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05/22/2012 Town Council Regular Meeting
Town of East Hampton
Town Council Regular Meeting
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
East Hampton High School Library


Present:  Chairperson Susan Weintraub, Vice Chairman Glenn Suprono and Council Members Kyle Dostaler, Ted Hintz, Jr., Derek Johnson, Barbara Moore and George Pfaffenbach.  Also present were Acting Interim Town Manager Jeff Jylkka, Recording Secretary Cathy Sirois, members of the press and citizens.

Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance
Chairperson Weintraub called the regular meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. in the East Hampton High School Library.

Adoption of Agenda
A motion was made by Mr. Hintz, seconded by Mr. Pfaffenbach, to amend item 16 Executive Session to adjourn to the Town Hall meeting room to continue candidate negotiations, candidate interviews and travel reimbursements.  Voted (7-0).

A motion was made by Mr. Hintz, seconded by Mr. Pfaffenbach, to adopt the agenda as amended.  Voted (7-0).

Approval of Minutes  
A motion was made by Ms. Moore, seconded by Mr. Dostaler, to approve the minutes of the Town Council Regular Meeting of May 8, 2012 and the Special Meeting of May 15, 2012 as written.  Voted (4-0-3) Mr. Hintz abstained for the regular meeting and Ms. Weintraub and Mr. Suprono abstained for the special meeting.

Public Remarks
Ruth Tegge, Niles Street, commented that she likes the High School location for the Town Council meetings instead of the Town Hall.

Bids & Contracts

Water Pollution Control Authority
Mark Barmasse, Chairman of the Water Pollution Control Authority and Vincent Susco, Public Utilities Administrator, provided an overview of the wastewater and water systems for the Water Pollution Control Authority.  The presentation printout will be included with the minutes filed in the Town Clerk’s office.

Continued Business
Review and Vote on 2012-2013 Town Budget for 2nd Referendum
Jeff Jylkka provided an overview of the 2012-2013 Town Budget as recommended by the Board of Finance for the 2nd referendum.  

A motion was made by Ms. Moore, seconded by Mr. Johnson, to approve the Board of Finance 2012-2013 Recommended Budget.  Voted (7-0).   (Note: a revised motion is listed below regarding the approval of the budget.)

Acting Interim Town Manager/Sears Park Gazebo Grant Authorization
A motion was made by Mr. Hintz, seconded by Mr. Pfaffenbach, to adopt a resolution appointing Jeffery Jylkka as Acting Interim Town Manager as of May 3, 2012 and to authorize him to enter into agreements, contracts and to execute documents.  Voted (7-0).  The full resolution will be included with the minutes filed in the Town Clerk’s office.

New Business
Public Water System 2012-2013 Operating Budget
Vincent Susco, Public Utilities Administrator, provided an overview of the 2012-13 Public Water System Operating Budget & Water Rate Recommendation.  The Council discussed the differences between the $23,532 transfer from the Town budget for the Village Center Water System and the $47,500 line item in the proposed Town Budget.  No action was taken at this time on the 2012-2013 Water System Operating Budget & Water Rate Recommendation.

A motion was made by Mr. Suprono, seconded by Mr. Hintz, to amend the motion made to approve the budget to reduce the budget by $23,968 from the transfer from water fund line item.  Voted (7-0).

Discuss Status of Town Council Meeting Location at East Hampton High School
Mr. Hintz discussed moving the Town Council meetings back to Town Hall.  He noted that if there is a big agenda item scheduled, the meeting could be moved to the High School.  Ms. Moore noted the Town Hall Meeting Room allowed the meeting to be videotaped for viewing on Comcast.  Mr. Dostaler commented that the High School has easier access and is more convenient especially for the presentations that are now a part of the agenda.  It was determined that the meetings would remain at the High School at this time.

Town Manager Report
Council of Governments Consolidation Update
Mr. Jylkka will be attending a meeting on Wednesday, May 23, 2012 to obtain additional information on the consolidation of the Council of Governments.

Union Contract Status
The Public Works/Town Hall/Joint Facilities group will be meeting to set ground rules.  The dates have also been set for negotiations.

Town Communication System for Emergency Plan Update
A meeting will be held on Thursday, May 24th to discuss the information to be distributed to residents.

Update on RFQs for Consultants
Sample RFQ’s have been obtained for the attorney, engineering services and insurance consultants.

Liaison Reports
Mr. Dostaler attended the Board of Education meeting.  They discussed the Memorial School oil tank, the resignation of a special education teacher and the RFP for a consultant to hire the superintendent.
Proclamation for Yellow Ribbon Ceremony
The Council read a proclamation for Army Captain Jeffery Pugatch.  A welcome home ceremony will be held on Friday, May 25th at 6:30 p.m. at the yellow ribbon tree in the Village Center.

Ms. Weintraub appointed Dale Maynard as the moderator for the town meeting on May 29th and budget referendum on June 5th.

Mr. Dostaler noted there will be an Appointments Sub-Committee meeting on Thursday, May 24th to do interviews for the Arts and Cultural Commission and the Water Pollution Control Authority.

Tax Refunds
A motion was made by Mr. Suprono, seconded by Mr. Dostaler, to approve tax refunds in the amount of $2,166.51.  Voted (7-0).  

Public Remarks
Ann McLaughlin, 85 North Main Street, commented that she would bring the proclamation to the yellow ribbon ceremony and will have one of the Council members present at the ceremony present it to Captain Pugatch.

Mary Ann Dostaler, Board of Finance Member, commented that she appreciated the discussion of the budget line item on the water.

Communications, Correspondence & Announcements
The Strawberry Festival will be held on June 9th in the Village Center.  Ms. Weintraub noted that she is hopeful the newly refurbished Village Center sign will be available before then.

The Memorial Day Parade will be held on Monday, May 28th at 9am beginning at the High School.

A motion was made by Mr. Hintz, seconded by Ms. Moore, to adjourn the meeting to the Town Hall Meeting Room at 8:30 p.m. for Executive Session.  Voted (7-0).

Executive Session:  Discuss Town Manager Contract, Continued Candidate Negotiations, Candidate Interviews and Travel Reimbursements  
A motion was made by Mr. Hintz, seconded by Ms. Moore, to reconvene the meeting at the Town Hall at 8:30 p.m.  (Voted 7-0).

A motion was made by Mr. Hintz, seconded by Ms. Moore, to enter Executive Session at 8:31 p.m. (Voted 7-0).

Present in Executive Session were Chairperson Susan Weintraub, Vice Chairman Glenn Suprono, Council Members Kyle Dostaler, Ted Hintz, Jr., Derek Johnson, Barbara Moore and George Pfaffenbach, Acting Interim Town Manager Jeff Jylkka and Recruitment Consultant Lorraine Baltimore.

Executive Session ended at 11:01 p.m.

A motion was made by Mr. Dostaler, seconded by Mr. Hintz, to discontinue negotiations with Candidate A.  Voted (7-0).

The meeting adjourned at 11:03 p.m.  

Respectfully submitted,

Cathy Sirois
Recording Secretary