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01/24/2012 Town Council Regular Meeting
Town of East Hampton
Town Council Regular Meeting
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
East Hampton High School Library

Present:  Chairperson Susan Weintraub, and Council Members Kyle Dostaler, Ted Hintz, Jr., Derek Johnson (arrived at 6:40 p.m.), Barbara Moore and George Pfaffenbach.  Also present were Interim Town Manager John Weichsel, Town Attorney Jean D’Aquila, Recording Secretary Cathy Sirois, members of the press and citizens.

Not Present:  Vice Chairman Glenn Suprono

Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance
Chairperson Weintraub called the regular meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. in the East Hampton High School Library.

Adoption of Agenda
A motion was made by Mr. Dostaler, seconded by Mr. Pfaffenbach, to adopt the agenda as presented.  Voted (5-0).

Approval of Minutes  
A motion was made by Mr. Hintz, seconded by Mr. Pfaffenbach, to approve the minutes of the Town Council Regular Meeting of January 10, 2012 as amended.  Voted (5-0).

Public Remarks
Ed Sawyers, 77 Barton Hill Road, asked for a status update on the grinder pump issue on Barton Hill.  Mr. Weichsel noted that Camp, Dresser and McKee have been retained to investigate the issue further.  

Maureen Hawkins, Colchester Avenue, recommended that Ann McLaughlin be reappointed to the Commission on Aging.

Frank Morgano, 20 North Ridge, commented on tax exemptions for veterans and will await the agenda item to be discussed.

Councilman Johnson arrived during Public Remarks.

Presentation:   None

Old Business
New Town Manager Public Forum Summary
Ms. Weintraub provided an overview of the Public Forum that was held on January 19, 2012 for the Town Manager search.  Feedback from the forum will be provided on the town website as well as included in the recruitment brochure.

New Town Manager Recruitment Materials to Review, Checklist and Timeline
Ms. Weintraub provided draft copies of a town manager brochure, job description, job advertisement and timeline to aid in the recruitment of a new Town Manager.  Council members will review the information and provide feedback to the Town Manager’s office by January 30th.

The Council members will be speaking individually to the recruitment consultant to discuss their ideas for the Town Manager profile.  These calls should be completed by February 1st.  Additional materials related to the town have also been sent to the consultant.

Budget Policy Statement – Tri-Board Meeting
A Tri-Board meeting has been tentatively set for Tuesday, February 7th at the High School Library at 7:00 p.m.

High School Renovation Building Committee Resolution Draft and Request for Members
A draft resolution was prepared by Mr. Dostaler for the High School Building Committee.  Council members should bring suggested changes to the next Council meeting.  A press release will be distributed the week of January 30th asking for residents who are interested in being a part of the committee.  Letters of interest and resumes will be collected in the Town Manager’s office.

Marie Durkin Recognition – For Discussion
At a prior meeting it was requested that a proclamation be prepared for Marie Durkin, former Tax Collector, who has passed away.  A bench and plaque were placed in the Peace Garden at Sears Park.  The Council discussed a plaque at Town Hall and a reception acknowledging years of service for Marie Durkin and Pauline Markham.  By consensus, the Council agreed to pursue this item.

New Business
Town Priorities/POCD Implementation Plan
The Council reviewed the priorities on the Plan of Conservation & Development Implementation listing. Mr. Weichsel will update the listing with projects that have already been completed and determine which items can be followed up on by town staff.

IBPO Police Union Contract
Mr. Weichsel reported that the union has agreed to a one year rollover of the current contract with no changes.

New Town Council Policies and Procedures
Ms. Weintraub presented two draft policies – Involvement in Personnel Issues and Requests to Consult with a Contracted Town Attorney.  Council members will review the drafts and provide suggested changes to the Town Manager’s Office by January 30th.

Schedule and Format for Board/Commission Presentations
The Council reviewed the draft schedule for Department, Board and Commission presentations to Town Council.  By consensus, the Council agreed to the proposed dates.

Interim Town Manager Report
Veteran Property Tax $10,000 Exemption
Mr. Weichsel provided an overview of the $10,000 tax exemption for qualified veterans that has been in place since 2006.  Mr. Weichsel will have the Assessor do research into other town options for property tax exemptions for veterans.

68 Spellman Point, Lake Pocotopaug Watershed
Mr. Weichsel reported that John Pagini has begun reviewing the 68 Spellman Point issue.  

A motion was made by Ms. Moore, seconded by Mr. Hintz, to stop the contract with Mr. Pagini until the commissions can provide a report on the Spellman Point issue.  Voted (3-3) Ms. Moore, Mr. Hintz and Mr. Pfaffenbach in favor; Ms. Weintraub, Mr. Dostaler and Mr. Johnson against.

Following the motion, the Council discussed the need for the third party investigation.
Police Department Update/Statement
Mr. Weichsel reported that in his response to the Chief’s answers to Ms. McKinney’s issues, his response of “unfounded” in items 1, 3 and 7 was inappropriate.  The “unfounded” response will be deleted from those items.  He reported that many items on the listing have already been taken care of and the Chief is working on the remaining issues.  Mr. Weichsel also reported that that in his response to Mr. Goff’s letter, the complaints about the police department were not financial issues.

Protocol and Chain of Command for Storm Emergency Plan/Town Communication System
Mr. Weichsel will be working with Mr. Klotzbier to pull all of the information together from the storm emergency planning meeting.  Information from Farmington was reviewed regarding the Everbridge system.  East Hampton is also working with Everbridge to implement the alert system for the town.

Senior Center Completed Renovation Update
Mr. Weichsel reported that approval was received last week from the Chatham Health District to use the kitchen facilities at the Senior Center.  The seniors have moved back into the Center.  Punch list items still need to be completed.  Some unfinished work on the exterior is scheduled for completion in the spring.

Signage Regarding School Teams Winning State Championships on Town Property
The Rotary Club will be remodeling the sign board between McDonald’s and Stop and Shop.  There will be a space to honor a championship team.  If there are multiple championship teams, the signs will most likely be rotated.  Following the remodel the Rotary will handle the sign board instead of the Park & Recreation department.

Village Center Parking Lot Adjacent to 82 Main Street
Attorney D’Aquila reviewed the lease of the parking lot adjacent to 82 Main Street.  The lease was extended in 2010 for an additional 20 years.  Lease restrictions for parking were reviewed.  If there are abandoned vehicles, that would be a police department issue.  The Council also discussed the possibility of a blight ordinance, which the Economic Development Commission has already begun researching.

Loos Pond Water Supply Status
Mr. Weichsel will discuss this item with Mr. Simko, Chairman of the Fire Commission.

Liaison Reports   None
Resolution:  OPM Regional Performance Incentive Program
Ms. Moore read the resolution for the OPM Regional Performance Incentive Program.  A copy of the resolution will be included with the minutes filed in the Town Clerk’s office.

A motion was made by Ms. Moore, seconded by Mr. Johnson, to approve the resolution as read.  Voted (6-0).

Interviews for appointments and reappointments will be scheduled in early February.

Tax Refunds
A motion was made by Mr. Hintz, seconded by Mr. Pfaffenbach, to approve tax refunds in the amount of $1,694.42.  Voted (6-0).  

Public Remarks
Ted Barber, 50 Mott Hill Road, inquired about the drainage issue on North Main Street. He also commented on finding East Hampton street signs at a flea market in Massachusetts.

Susan Fielding, 11 Lake Drive, commented on the Spellman Point issue and noted that it is good to have assistance from a neutral party.

Frank Morgano, 20 North Ridge, commented on the veteran’s tax exemption, asking if the Town Council will consider increasing the tax exemption without income qualifications.  This will be researched prior to the next meeting.

Pat Gauthier, Old Marlborough Road, commented on a blight ordinance and suggested a committee be formed to research the ordinance.

Anne McKinney, 44 Long Hill Road, thanked Mr. Weichsel for acknowledging and correcting the errors in the response to the Chief’s report.  She also commented on access to the Town Attorney and the 68 Spellman Point issue.

Gem Marshall, 6 Fairlawn Avenue, commented on the High School renovation and the need for renovation for accreditation.

Ann McLaughlin, 85 North Main Street, commented that the Commission on Aging is working on the Everbridge system.

Rita Gibbons, 6 Cedar Ridge Road, commented on the 68 Spellman Point issue and why there was a need to hire an independent person to investigate when no independent company was hired to investigate the police department. Chairperson Weintraub referred this to Mr. Weichsel who responded that Attorney Daigle was hired to work with the Chief on policies and procedures.

Melissa Engel, 7 Markham Road, asked if residents would be notified when Attorney Daigle has completed his report on the police department. She also commented on access to the town attorneys and legal fees in past years.

Mary Flannery, 10 West High Street, commented on the 68 Spellman Point issue.

Mary Ann Dostaler, 56 William Drive, asked for an update on the Comstock Bridge renovations.

Dennis Wall, Beechcrest Drive, noted there was a large article in the Rivereast on the Comstock Bridge in recent weeks.

Bill Marshall, 6 Fairlawn Avenue, commented on the need for High School renovations.

Irene Curtis, Wangonk Trail, commented as a private citizen, not as a member of the Conservation-Lake Commission, regarding the independent investigation of 68 Spellman Point.

Bill Marshall, 6 Fairlawn Avenue, commented on the building committee for the High School renovations and their job would be to come up with costs for the renovation.

Melissa Engel, 7 Markham Road, commented that there are costs for High School renovations included in the original facilities plan.

Communications, Correspondence & Announcements
Ms. Weintraub received an email from Roy Duncan regarding the water level of the lake.

A CCM workshop is available on parliamentary procedure on March 14 in Bethel, CT.  It will be offered again in May.  The information will be sent to the Chairman or a designee from the town boards and commissions.

A motion was made by Mr. Pfaffenbach, seconded by Mr. Hintz, to adjourn the meeting at 8:55 p.m.  

Respectfully submitted,

Cathy Sirois
Recording Secretary