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12/09/2008 Town Council Regular Meeting
Town of East Hampton
Town Council Regular Meeting
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Eaton E. Smith Meeting Room – Town Hall

Present: Chairperson Melissa Engel, Vice Chairman Thomas Cordeiro and members, William Devine, Christopher Goff, Scott Minnick, John Tuttle and Susan Weintraub. Also present were Town Manager Jeffery O’Keefe, Recording Secretary Cathy Sirois, members of Boards and Commissions, citizens and members of the press.

Call to order and Pledge of Allegiance:  Chairperson Engel called the regular meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.  All stood to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.  

Approval of Minutes:
A motion was made by Mr. Cordeiro, seconded by Mr. Tuttle to approve the minutes of the following meetings, all voted (6-0-1) Mr. Devine abstained as he was absent from the meetings:
  • Town Council Special Meeting, November 25, 2008
  • Town Council Regular Meeting, November 25, 2008
Student Reports:
Brandon Goff, Middle School liaison, reported the following:
  • The fundraiser “How Much Would You Pay to See” is continuing.  They have raised approximately $200 so far.
  • The Pennies for Patients campaign is beginning again this year.  The founders of the event have stated that the East Hampton Middle School is one of the top schools in dollars collected.  Each year they raise approximately $2,000.00.
  • Basketball and cheerleading has started. The first game for both the boys and girls is being held tonight with Hale Ray.
Special Presentation:
Presentation by Town Engineer on Quiet Woods Road:  Town Engineer Tom Cummings reported that he and the Town Manager met with two property owners from Quiet Woods Road and discussed the issues raised by one property owner of the drainage work being done along his property line.  A resolution was reached regarding the issue.  At the owner’s expense, the piping will be extended from his driveway and along his property line for approximately 100 feet. The property owner will be granted a driveway permit to have the work performed by his own contractor.  There was also discussion of plowing Quiet Woods.  

Public Remarks:
Pete Brown, Barton Hill Road, noted that the Town should send a letter to the Governor and the Congressional delegation regarding funding that may be available.  Chairperson Engel noted that the Town Manager is already in the process of contacting the government officials.  Also, he would like to request the streetlight be added back to Barton Hill.

John Ciriello, Childs Road, commented that at the November 25th Town Council meeting, Mr. Rand stated that the dredging of Hale Brook would be started the week following that meeting.  To date he has not seen any progress on the dredging.  The conditions of the pond are poor.

Laurie Wasilewski, Hog Hill Road, wanted to give positive feedback regarding the Town Hall employees after a call she had made to the tax office.  The employees were extremely helpful.  On another note, she is concerned about the timing of the Facilities project.  The project itself is necessary but she is concerned about the economy at this time. Also, she commented that she took issue with comments made in an article about members of task forces not being on board with the issues.

Rob Lazor, 40 South Main Street, commented on the possible creation of a business district on Main Street and felt the neighborhood would become impersonal.  Also, he provided copies to the Council of a grievance he filed with the DPUC regarding Belltown Place.  Lastly he commented on safety issues on Smith Street and Route 16 noting that the streetlamp casts shadows during rainstorms.  He also feels the guardrails are necessary there.  

Pete Brown, Barton Hill Road, asked about the dredging of Christopher Pond.  Chairperson Engel noted that the cost to dredge the pond is approximately $90,000.

Patience Anderson, 17 Anderson Way, asked if the members have been chosen for the Commission on Aging. Chairperson Engel noted this is in process.

New Business:
  • Approval of 2009 Meeting Dates:  The Council was presented with a listing of proposed meeting dates for 2009.  A motion was made by Mr. Goff, seconded by Mr. Devine, to approve the 2009 Meeting Dates presented.  Voted (7-0).
  • Police Presentation on Streetlights:  Chief Matthew Reimondo provided a brief history on the removal of streetlights in 2004.  As a result of an audit done, the Town was being overbilled, under billed and not billed on various streetlights.  A consultant was hired to review the situation.  Approximately 77 streetlights were removed at that time to meet the budget constraints.  The full cost per month for one streetlight is approximately $21 per month.  The Chief will compile a list of priority areas needing streetlights based on health/safety for a Council meeting in January.  The streetlight on Niles Street will be replaced.  Ms. Weintraub mentioned new technologies and options available.  Mr. Tuttle will discuss new technology options at the Clean Energy Task Force Meetings.
On another Niles Street issue, the speed limit will be lowered to 15mph.  

  • Adoption of New Water Regulations:  The Council was provided a copy of the proposed water regulations for new developments as drafted by the WPCA.  The Council does not need to vote on these regulations, however, they can provide input into the regulations during the public hearing on Tuesday, January 6th at 5:00 p.m.  Ms. Weintraub asked about a policy for extending water and sewer lines as was done on Skinner Street.   Chairperson Engel noted that the Water Development Task Force will be addressing this issue.
Old (Continued) Business:
  • Budget Policy Statement:  The Council reviewed the draft Budget Policy Statement and discussed changes to the document.  Mr. Cordeiro will revise the document to present for approval at the Tri Board meeting on January 15th.
  • Selection of Lake Improvement Task Force Members:  Chairperson Engel presented the following names for the Lake Improvement Task Force: Ted Hintz or a designated member of the Board of Finance, Thomas Cordeiro, Nikki O’Neill as a representative of the Friends of the Lake, Paul Peszynski as a representative of the Lake Commission, Glenn Gustine as a member at large, the incoming Public Works Superintendent, Town Manager Jeffery O’Keefe and Melissa Engel.
Project Update – Robert Drewry and Town Engineer, Tom Cummings
Main Street Bridge:  Mr. O’Keefe reported that there is another delay with the bridge.  He met with the manufacturers of the bridge, Contech, today and they are present at the meeting.  The bridge is expected to be delivered by December 22nd.  The road should be passable approximately 2 to 3 weeks after that date. There was discussion on the delays.

Quiet Woods Road – Discussed earlier in the meeting

Road Improvement Plan:  A draft of the Road Improvement plan including sidewalks will be coming from CLA Engineers on December 19th.  Copies will be provided to the Council members.
Report of the Town Manager:  Mr. O’Keefe reported the following:
  • The Sears Park study proposals are due in next week.
  • The Functional Assessment of Boards and Commissions is underway.  Meetings will be scheduled with the Council members in January and a town governance meeting will also be held in January.
  • The Theater Square Grand Opening will be held on Saturday, December 13th from 1:30pm to 3:00pm.  All Council members are invited to attend.
  • The Plum Island project has been rejected.
  • There is a meeting scheduled with ENSR, DEP and members of the Lake Commission on Wednesday regarding the lake monitoring.
  • A meeting was held with the Office of Policy & Management on HomeCT program.  They were taken on a tour to view potential areas for the affordable housing incentive zone.  
  • Gail Hamm came in for a meeting.  830G was discussed.
  • The property owner of Main Street and Route 66 has declined the right of first refusal agreement with the town.  He has indicated that he will call the Town Manager if an offer is received on the property.  He will still be cleaning up the property.
  • Meetings are scheduled with the offices of Senator Dodd, Congressman Courtney and Senator Lieberman regarding the economic stimulus package being proposed.  Information is being included for the water system and the facilities plan.
Mr. Tuttle asked about the STEAP grant application.  Mr. O’Keefe noted they are still on hold in the Governor’s Office.

A motion was made by Mr. Devine, seconded by Mr. Cordeiro, to reappoint Richard Brown and Dean Michelson to the Board of Fire Commissioners, each with a 3 year term through November 30, 2011. Voted (7-0),

Mr. Goff noted that the Appointments Sub Committee will tentatively set meetings for January 5th and 6th to interview for the Commission on Aging and the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board.

Liaison Reports:  
Chairperson Engel reported the Water Development Task Force has not met.  They are awaiting a report from the land appraisal company.  The Village Center Water System is complete.

The Facilities Implementation Task Force will be meeting again on January 8th and the following two Thursdays to review the preliminary concepts that will be presented by Friar Associates.

Mr. Tuttle commented on articles in the Rivereast with comments from Ms. Weintraub related to the Facilities Implementation Task Force and proposed facilities plans noting that they differed from the consensus of the task force.  Ms. Weintraub noted that she feels the town needs a comprehensive plan and that it is a bad time in the economy for the plan to go through.  Mr. Tuttle noted that he feels that Ms. Weintraub does not support the efforts of the Task Force.  A motion was made by Mr. Tuttle, seconded by Mr. Cordeiro, to remove Ms. Weintraub from the Facilities Implementation Task Force. A lengthy discussion proceeded regarding the task force, opinions and consensus.  Mr. Tuttle withdrew his motion.  

Mr. Goff reviewed two proposals that the Senior Tax Initiative Task Force will present to the Board of Finance for recommendations to the Town Council.  Fact sheets will be prepared and distributed for each proposal.

A proclamation was signed for an Eagle Scout presentation being held in January.  Mr. Cordeiro will attend the ceremony to present the proclamation.  The Eagle Scout will be invited to the January 13th Council meeting.

Financial Transactions:  None
Tax Refunds:
A motion was made by Mr. Devine, seconded by Mr. Goff, to approve tax refunds in the amount of $2,457.19.  Voted (7-0).  

Bids and Contracts:  None

Communications and Announcements:  
The next Tri Board Meeting will be held on Thursday, January 15th.

A blood drive will be held on Tuesday, December 16th in honor of Mike Vasquenza’s good health at the St. Patrick Parish Center.

Mr. Minnick discussed a letter that he felt should have been held for executive session.

Public Remarks:
Scott Sanicki, 102 Quiet Woods Road, inquired as to whether a Town Hall can actually be built on the Center School property due to the deed from the Bevin Family.  Chairperson Engel noted that research was done to confirm that the deed for recreational purposes only relates to the field area only.  Mr. Sanicki asked about the town acting as a corporation and commented on combining two schools and the possibility that could arise of cutting positions.

Patience Anderson, 17 Anderson Way, asked for clarification on combining schools.  Also she commented on the bantering back and forth during the meeting and that it is difficult and uncomfortable to sit through.  She also wished everyone a Merry Christmas.

Kyle Dostaler, 56 William Drive, commented on the discussion regarding removing Ms. Weintraub from the Facilities Implementation Task Force. He feels the town does need to move forward with the upgrading of the facilities at the High School but is unsure how the town got involved with the full facilities plan.  He feels there should be more public input and discussion.

Ted Hintz, Facilities Implementation Task Force member, noted it was agreed at the last task force meeting that communications from the task force would be a consensus from the group.  He doesn’t feel one person speaking out against the consensus of the group is not appropriate.

Mary Ann Dostaler, 56 William Drive, noted that she appreciated that the discussion regarding the Budget Policy Statement was held here at the meeting.  She felt the list should be re-ordered to reflect the priorities of the current council.  She feels a statement should be added regarding the town debt ratio.  Ms. Dostaler also commented on the facilities discussion noting that no public comments are on the agenda and there was no community involvement.

Rob Lazor, 40 South Main Street, commented on several subjects; the streetlight cost and will inquire with a friend at CL&P regarding the policy; the town should look into a membership in various associations for work on grants; he thanked HTNP for assisting the Trahan family and he is working to get a computer system for the family; he commented on the communication between boards; and lastly he commented on articles in the Rivereast.

Reserved:  None

A motion was made by Mr. Devine, seconded by Mr. Goff, to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m. Voted (7-0).

Respectfully submitted,

Cathy Sirois
Recording Secretary