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03/09/2010 Town Council Public Hearing
Town of East Hampton
Town Council Public Hearing
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Eaton E. Smith Meeting Room – Town Hall


Present: Chairperson Melissa Engel, Susan Weintraub, Thomas Cordeiro (arrived at 6:25 p.m.) and William Devine (arrived at 6:30 p.m.).

Not Present: ~John Tuttle, Christopher Goff and Barbara Moore

Chairperson Engel called the Public Hearing to order at 6:00 p.m. to review the proposed sidewalk ordinance.~ ~

Randy Chu, 24 Royal Oaks Avenue, asked if there is a map of sidewalks that would be handled by the town.  He also noted a runoff issue onto the sidewalks causing icing.

Laurie Wasilewski, Hog Hill Road, commented that she is sympathetic to sidewalk issues but other towns don’t clear sidewalks.  The town should look at other towns and some money can be saved.

Jim Sennett, 14 North Cone Road, provided photos of a storm on December 20, 2009.  The photos were taken 29 hours after the storm to look at the road width after plowing and the sidewalks were not yet plowed.  The photos were not taken to depict the sidewalks not being plowed.  He noted there should be a time frame for clearing the sidewalks.

Sharon Kjellquist, 6 Lena Lane, commented that the only sidewalks that should be plowed by the town are in front of the municipal buildings. In other towns, it is the responsibility of the property owner.  This would decrease costs to the town.

Lori Wilcox, 4 Hawthorne Road, commented that just because it has always been done doesn’t mean it should not be reviewed at this time.  

Dean Michelson, 13 Hills Avenue, commented that the town has maintained the sidewalk as long as the school has been there.  He noted that there are less expensive machines that can be used and the costs are not accurate.  He does not see a reason to stop the service; it would put an undue strain on the residents.

Tom Wells, North Main Street, commented that the town clearing the sidewalks is more efficient and cost effective.  It would be more expensive for the residents to clear the walks.  He reviewed costs associated with clearing the walks for residents as compared to the town.

Cindy Rooth, 70 Viola Drive, commented that in other towns people know that when they purchase property.  She noted the sidewalks don’t drain properly and are always icy in winter.  She noted that the sidewalks are not a benefit to her, she noted there are more people that walk and skateboard in the neighborhood.  She feels the property would be de-valued if the property owner had to maintain their own walks.  She also commented on the need to purchase additional insurance for liability purposes.

John Hines, South Main Street, commented that he doesn’t have a sidewalk but feels the sidewalk clearing should be all or none.

Ms. Engel asked a question of Jack Lanzi regarding the fire district that was in place many years ago.  The fire district maintained sidewalks and streetlights.

Tom Burdick, Hog Hill Road, asked about the 24 hour timeframe for clearing sidewalks.  If the town doesn’t clear on the weekends the residents should be able to be afforded that timeframe as well.

Mary Ann Dostaler, 56 William Drive, commented that the town has established the precedent that the town clears the sidewalks.  It would be fair that the town continue to clear what they have been clearing but to not add additional areas.

Jeff Palmer, 70 Viola Drive, commented that the use of sidewalks is similar to those that use the roads.  Everyone uses them for all uses.  It isn’t fair that the resident be required to have additional insurance for liability purposes.

Tom Flemke, Walnut Avenue, commented that requiring the residents to clear the sidewalks would not be fair to the older residents.

The Public Hearing closed at 6:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Cathy Sirois
Recording Secretary