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09/13/2011 Town Council Regular Meeting
Town of East Hampton
Town Council Regular Meeting
Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Call to order:  The Town Council Regular Meeting was called to order by Chairperson Melissa Engel at 6:37 p.m. in the Town Hall Meeting Room.  Members present were:   Chairperson Engel, Vice Chairman John Tuttle, Christopher Goff, Barbara Moore, Chatham Carillo, Susan Weintraub and Thomas Cordeiro.  
Also present were Interim Town Manager John Weichsel, Finance Director Jeffery Jylkka, Director of Public Works Keith Hayden, members of various Boards and Commissions, members of the public and members of the Press.  
Approval of the minutes:  
  • Town Council Regular Meeting on 8/9/2011:  A motion was made by Christopher Goff, seconded by Barbara Moore, to approve the minutes of the August 9, 2011 regular meeting as written.  All members in favor.  So voted.  (7-0).  
  • Town Council Emergency Meeting on 8/30/2011:  A motion was made by Christopher Goff, seconded by Barbara Moore, to approve the minutes of the August 30, 2011 Emergency Meeting as written.  So voted.  (5-0-2). Thomas Cordeiro and John Tuttle abstained.  
At this time Christopher Goff made a motion, which was seconded by Thomas Cordeiro, to add 5B under Old Business for the discussion and/or possible action on the purchase of property on Young Street for the purpose of expanding the Town’s cemetery.  All members in favor.  So voted.  (7-0).  
A motion was made by Barbara Moore, which was seconded by Thomas Cordeiro, to add 4D under New Business for the purpose of setting a meeting date for the discussion of Storm Irene and an action plan for future emergency situations.  All members in favor.  So voted (7-0).  
Public Remarks:  
  • Monica Kangley thanked Town employees for their efforts during and after Storm Irene; especially the Senior Center staff, High School Maintenance and Public Works Department.  One concern she had was the lack of communication during the storm.  She stated that the Library has generator hook-up; however, it does not have a generator.  Ms. Kangley strongly suggested purchasing a generator in order for the facility to remain open during emergency situations.       
  • Dennis Wall reported that both stop signs at the exit at the High School have been missing and suggested that they be replaced due to the high traffic in that area.  
  • Chris Thomas stated that he supplied the ice at the High School during the storm.  He works for an insurance company and would be willing to distribute leaflets and get emergency information out to residents in the future.  
  • Sharon Kjellquist stated that she would be happy to assist with emergency preparedness.  She was disappointed in communications efforts and strongly recommended improvements.  She voiced her concern over tree maintenance and she thanked the Senior Center staff for an outstanding job.  
  • John Polino thanked everyone for their efforts during the storm as well; however, he agreed that there was a communication problem.  He stated that information should have been distributed by newspaper & radio.  Mail continued as did newspaper delivery.  He also questioned the CT Alert System.  Mr. Cordeiro reported that emergency information was posted on news stations, as well as facebook.   
New Business:
4A-Follow-up on Storm Irene-Public Works:  Director of Public Works, Keith Hayden, was present to update the Council and citizens on the conditions of the Town and the relationship with CL&P before, during and after Storm Irene.  Mr. Hayden reported that most department heads met prior to the storm at Fire Company #1, as well as periodically during the storm.  He explained that Civil Preparedness Director Rich Klotzbier relayed information to CL&P constantly.  The EOC was manned during daytime hours and then manned by the Police Department after hours.  Mr. Hayden stated that there were serious communication problems with CL&P.  He explained that he went through four (4) different liaisons until he was able to finally get a liaison to address the critical issues that East Hampton was still facing on the Friday after the storm.  He went on to inform Council and the public that there was some confusion regarding clean- up.  He explained that before Public Works could address downed trees, CL&P had to send out line crews to certify that the lines were grounded.  Coordination was difficult with CL&P.   There was some discussion as to who should maintain trees in Town.  Mr. Weichsel stated that in Southington, CL&P had a tree trimming maintenance program.  In the past, CL&P did have a maintenance program in East Hampton; however, Mr. Hayden said that is not the case anymore.  There were questions regarding why the Public Works Department was chip sealing while there were still roads in town that were impassible.    Mr. Hayden explained that being that his crew had caught up with CL&P regarding tree service, he had to keep his department going and chip sealing was already scheduled.  It would have been very expensive to cancel it at that point and being that the process is temperature dependent, it had to be done during this time of the year.   
4B-Discussion of Health District Board Member Appointment:  Mr. Weichsel has the authority to make this appointment.  He will report back to the Council when the appointment is made.  
4C- Discussion on Fire Department Radio Equipment Request:  Chairman of the Board of Fire Commission Dave Simko explained that in 2008 the Fire Department put together information requesting $55,000 from FEMA for a grant in order to set up the Fire Department with current radio equipment.  They did not get it.  They applied again and did not receive it.  Mr. Simko commented that in 2012 the equipment that they currently utilize will be obsolete.  In order to update it now, the cost is $121,000.  Finance Director Jeff Jylkka explained that it is called “Narrow Band”.  He stated that in order to avoid reception issues, the Town need to look into this globally and not isolate this to only the Fire Department. Other departments, such as the Police and perhaps Public Works need to be included.  He added that there are some funds currently in the 2010-2011 budget.  This will need to go out for bids.  John Weichsel will arrange a meeting of the affected departments in order to research this request.  
4D-Storm Irene Review and Discussion:  It was the consensus of the Council to instruct Cathy Sirois to coordinate a meeting for the discussion of Storm Irene.  This meeting will include CL&P, Keith Hayden, Matt Reimondo, Richard Klotzbier, the Fire Department, Town Council members, Kevin Reich, Jo Ann Ewing, the Facilities Manager, Ambulance Association, Animal Control, and the media.  Ms. Weintraub also wanted an update on the CT Alert System and how it worked during this emergency.  Chairperson Engel stated that the Town of Colchester received updates from their First Selectman on a regular basis which she thought was a great idea.  They made copies of their emergency plans and distributed them to businesses that were open to update citizens on where to go for water, food, shelter, etc.  Mr. Weichsel will place an ad in the local newspaper advertising this meeting.  It will be open to the public.  

Old Business
5A-Discussion of No Smoking Areas at Sears Park:  Mr. Weichsel stated that Parks & Recreation Director Ruth Plummer was not present at this meeting; however, she did submit an agenda item explaining that an inquiry email was sent out to the Connecticut Recreation and Parks Association members which revealed that the one or two towns that did have verbiage in their ordinances banned it from the beach and/or playgrounds or limited smoking to parking lots in parks.  It went on to say that a google search came up with articles that would indicate passing such a law is quite a heated and controversial topic.   
Mr. Goff stated that the Council is merely seeking designated areas; not a no smoking ban.  Mr. Weichsel will bring this to Ms. Plummer and address it at the next Council Meeting.  
5B-Young Street Expansion (Cemetery): Attorney Jean D’Aquila recommended a land purchase on Young Street in order to expand the Town’s cemetery space.  The cost is $8,750 and it would double the Town’s space.  Currently, the Town is in single digits for open space for burials.  A motion was made by Christopher Goff, seconded by Thomas Cordeiro, to approve the purchase as recommended by Attorney D’Aquila.  All members in favor.  So voted.  (7-0).  
6-Report of Interim Town Manager:  None at this time.  Mr. Weichsel will make comments as necessary.  
  • Adoption of Breastfeeding Policy:  Chairperson Engel read the proposed policy as prepared by Attorney D’Aquila.  A motion was made by Mr. Tuttle, seconded by Mr. Cordeiro, to approve the policy as read.  With this adoption, the Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities (CHRO) suit that was filed against the Town will be resolved.      
8-Bids and Contracts
  • Contract Renewal for 911 Dispatch Services:  
The contract for services provided by Colchester Emergency Communications, Inc., was presented and briefly discussed.  The term of the agreement is from July 2011 through 2016.  Mr. Jylkka stated that there is currently $119,000 in the budget for this expenditure.  A motion was made by Mr. Tuttle and seconded by Susan Weintraub, to approve this contract.  All members in favor.  So voted (7-0).  
  • Approval of Pension Investment Advisor:  
Jeff Jylkka recently solicited firms to submit proposals to manage the Town pension assets.  He explained that currently the Town’s pension assets are administered by Prudential Retirement.  The market value of the plan, effective 1/31/2011, was approximately $20.7 million. Approximately 30 RFQ’s were distributed and it was posted on the DAS website as well.  An interview panel was formed and the Finance Director attended as an observer.  Seven (7) proposals were received and four (4) firms were interviewed.  (Prudential did not submit a proposal).  The interview panel unanimously recommended Fiduciary Investment Advisors (FIA).  A motion was made by Thomas Cordeiro, seconded by Barbara Moore, to approve FIA as recommended by the panel and Jeff Jylkka.  So voted (7-0).     
  • Approval of backhoe/GSA Bid Price:  
Mr. Hayden stated that the W.I. Clark Company supplied a price using the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) price schedule.  Purchasing this piece of equipment under the GSA program results in an approximate $10,000 in savings.  After a brief discussion on the detailed breakdown of accessories and such, a motion was made by Barbara Moore, seconded by Chatham Carillo, to approve the purchase of the John Deere 710J backhoe as recommended by Keith Hayden.  The total cost is $150,992.86.  Mr. Hayden added that sufficient funds exist in the vehicle sinking fund to cover this purchase.  All members in favor.  So voted (7-0).  
Christopher Goff reported that the Appointments Committee is recommending the following members to the WPCA:  
  • Kevin Dix – through 6/30/2012;
  • Daniel Valentine-through 6/30/2015; and
  • Kelly Jay McLaughlin-through 6/30/2016.  
A motion was made by Barbara Moore, seconded by Thomas Cordeiro, to approve the appointments of the aforementioned candidates.  All members in favor.  So voted (7-0).  Letters will be sent to the new members.
10-Financial Statements and Transactions:  None at this meeting.  
11.  Tax Refunds:  A motion was made by Thomas Cordeiro, seconded by Barbara Moore, to approve the tax refunds as presented to the Council by the Tax Collector.  So voted (6-0-1).  John Tuttle abstained.  He is due a refund.  
12-Communications, Correspondence and Announcements:  
  • Chairperson Engel requested that Facilities Manager Frank Grzyb attend the next meeting to report on the roof at Company #2, as well as the generator at that location.  
  • Thomas Cordeiro reported that James Scoggins has resigned from the Ethics Commission.  A motion was made by Thomas Cordeiro, seconded by John Tuttle, to accept his resignation.  A thank you note will be sent to Mr. Scoggins.  
13-Coming up:  Nothing to report at this time.  
14.  Public Remarks (pertaining to agenda items only)
  • Ben Hall questioned why Public Works would purchase a backhoe instead of an excavator and asked if bids were obtained.  Mr. Hayden stated that his department has more use for a backhoe.  It is used all the time.  The piece of equipment will be purchased off of the GSA contract; therefore, 3 bids are not necessary.  Mr. Hall also questioned why Public Works was chip sealing Mott Hill Road extension, when in fact it needs drainage corrections and to be repaved.   Mr. Hayden responded by explaining that the chip sealing process has been improved.  It is a triple chip process which uses larger stone, heavy asphalt and provides a flexible course that will not crack.  Future paving will adhere to it and it is an inexpensive alternative to paving.
  • Mary Flannery questioned the progress of the girls softball dug-outs noting that the project has not yet begun when in fact the funds were secured two (2) years ago.  Mr. Weichsel will have Mr. Grzyb attend the next meeting to update all.  
  • Dave Simko commented that at the Fire Commissioners Meeting last evening, it was reported that the Town of Clinton or Westbrook hired loggers to clear their roads during the first couple days of the storm.  
  • Kim Fontaine commented that she was appalled to hear that people were stranded in their homes during the storm.  Leadership failed and people were owed a public apology.  
  • Fire Chief Paul Owen reported that the roads were the Fire Departments number one priority.  He stated that he was told by CL&P to not attempt to move trees with wires.  He stated that CL&P received his faxes and were aware of the problem roads the entire time.  The Department was prepared to do whatever they had to in order to respond to all calls.  
  • MaryAnn Dostaler commented that the Town did pull together.  This was nothing unique to our Town.  She stated that blame should not be place, but improvement procedures be put in place.   
  • Mr. Barber commented that if the trees belong to the Town, funds should be budgeted for maintenance.
Chairperson Engel stated that the Town had notice that Storm Irene was on its way.  She added that the Town was not caught off-guard and hopefully with the meeting that will be scheduled, a solution for communications, leadership and coordination will be implemented and utilized during the next emergency situation.  
15-Reserved:  None.  
16-Adjournment:  There being no further business to discuss, a motion was made by John Tuttle, seconded by Christopher Goff, to adjourn at 8:00 p.m.  All members in favor.  So voted.  (7-0).  
Respectfully submitted,  

Lisa Seymour
Recording Secretary