEPPM National Cooperative Contract.  Voted (7-0).

On-Call Storm Drainage
A motion was made by Mr. Dostaler, seconded by Ms. Moore, to award the contract for On-Call Storm Drainage Installation and Repair to H.E. Butler Construction Company in the amount of $165,950.  Voted (7-0).

On-Call Sidewalk Installation & Repair
A motion was made by Ms. Moore, seconded by Mr. Suprono, to award the contract for On-Call Concrete Sidewalk Installation and Repair to Garofalo & Saraceno, LLC in the amount of $166,700.  Voted (7-0).

Standby Power Service Modifications
A motion was made by Ms. Moore, seconded by Mr. Pfaffenbach, to award the contract for Electrical System Modifications to Provide Standby Power to Higgins Electric, Inc. in the amount of $94,550.  Voted (7-0).

Tax Deferral Ordinance
Cindy Rooth, Chairperson of the Economic Development Commission (EDC) and James Gooch, member of the EDC, answered questions from Council members regarding the Tax Deferral ordinance draft. EDC will re-work the ordinance and will forward it to the Town Manager. Mr. Maniscalco will send the draft ordinance to the Board of Finance, Brownfields Redevelopment Agency, Planning & Zoning, the Tax Assessor and the attorney.  

Mr. Gooch spoke in favor of the two assessment deferral applications before the Council on this agenda.

Pension Plan Authorized Representative
A motion was made by Mr. Hintz, seconded by Ms. Moore, to waive the second reading policy for this item.  Voted (7-0).

A motion was made by Mr. Dostaler, seconded by Mr. Suprono, to authorize the Town Manager, Michael Maniscalco, to act as a representative for the Town of East Hampton Retirement Income Pension Plan.  Voted (7-0).

A question was raised asking if the document can simply read “Town Manager” instead of a specific person being named.

Continued Business
13 Summit Street
The Council discussed the water request for 13 Summit Street including the recommendations from the WPCA and Chatham Health district, safe yields, other water sources and timeframes for the project.

A motion was made by Mr. Johnson, seconded by Ms. Moore, to authorize the Town Manager to enter into preliminary discussions with the developer, subject to Town Council approval, of a water agreement that is applicable to the project that addresses safeguards to the town, timelines for water approvals and permitting contingencies. Voted (7-0).

Agricultural Task Force Discussion and Date for Next Workshop
A workshop will be set for another public discussion of the agriculture task force.  A letter will be sent to all farm properties and information will be posted in the local newspaper.  The tentative date is Monday, September 9th at 7pm.

New Business
Mr. Hintz stepped out of the meeting.

Assessment Deferral Application – 265 West High Street
A motion was made by Ms. Moore, seconded by Mr. Pfaffenbach, to exempt this item from the second reading policy. Voted (5-1) Mr. Johnson against.

A motion was made by Ms. Moore, seconded by Mr. Pfaffenbach, to approve the assessment deferral application for 265 West High Street.  Voted (5-1). Mr. Johnson against.

Mr. Hintz rejoined the meeting.

Assessment Deferral Application – 130/138/140 East High Street
Steve Motto and Harry Freeman provided an overview of the project.

A motion was made by Mr. Hintz, seconded by Mr. Pfaffenbach, to exempt this item from the second reading policy.  Voted (2-5). Mr. Hintz and Mr. Pfaffenbach in favor; Ms. Weintraub, Mr. Dostaler, Mr. Johnson, Ms. Moore and Mr. Suprono against.

This item will be included on the next Council agenda.

Public Safety Facility Committee
Mr. Maniscalco provided an overview of the draft resolution to create a Public Safety Committee.

Town Manager Report
Police SOP Meeting Date
The Police Standard Operating Procedures meeting will be held on August 28th at 6pm.

3rd Party Consultant for Fire Department
Mr. Maniscalco will be meeting to receive an update on the progress of the project.

Update on Fire Department Awards Program Investigation
Mr. Rudewicz has begun his investigation.

Donation of Used Fire Equipment
The city of Moore, Oklahoma thanked the town but indicated they did not need the fire truck and suggested another location would be better served with the equipment.  The truck will be put on the State list to sell.

Appointment of Regional Agriculture Commission Member
Mr. Maniscalco appointed Rebecca McLean to the Regional  Agriculture Commission.

The Defined Contribution Workshop will be held on Monday, August 19, 2013 at 6pm in the Town Hall Meeting Room.

A Quality of Life Legislative Initiative Packet was reviewed.

Ms. Moore asked that a proclamation be prepared for Don Markham for the next meeting.

Liaison Reports
Mr. Hintz attended the Fire Commission meeting.  Brett Salafia was voted in as Chairman and Eric Germain was voted Secretary.  The meeting included discussions on the priority of getting rid of the engine and that the cost of the Fire Department consultant should not be funded through the Fire Department budget.

Board & Commission Liaison Reports

A motion was made by Ms. Moore, seconded by Mr. Dostaler, to appoint Ralph Nesci to the Water Pollution Control Authority.  Voted (7-0).

Commission on Aging
A motion was made by Ms. Moore, seconded by Mr. Pfaffenbach, to appoint Richard Sheehan to the Commission on Aging. (Voted 7-0).

A motion was made by Mr. Dostaler, seconded by Ms. Moore, to appoint Jodi Brazal to the Commission on Aging.  Voted (7-0).

Northern Middlesex County Cable TV Advisory Council
A motion was made by Mr. Dostaler, seconded by Mr. Pfaffenbach, to appoint Ken Measimer to the Northern Middlesex County Cable TV Advisory Council.  Voted (7-0).

Tax Refunds
A motion was made Mr. Suprono, seconded by Mr. Pfaffenbach, to approve tax refunds in the amount $5,776.81.  Voted (7-0).

Public Remarks

Communications, Correspondence & Announcements
Robert Ferris resigned from the Clean Energy Task Force.

A meeting is tentatively scheduled for a presentation on the master plan at the marina at St. Clements.

A letter was received from Dawna Royce regarding a recent Fire Commission meeting.

A letter was received from Christina MacNeal.

A thank you letter was received from the Belltown Leos regarding their recent car wash in the Town Hall parking lot.

The regular meeting ended at 9:35 p.m.

A motion was made by Mr. Dostaler, seconded by Mr. Johnson to enter Executive Session at 9:45 p.m.  Voted (7-0).

A motion was made by Mr. Hintz, seconded by Mr. Pfaffenbach, to invite Ted Rossi into Executive Session.  Voted (7-0).

Executive Session
  • Potential Acquisition of Property
Present in Executive Session:  Susan Weintraub, Glenn Suprono, Kyle Dostaler, Ted Hintz, Jr., Derek Johnson, Barbara Moore, George Pfaffenbach, Town Manager Michael Maniscalco and Ted Rossi

Executive Session ended at 10:10 p.m.

Possible Action on Executive Session Discussion
A motion was made by Mr. Dostaler, seconded by Ms. Moore, to direct the Town Manager to enter into negotiations and a lease agreement with the lessor consistent with the terms discussed and the parties involved based on Board of Finance funding recommendations and Town Council funding.  Voted (7-0).

A motion was made by Mr. Suprono, seconded by Mr. Pfaffenbach, to adjourn the meeting at 10:12 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Cathy Sirois
Recording Secretary