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01/27/2010 Tri Board Meeting
Town of East Hampton
Tri-Board Meeting
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Middle School Library


Town Council:  Vice Chairman John Tuttle, Thomas Cordeiro, Christopher Goff, Barbara Moore and Susan Weintraub

Board of Education:  Chairman Michael Vasquenza, Joanne Barmasse, Don Coolican, Carol Lane, Mark Laraia, Debra Robinson and Sheila Wall

Board of Finance:  Chairman Matthew Walton, Patience Anderson, Tim Csere, Tom O’Brien, George Pfaffenbach and Henry Thorpe

Also present:  Town Manager Jeffery O’Keefe, Finance Director Jeffery Jylkka, Superintendent Judith Golden, Assistant Superintendent Kevin Reich, Board of Fire Commission Chairman David Simko.
Vice Chairman Tuttle called the Tri Board Meeting to order at 6:32 p.m.  

Town Council Approval of Budget Policy Statement:  The first order of business was for the Town Council to approve the Budget Policy Statement.  Mr. Cordeiro reviewed changes made to the Budget Policy Statement as discussed at the prior Town Council meeting.  A motion was made by Mr. Goff, seconded by Mr. Cordeiro, to approve the Budget Policy Statement.  Voted (5-0).  During discussion Ms. Weintraub commented that the policy statement does not give the Board of Finance a budget target number.  The other Council members did not agree to put in a target number.

Review and Discuss Budget Policy Statement:  
There was discussion regarding including a target number in the budget policy statement, providing a more narrative budget and providing more education to the taxpayers on the budget.

General Budget Discussion:  
Mike Vasquenza reported that the Board of Education has had finance committee meetings and budget workshops.  He reviewed the pros and cons of the early retirement program being implemented in the school system.  They have put in requests to the unions to have the contacts opened.

Jeff Jylkka provided an overview of state revenue. He believes state revenues will be cut this year.  He is unsure as to next year at this point.  We will see a flat non-tax growth. The Grand List is grew .6 to .7 percent.  They are watching insurance, utilities and fuel expenses.  Debt is in good shape.

Jeff O’Keefe noted that he is confident that the department heads will be prudent in their budgeting.

Judith Golden commented that health care costs are increasing; the Board of Education is budgeted now at 12%.  There are so many unknowns at this point.  It was also noted that the census affects Title I funding which pays for interventions and support staff.

Joanne Barmasse asked if the town has considered reverse auctions.  Mr. Jylkka noted that we have attempted to use reverse auctions with no success.  Some of our contracts provide items at a lower price than reverse auctions.  Mr. O’Keefe noted that the town is signed up with CCM and can participate in reverse auctions when needed.

Regionalization is also being looked at as well.  Mr. O’Keefe is a part of the CORE commission.

Ms. Weintraub asked if there are any discretionary funds than can be frozen.  Are there any open positions that can not be filled?  Mr. O’Keefe noted that positions open from retirements are being filled by part time associates.

Public Comment:  
David Simko, Chairman of the Board of Fire Commissioners, commented that there are no discretionary funds in the fire department budget.  He asked why the town is afraid to increase the budget more than 1 mil.  He feels it is hurting the town.  He noted that there is a great need to educate the public on the budget numbers prior to the vote.

Kyle Dostaler, 56 William Drive, commented that passing a budget is a lot about perception.  People would like to know more about the future, such as facilities and the water system.  The people want to know what is happening, the public doesn’t know there are no discretionary funds. There is a need to put out information and provide education to the residents.

The Tri Board Meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Cathy Sirois
Recording Secretary