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02/28/2012 Town Council Regular Meeting
Town of East Hampton
Town Council Regular Meeting
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
East Hampton High School Library


Present:  Chairperson Susan Weintraub, Vice Chairman Glenn Suprono and Council Members Kyle Dostaler, Derek Johnson (arrived at 6:35 p.m.), Barbara Moore and George Pfaffenbach.  Also present were Interim Town Manager John Weichsel, Town Attorney Jean D’Aquila, Recording Secretary Cathy Sirois, members of the press and citizens.

Not Present:  Ted Hintz, Jr.

Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance
Chairperson Weintraub called the regular meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. in the East Hampton High School Library.

Adoption of Agenda
A motion was made by Mr. Suprono, seconded by Ms. Moore, to adopt the agenda as amended.  Voted (5-0).

An item was added to Resolutions for the adoption of a resolution for the Historic Document Preservation Grant.

Approval of Minutes  
A motion was made by Mr. Dostaler, seconded by Mr. Suprono, to approve the minutes of the Town Council Regular Meeting of February 14, 2012 as written.  Voted (3-0-2) Ms. Moore and Ms. Weintraub abstained.

Mr. Johnson arrived at the meeting.

Public Remarks
Mary Ann Dostaler, 56 William Drive, commented as a member of the Brownfields Redevelopment Agency noting that there will be upcoming information published on the 103 Main Street parking lot remediation.

Angela Sarahina, 37 Old Middletown Avenue, commented on the 68 Spellman Point review and the attorney that reviewed the work.

Economic Development Commission
Economic Development Commission Chairman Richard Leone provided an overview of the projects that have been worked on including the STEAP grants that have been received for the gazebo at Sears Park and the extension of the Airline Trail.  They are currently working on a blight ordinance and will have a monthly “EDC Corner” in the Rivereast News.  Also coming up on March 15th will be an EDC Business Breakfast at the East Hampton Public Library.

Parks & Recreation
Director of Parks & Recreation, Ruth Plummer, provided an overview of the Sears Park Master Plan, the new performing arts gazebo at Sears Park to honor Governor O’Neill and a slideshow of the summer camp at the park.

Barton Hill Grinder Pump Update
Public Utilities Administrator Vincent Susco, provided an overview of a timeline from 2002 to present of the Barton Hill project and grinder pump issues.  He also provided a copy of the East Hampton WPCA Specifications and Inspection Requirements for Connections to Public Sewers.  Mr. Susco reviewed the way the grinder pumps operate and explained why a pump station was not installed on Barton Hill.  Craig Wagner from CDM Smith and Mark Barmasse, Chairman of the Water Pollution Control Authority were also present for questions.  

Attorney Melissa Harris from the Law Offices of Michael Dowley presented two letters to the Council indicating that they are assisting the homeowners of the five lots on Barton Hill with their sewer issues and that an independent engineer will review the system.

Continued Business
Board of Assessment Appeals Alternates
A motion was made by Mr. Suprono, seconded by Mr. Johnson, to accept the resolution for Board of Assessment Appeals alternates as amended.  Voted (4-2) Ms. Moore and Mr. Pfaffenbach against.

New Town Manager Recruitment
Ms. Weintraub spoke to the recruitment consultant and noted that 11 candidates have sent in resumes for the Town Manager position.

High School Renovations Building Committee Appointment Process
An executive session will follow the regular meeting tonight to discuss the appointment process for the High School Renovation Building Committee.

Volunteer Recognition for April
Ideas were discussed for volunteer recognition in April.

New Business
Discussion of Sunshine Week:  Open Government Proclamation
Mr. Dostaler provided an overview of Sunshine Week.  In the spirit of Sunshine Week, a link to the Freedom of Information website will be posted on the town website.  The Freedom of Information site includes a section of Highlights which provides a brief overview of the FOI Act.

A motion was made by Mr. Dostaler, seconded by Mr. Pfaffenbach, to adopt the proclamation for the Sunshine Week.  Voted (6-0).

Interim Town Manager Report
Veteran Property Tax Exemption Options
Mr. Weichsel provided a letter from Attorney D’Aquila in response to a question from a resident regarding whether certain veteran’s exemptions apply to active duty servicemen as well.  The letter will be included with the minutes filed in the Town Clerk’s Office.

Spellman Point Update
Mr. Weichsel reported that there is no physical thing that needs to be done regarding Spellman Point.  Ms. Weintraub indicated Town Council has no jurisdiction over Planning & Zoning and the Inland Wetland Watercourses commission members but can ask the Town Manager to direct staff to provide leadership to correct the issues.  The following issues were noted:  applications were not properly filled out, the soil disturbance was over what was approved, owner was made site monitor and there was a failure to properly notice.  Mr. Weichsel will turn the reports over to Inland Wetlands and Planning & Zoning to review the recommendations.
North Main Street Culvert Replacement
Mr. Weichsel reported that there are no safety issues on North Main Street where the culvert needs to be replaced.

Loos Pond Water Supply Status
Public Works Director Keith Hayden will be meeting with the Fire Department regarding Loos Pond.

Town Communication System for Emergency Plan
A meeting will be set up to discuss the Everbridge system.

Plan of Conservation & Development Implementation Plan Update
The updated implementation plan should be available for the next Council meeting.

Lake Pocotopaug Drawdown Policy/Seasonal Boating Enforcement
Mr. Weichsel will prepare a fact sheet regarding the lake drawdown.  Chief Reimondo has provided information on the seasonal boating enforcement which will be included with the minutes filed in the Town Clerk’s office.

Middle Haddam Historic District Commission Discussion
Attorney D’Aquila reviewed a letter she prepared regarding the definition of “public street, way and place”.  She indicated that she completed the first step of statutory interpretation.  To continue to the next step of a legislative history would be very time consuming. She indicated that ultimately the Middle Haddam Historic District Commission has jurisdiction over its statutes.  By consensus it was agreed to not have Attorney D’Aquila move on to the next step of interpretation.

Ms. Moore asked about the remaining lake watershed signs that have not been installed.  Several signs have already been installed.

Mr. Johnson commented on the prior item for Spellman Point noting that the Town Manager should request that the land use administrator and the wetlands officer be asked to review the report and respond to the Town Manager.

Liaison Reports
Mr. Dostaler attended the Board of Education meeting where they approved their budget that includes a 3.97% increase.

Signing of High School Building Committee Resolution Approved at Last Town Council Meeting
The Council discussed minor wording changes in the following sections: vacancies, ex officio members and town staff.  The Council will sign the document when the changes are complete.

Emergency Management Performance Grant Resolution
A motion was made by Ms. Moore, seconded by Mr. Pfaffenbach, to adopt the resolution for the Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security grant.  Voted (6-0).

Historic Document Preservation Grant
A motion was made by Mr. Dostaler, seconded by Mr. Pfaffenbach, to adopt the resolution for the Historic Document Preservation grant.  Voted (6-0).

Bids & Contracts   


Tax Refunds
A motion was made by Mr. Suprono, seconded by Mr. Johnson, to approve tax refunds in the amount of $850.73.  Voted (6-0).  

Public Remarks
Frank Morgano, 20 North Ridge, commented on veteran’s exemptions for active duty servicemen.

Mary Ann Dostaler, 56 William Drive, commented that the Citizens Guide to the Budget is now available in the town offices and on the town website.

Irene Curtis, Wangonk Trail, commented that there has been no run off at 68 Spellman Point but there has been little rain.

Pat Gauthier, Old Marlborough Road, appreciates the use of microphones at meetings.

Communications, Correspondence & Announcements

The regular meeting ended at 9:30 p.m.

Executive Session:  Review and Discuss Candidate Resumes for High School Building Committee
A motion was made by Ms. Moore, seconded by Mr. Pfaffenbach, to enter Executive Session at 9:39 p.m.

Executive Session ended at 9:56 p.m.

The meeting adjourned at 9:56 p.m.  

Respectfully submitted,

Cathy Sirois
Recording Secretary