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10/26/2010 Town Council Regular Meeting
Town of East Hampton
Town Council Regular Meeting
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
East Hampton Middle School Library


Present: Chairperson Melissa Engel, Vice Chairman John Tuttle and Council Members Thomas Cordeiro, Christopher Goff and Susan Weintraub. Also present were Interim Town Manager Robert Drewry, Recording Secretary Jennifer Magro, members of the press and citizens.

Not Present: Council Members Barbara Moore and William Devine

Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
Chairperson Engel called the regular meeting to order at 6:27 p.m. in the East Hampton Middle School Library.

Approval of Minutes
A motion was made by Mr. Goff, seconded by Mr. Cordeiro, to approve the minutes of the October 12, 2010 Regular Meeting. Voted (5-0).

A motion was made by Mr. Tuttle, seconded by Mr. Cordeiro, to approve the minutes of the October 15, 2010 Special Meeting as amended. Voted (5-0).

A motion was made by Mr. Goff, seconded by Mr. Tuttle, to approve the minutes of the October 19, 2010 Special Meetings. Voted (5-0).

Public Remarks
Bill Marshall, 6 Fairlawn Avenue, presented a letter to the Town Council regarding Overtime Costs of the New Lieutenant Position in East Hampton.  Mr. Marshall reminded the Council that the Lieutenant cannot refuse overtime and no overtime would subject the town to legal fees.

Debra Day, 49 Champion Hill Road, presented a letter as the Membership Chairman of the Chatham Historical Society to the Town Council regarding the lease and/or sale of the Goff House to the Town of East Hampton and that it would be an inappropriate location for Town Hall offices.

George McFatter, 27 Country Lane, commented on the investigation of former Town Manager Jeffery O’Keefe’s severance package and questioned when it would be turned over to the State’s Attorney.

Angela Sarahina, 37 Old Middletown Avenue, commented that the Town Council has not answered any of the public’s questions and that it is their job to provide answers.  Ms. Sarahina also commented about a letter written by Vice Chairman Tuttle regarding the potential state deficit.

Carol Lane, 136 Lake Drive, Apt. 6, commented that it would be successful to rent the Goff House for various use, however the responsibilities of the town may unfairly be passed on to others.

Mary Ann Dostaler, 56 William Drive, commented on her curiousness of the PAC formed by Chairwoman Engle and Councilman Cordeiro.

Stephen Lockwood, Beechcrest Drive, posed a question to Mr. Drewry regarding the hearing for Matthew Reimondo and why he has not addressed the town after reading the transcripts.

Laurie Wasilewski, Hog Hill Road, asked about the status of the Executive Session regarding the work environment complaint and posed concerns regarding Attorney Sommaruga’s language and comments regarding the draft Employee Handbook.  Ms. Wasilewski also commented regarding the handbook section discussing bereavement time off and that it should not be used as consecutive days.

Scott Minnick, South Main Street, commented regarding a vacant board position which Derek Johnson applied for and the reasons as to why he was kept from being a candidate for several boards and/or committees.  After requesting emails through FOIA, Mr. Minick feels that the town council is keeping information from the public.

Ted Barber, 50 Mott Hill Road, commented regarding the town’s shut off of watercraft on the lake to non-residents.  Mr. Barber stated that the Park & Rec department gave passes to local campgrounds to let anyone use the lake and relinquished approx. $9,000 in yearly revenue.  

Tim Smith, Haddam Neck Road, commented regarding his concerns about the ordinance vote on November 2, 2010 and the locations of each voting venue.  Mr. Smith is concerned that there will not be enough signage or too many voters with only one moderator and would like to avoid long lines so that voters will not be discouraged to vote.

Chairwoman Engel addressed the questions by stating that it is her understanding that the investigation of Mr. O’Keefe’s severance package started at the state level and was pushed back to the local level.  Ms. Engel advised that the State’s Attorney is still reviewing the sexual harassment complaints, but has not yet provided an answer.  November 16, 2010 is the next date the attorneys are available to meet regarding Sgt. Garritt Kelly’s complaint.  Ms. Engel did not have an answer for Mr. Barber’s question regarding the lake passes but will look into it and contact Ruth Plummer, Director of Parks and Rec.  Ms. Engel asked Mr. Drewry to address the issue regarding the voting procedure for the referendum question.  Mr. Drewry reported that he has received the transcripts from the October 4, 2010 just cause hearing via email on October 25, 2010 and has yet to review but with make a decision as soon as possible.

Old Business
Update on STEAP Grant for Airline Trail Extension
Ruth Plummer reported that the grant is for approximately 500 feet which will take the trail from the east side of Watrous Street and into the municipal parking lot near Main Street Pizza.  Ms. Plummer indicated that the switchbacks will be ADA compliant.  The time frame is unknown at this time and that there may be a $40,000 financial impact.  Due to the fact the trail will cross Smith Street; Ms. Plummer will place crosswalks and signage.  Mr. Drewry indicated that this project will not be completed during the 2010/2011 fiscal year.

Discussion & Approval of Employee Handbook
The council reviewed additional changes to the Employee Handbook as suggested by Attorney Sommaruga.  Mr. Cordeiro requested that the proposed changes be made and the Council would vote on the changes in its entirety at the next meeting.  

Discussion on Noise Ordinance
Mr. Cordeiro reported that he had been researching and talking to residents.  Mr. Cordeiro read an email he received from Susan Wielgosh regarding the noise ordinance applies to the entire town and not just the lake area.  Mr. Cordeiro also reported that he contacted the towns of Brookfield and Tolland to inquire about their existing noise ordinance.  Mr. Cordeiro further requested for framework for the Police Department to be responsive and so that residents in affected areas have a place to turn to for piece of mind.  Ms. Weintraub asked that the Town Council inquire about the Town of Windham’s noise ordinance since they had similar incidents regarding water sound issues.  Mr. Goff drafted a proposed ordinance and provided a copy to Mr. Cordeiro.  Mr. Cordeiro would like to make a decision as a group.

New Business

Report of Interim Town Manager
Update on Annex Relocation
Three properties have recently been looked – the Palmer building has been the most recent.  Mr. Jylkka reported that the owner is looking for a 7-year lease and will pay for all build out expenses.  The town would be responsible for the installation of phone/cable and monthly utility expenses.  The town would occupy 2,048 sq. feet.  The lease cost for the first year would be approximately $44,000 and are currently paying $55,000 in the annex space.  Startup expenses would be approximately $21,000 which includes moving expenses, technical equipment and furniture.  It was determined that the Food Bank and Social Services would be on the second level and the Park and Rec and Facilities Departments would be on the lower level.  Mr. Drewry indicated that the renovations should be completed by January 2011.  There will need to be an additional appropriation of $21,000 for the moving expenses (which would be the remainder of the annex lease).  A motion was made by Mr. Cordeiro, seconded by Mr. Goff, to allow Mr. Drewry to negotiate a lease with the owner of the Palmer building to include language regarding the sublet of the unused space.  Voted (5-0).

Mr. Drewry also made arrangements with CL&P to utilize the Annex for the Food Bank through the holiday season.

Update on Defined Contribution Plan
Mr. Jylkka advised that he and Mr. Drewry are attending a conference by the Connecticut Public Pension Form on 10/27/2010.  The Town’s actuary will be present at the next Town Council meeting and will provide an analysis and present the differences in each plan.  Ms. Weintraub requested responses from other town that utilize Defined Contribution Plans.


Bids & Contracts


Financial Statements and Transactions
Ms. Weintraub initiated a discussion regarding the engineer’s position and that it was stated at Chief Reimondo’s hearing that the money to be applied to the engineer’s position was to be used towards the payment of Mr. O’Keefe’s severance package.  Ms. Weintraub is concerned about potential grant money and signage issues.  Mr. Drewry stated that he would like to review the engineer position further in an effort to determine the savings with a full-time engineer position.  

Tax Refunds
A motion was made by Mr. Tuttle, seconded by Mr. Cordeiro, to approve tax refunds in the amount of $1,051.81.  Voted (5-0).


Coming Up
Cemetery Board to discuss the acquisition of a parcel at the November 9, 2010 Regular Meeting.  

Public Remarks
Bill Marshall, 6 Fairlawn Avenue, commended those who worked on the Airline Trail and hopes that the changes to the Employee Handbook are utilized by a Human Resources person who has specific skills.  Mr. Marshall also suggested utilizing the Employee Assistance Program to tie in to the sexual harassment policy.

Cynthia Abraham, Clark Hill Road, commented that she agrees with Mr. Drewry’s thoughts regarding the engineering position and that it would be beneficial to be a project to project cost due to the many different aspects of engineering.

Mary Ann Dostaler, 56 William Drive, commended the Park and Rec. Dept., EDC and the DPW for their work on the Airline Trail.  Ms. Dostaler commented on the Employee Handbook and questioned what would happen if an employee refuses to sign and why the Town Council hired an expensive resource to draft the document rather than having an HR consultant draft it.

Stephen Lockwood, Beechcrest Drive, commented about a discussion he had with Mr. Hayden regarding repairs to his street.

Angela Sarahina, 37 Old Middletown Avenue, commented that she is concerned with Mr. McKinney being appointed as the moderator and would rather see the Town Clerk as the moderator.

Dale Maynard, Quiet Woods Road, commented on reinforcement of the lack of communication of the Town Council.  He finds it unconscionable and unprofessional.

George McFatter, 27 Country Lane, commented about whether an individual cooperates at the advice of an attorney with regard to investigations of sexual harassment.

Laurie Wasilewski, Hog Hill Road, commented that she agrees that communication between council members should be equal.  Ms. Wasilewski noted that Bevin Bell was recently recognized and suggested a celebration of its history and that something good in East Hampton should be promoted by means of a proclamation.

Fran Klein, 12 Bellevue Street, thanked the Council for the idea of a Noise Ordinance and that this was the first time she has seen civility at a council meeting.  Ms. Klein expressed concerns of one moderator at the referendum.

Ted Barber, 50 Mott Hill Road, commented regarding the placement of a pre-fab building for the Annex departments at another town location.

Irene Curtis, 13 Wangonk Trail, commented about the Airline Trail and naming a section of the trail after Bevin Bell and possibly engage the garden club for landscaping along the trail.

Mr. Drewry addressed Mr. Barber’s comment regarding the mobile trailers and that it would be too costly and the trailers do not include facilities.

A motion was made by Mr. Goff, seconded by Ms. Engel, to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Jennifer Magro
Recording Secretary