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04/28/2009 Town Council Regular Meeting
Town of East Hampton
Town Council Regular Meeting
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Eaton E. Smith Meeting Room – Town Hall


Present: Chairperson Melissa Engel, Vice Chairman Thomas Cordeiro and members, Christopher Goff, John Tuttle and Susan Weintraub. Also present were Town Manager Jeffery O’Keefe, Recording Secretary Cathy Sirois, members of the press and citizens.

Not Present:  William Devine and Scott Minnick

Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance:  Chairperson Engel called the regular meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.  All stood to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.  

Approval of Minutes:
A motion was made by Mr. Goff, seconded by Mr. Tuttle, to approve the minutes of the Town Council Regular Meeting and Public Hearing of April 14, 2009 with the changes discussed.  Voted (5-0).

Student Reports:   
Brandon Goff, Middle School liaison reported the following:
  • The Middle School drama presentation will be held at the end of May
  • The 6th grade spelling bee winner was Cullen Quinn.  He will be competing this Saturday at the State Spelling Bee in Portland.
  • The last dance for 6th and 7th graders was held last week.  More than 200 students participated in the Hawaiian themed dance.  They collected 5 boxes of food for the East Hampton Food Bank.
  • 8th graders Megan Nelson and Addison Moon were selected as the CT Association of Schools Scholar Leader Award Winners.  They were selected based on essays written on their academics, school and community efforts.  They will be honored at the Aqua Turf with the other winners from throughout the state.
  • Mrs. Nosal, the school librarian, has continued to hold “Find Out Friday”.  Community and school figures come in to discuss various types of jobs and activities.
  • The Student Council has scheduled the annual Staff Appreciation breakfast on Friday, May 8th and the PTO will hold a staff luncheon on May 6th.  Both events are in honor of National Teacher Appreciation Week.
Special Presentations:  None

Public Remarks:  None

New Business:  
A.      Discuss Lake/Conservation Commission Ordinance and Schedule Public Hearing:  Mr. O’Keefe reviewed the ordinance combining the Lake and Conservation Commissions.  Kerry Nielson, Director of Community and Environmental Planning worked with the Chairmen of both commissions on the ordinance.  Lake and Conservation Commission members had an opportunity to provide their comments on the ordinance.  The Council discussed the ordinance and made changes to several sections.  The Council can make additional changes to the ordinance at the Public Hearing if needed.  A motion was made by Mr. Cordeiro, seconded by Mr. Tuttle, to send the revised/proposed Conservation-Lake Pocotopaug Commission ordinance with the changes discussed to a Public Hearing on Tuesday, May 12, 2009.  Voted (4-1) Ms. Weintraub against.

B.      Discuss Road Prioritization Projects:  Mr. O’Keefe reviewed the proposed prioritization of road projects as developed by Keith Hayden, Public Works Director.  The town was successful in obtaining $235,000 in federal stimulus money for the road Pavement Preservation Program. There are 11 roads that are eligible for the Pavement Preservation Program totaling 5.5 miles.  Six of these roads were submitted for this funding.  Six road projects totaling $710,000 have been submitted to Mid State Regional Planning Agency for funding.   An additional five projects, totaling approximately $2.8 million, have been submitted to Congress for the Transportation Reauthorization Bill which is set to begin deliberations in September, 2009.  One of these projects includes the final development and construction of the airline trail extension into the Village Center.  

        Mr. O’Keefe also noted that an application has been submitted for funding for a reconfiguration of the intersection of Route 16 and Smith Street.

C.      Sears Park Master Plan Workshop:  Mr. O’Keefe reviewed the proposed Sears Park Master Plan that was presented at a workshop on April 16th.  Another workshop will be held on Thursday, April 30th.  Two conceptual plans have been presented and the consultants are soliciting input to these plans. The plans include options for a skate park and an amphitheater for bands and/or theater productions. Once a conceptual plan is finalized and reviewed by the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board and approved by Town Council, the consultants will then develop a budget to phase in the improvements.  It is hoped that many of the improvements can be made in time for Sears Park’s 100 year anniversary in May of 2010.  The Council reviewed the plans and inquired about the retaining wall at the beach, concerns over shallow water at the proposed boat launch area, docks needed at the boat launch and parking spaces. Mr. O’Keefe will pass along the concerns to the Parks & Recreation department.  Mr. O’Keefe also addressed the subject of a temporary skate park at Sears Park since one of the proposals for the park includes a skate park.  It may be a good chance to see how a skate park would work at Sears Park.  This item will be put on the May 12th agenda for discussion.

Old (Continued) Business:   
Ms. Weintraub inquired about the Angelico’s parking lot mediation.  Mr. O’Keefe noted that the final language is being written and he will pass it on to the Council when received.

A motion was made by Mr. Goff, seconded by Mr. Tuttle, to move item 14A to 7A.  Voted (5-0)

Bids and Contracts:  
Approve Contract for Building Permit Software:   Jim Carey, Building/Planning/Zoning Administrator, provided an overview of the building permit software bid. The department has been evaluating computerized permit management software for approximately 4 years.  Budget constraints and staff shortages have delayed deployment of the software.  Three companies were evaluated and provided live demonstrations.  The request for bidders was advertised in the Rivereast.  The three companies evaluated were specifically asked to bid.  The only company to respond was Business Automation Services (BAS).  Their bid came in at $31,595 with the agreement that the payment could be split into a 50% down payment and the balance due after the system is fully operational.   Ms. Weintraub questioned the bid only being advertised in the Rivereast but Mr. Carey noted that the software must be compatible with the area’s requirements.  A motion was made by Mr. Cordeiro, seconded by Ms. Weintraub, to award the contract to Business Automation Services, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $31,595 for the purchase, installation and implementation of automated building permitting software.  Voted (5-0).

Report of the Town Manager:   
Mr. O’Keefe reported on the following:
  • The Public Health Department’s consent order for the Village Center has been completed and closed.
  • Financial statements will be provided to the Council on a monthly basis
  • A copy of the budget flyer for the referendum that will be inserted into the Rivereast is included in the packet.
  • $61,000 in Federal Stimulus money has been allocated to East Hampton for energy conservation work.  The town is also looking to submit an application to the Department of Energy to convert two of the schools to geothermal.
  • The revised Plan of Conservation and Development is now available on the town website.  Hard copy has been provided to the Town Council.
  • The World War II Veteran’s celebration sponsored by the Secretary of State’s office will be held on Saturday, May 9th at 10:00am.
  • The Main Street bridge opened and the Nile Street bridge was closed by the property owner.  The property owner is possibly looking to have the commercial property owners and one neighboring resident take acceptance of the road and bridge.   
A motion was made by Mr. Goff, seconded by Mr. Cordeiro, to appoint Thomas Denman as a member of the Housing Authority to fill the vacancy due to the resignation of Jeanne Hubbard.  The remainder of the term will run through December 31, 2010.  Voted (5-0).

Liaison Reports:  
Ms. Engel reported that the Water Development Task Force received final expenses from Mr. Susco for the Village Center project.  The Consent Order has been lifted. The total project came in at $654,000 with approximately $300,000 from our tax base. Decisions will be made as to who will get the additional water. The group is also still working on a land acquisition.

Mr. Cordeiro asked if the town can cut back on making photocopies of minutes and some other documents that are available on the website.  Some documents can be scanned and emailed rather than making photocopies.

Ms. Weintraub attended the Housing Authority Meeting.  All 70 apartments are currently rented.  There is a waiting list for 9 singles and 2 doubles.  They are working on their bylaws.  There will be a Senior Housing Survey inserted into the Rivereast and available at several locations including Town Hall and the town website.   The survey will assess the need, interest and support for senior rental apartments and congregate living for persons 62 or older. The more responses received will gauge what residents in our community and surrounding communities want and need.

Resolution for Farmers Market Promotion Program:  Mr. O’Keefe provided an overview of a grant opportunity for the promotion of Farmers Markets.  A motion was made by Mr. Cordeiro, seconded by Mr. Tuttle, to adopt a resolution authorizing the Town Manager to work with the Economic Development Commission and Connected to Connecticut to submit a USDA Grant Application for the “Farmers Market Promotion Program”.  Voted (5-0).

Financial Statements and Transactions:  Financial statements dated as of March 31, 2009 were provided to the Council.

Tax Refunds:
A motion was made by Mr. Tuttle, seconded by Mr. Cordeiro, to approve tax refunds in the amount of $107.79.  Voted (5-0).

Communications and Announcements:
Mr. Cordeiro thanked Mr. O’Keefe for setting up meetings for him in Washington DC as he was there visiting.  He met with Congressman Courtney’s staff and gave them copies of the stimulus packets.  He and his family were provided a tour of the Capitol.  The meeting provided the staff with a great deal of information on East Hampton.

The Old Home Day Parade will be held on Saturday, July 11, 2009 and all Council members are invited to march.

Mr. Tuttle noted that letters were sent to approximately 20 groups in town asking for donations to replace the damaged flags that hang on the phone poles throughout town.  The Lions Club dropped off a check for $200 this week for flags.

Ms. Weintraub asked about information being provided on the swine flu.  Links will be added to the town website with information for residents.

Mr. Tuttle also inquired about the Fire Commission’s budget.  Mr. O’Keefe noted that Mr. Jylkka and Mr. Simko are meeting to resolve the issues.

Public Remarks:
Scott Sanicki, 102 Quiet Woods Road, commented that he is disappointed that there was no agenda regarding Quiet Woods Road after he addressed it at the last Council meeting.  He also asked about the sand that is being dumped at Route 196 and Route 16.

Kyle Dostaler, 56 William Drive, congratulated the town on the $61,000 grant for energy conservation work.  He also provided his observations on the duties and responsibilities of the combined Lake and Conservation Commissions.  He does not feel that the new commission will have enough time and combining the two commissions will be diluting what they are capable of completing.

Mary Ann Dostaler, 56 William Drive, noted her thanks and appreciation to the over 60 volunteers who helped out during Lake Clean Up Day on April 25th.   She asked about the status of the Distefano property on the corner of Route 66 and Main Street.  Mr. O’Keefe reported that the State is waiting for AT&T to finish their work there.   Ms. Dostaler asked about the executive session regarding pending litigation on the Water Task Force agenda and asked if it is the purview of a task force to hold executive session on pending litigation?  She also asked if the audio files of the Town Council meetings can be posted on the website?

Patience Anderson, 17 Anderson Way, asked if there is a time limit for minutes to be posted on the website.  She noticed that some minutes are not available on the web.   The Town Manager’s office will check on it.

Kyle Dostaler, 56 William Drive, commented on the large amount of garbage picked up on Lake Clean Up day.  There was also an engine block that could not be lifted and removed.

Bunny Simko, Long Hill Road, asked if there is a Charter Revision Committee currently formed.   Ms. Engel noted that charter revision is an 18 month process and there is no committee formed at this time.

Scott Sanicki, 102 Quiet Woods Road, asked if the remaining garbage found during Lake Clean Up Day will be cleaned up by the town, such as the engine block.

Ms. Engel commented that there was a request by residents of Chatham Acres to have a police patrol drive through the area around midnight each night.

A motion was made by Mr. Tuttle, seconded by Mr. Goff, to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 p.m. Voted (5-0).

Respectfully submitted,

Cathy Sirois
Recording Secretary