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06/24/2008 Town Council Regular Meeting
Town of East Hampton
Town Council Regular Meeting 6:30 p.m.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Eaton E. Smith Meeting Room – Town Hall
Present: Chairperson Melissa Engel, Vice Chairman Thomas Cordeiro and members, William Devine, Christopher Goff, Scott Minnick, John Tuttle and Susan Weintraub. Also present were Acting Town Manager Robert Drewry, Recording Secretary Cathy Sirois, citizens, members of other Boards and Commissions and members of the press.

Call to order and Pledge of Allegiance:  Chairperson Engel called the regular meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.  All stood to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.  

A motion was made by Mr. Goff, seconded by Mr. Cordeiro, to amend the agenda to add the approval of the Town Council Special Meeting minutes of June 15, 2008.  Voted (7-0).

Approval of Minutes:
A.      Town Council, Regular Meeting, June 10, 2008:  A motion was made by Mr. Cordeiro, seconded by Mr. Goff, to approve the minutes of the Town Council Regular Meeting of June 10, 2008 as written. Voted (7-0).
B.      Town Council, Special Meeting, June 15, 2008:  A motion was made by Mr. Tuttle, seconded by Mr. Cordeiro, to approve the minutes of the Town Council Special Meeting of June 15, 2008 as written.  Voted (7-0).

Special Presentations:
Energy Conservation:  Dan Olson, an East Hampton resident, gave a presentation on energy conservation and clean energy options.  He reviewed the goals of the 20% by 2010 campaign. He also reviewed the program that provides a free solar panel to the town for every 100 citizens that sign up for the clean energy options.

Old Home Day:  Red McKinney provided an overview of this year’s Old Home Days celebration noting it is the 30th year of the event.  The dates for this year’s Old Home Days are July 10th through the 12th.  He asked that the Town again cover the cost of the police used for the event and that the event be covered by a rider on town insurance. A motion was made by Mr. Cordeiro, seconded by Mr. Devine, to approve the town paying the cost of police coverage and that the town provide an insurance rider for Old Home Days.  Voted (7-0).

A.      Old Home Day Proclamation:  Chairperson Engel read the proclamation for Old Home Day.

B.      Clean Energy Resolution:  Mr. Tuttle read the resolution supporting the goal of having 20% of the town’s electricity come from clean, renewable sources by the year 2010.  A motion was made by Mr. Cordeiro, seconded by Mr. Goff, to accept the resolution with the addition of the words “and educate” in the final paragraph.  Voted (7-0).

New Business:
A.      Water System Operating Budget:  Vincent Susco, Public Utilities Administrator, reviewed the water system operating budget for 2008-2009.  He also asked the Council to review and recommend water rates.  Chairperson Engel suggested that the budget be voted on but the rates be tabled to a future meeting with additional information provided.  A motion was made by Mr. Goff, seconded by Mr. Devine, to approve the water system operating budget.  Voted (7-0).

B.      Endorsement of Second Amendment to the Sewage Transit & Disposal Agreement with Marlborough:  Vincent Susco, Public Utilities Administrator, reviewed the second amendment to the sewage transit and disposal agreement with Marlborough which allows the East Hampton Water Pollution Control Authority to reimburse the Marlborough Water Pollution Control Authority for the portion of the upgrades to the East High Street (American Distilling)pump station that benefit East Hampton without the exchange of money.  The East Hampton WPCA has agreed to allow a $249,000 credit to the Marlborough WPCA for future discharge fees.  A motion was made by Mr. Tuttle, seconded by Mr. Devine, to endorse the second amendment to the sewage transit and disposal agreement with Marlborough.  Voted (7-0).

C.      Goff House Endorsement:  The Goff House has requested a letter from the Town Council to Governor Rell and Senator Daily as an endorsement to the Bond Commission.  The Council agreed by consensus to send a letter to Governor Rell and Senator Daily for the Goff House.

Old (Continued) Business:
A.      Town Manager Selection:  Mr. Cordeiro thanked the Town Manager Search Committee for their work in interviewing the Town Manager candidates.  He announced that the Town Council unanimously selected Jeffery O’Keefe as their choice for Town Manager pending contract negotiations and background check.  Chairperson Engel introduced Mr. O’Keefe’s wife, Donna, to the Council and citizens as she was present at the meeting.

B.      Commission on Aging: Chairperson Engel distributed a letter from Joanne Ewing regarding the Commission on Aging.  Ms. Engel requested the Council review the items and this item will be put on the July 8th agenda.

C.      Lake Education & Awareness Program: Ruth Plummer, Parks & Recreation Director, reviewed ideas for phosphorus education.  She discussed increasing public awareness, including education in the summer camp programs, providing soil sampling kits, t-shirt giveaways and involving businesses.  She would like to start publishing Lake News and Notes again and ask various commissions to provide articles for the publication.  Ms. Plummer recommended that Parks & Recreation and the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board assume responsibility for this education program without an additional board being created.  The program will need an additional appropriation.  Chairperson Engel noted that Lake News and Notes was published by Parks & Recreation in the past but was handed over to the Lake Commission.    

D.      Water Development Task Force:  Mr. Tuttle announced that the next meeting of the Water Development Task Force will be held on Wednesday, June 25th at 7:00am at the Town Garage.  He noted that he, Chairperson Engel, Mr. Drewry and Attorney D’Aquila met with an appraiser regarding the land needed at St. Clement’s.  

E.      Other:  None
Public Remarks:  
John Ciriello, 30 Childs Road, commended the Council on approving the clean energy resolution.  Regarding the Lake Commission, he noted that Lake News and Notes was never turned over to the Lake Commission. He commented on the Lake education program. He also noted that he is now Chair of the Lake Commission and John Jordon is Vice Chair.  He provided a flyer for the Council regarding phosphorus and lawns.

Mary Ann Dostaler, 56 William Drive, commended the Council on approving the clean energy resolution.  She encouraged all in the room to consider signing up for the Clean Energy Options.

Scott Sanicki, 102 Quiet Woods Road, asked if in approving the clean energy resolution that the town agreed to increase their energy bills?  He also mentioned the possibility of harnessing energy from dams.

Mary Ann Dostaler, 56 William Drive, asked about the WPCA being in negotiations regarding harnessing the energy from the outflow of the sewer treatment plant and the power being sold back to the WPCA to power that facility.

Patience Anderson, 17 Anderson Way, noted that the hiring of the new Town Manager is great news and that Mr. Drewry has done a great job in the interim.

Remarks from the Chair:  
Chairperson Engel reported that Pelletier Development is suing the town regarding Belltown Place.

Chairperson Engel reported that the initial results of the FOI Complaint placed by Mary Ann Dostaler vs. Ms. Engel and Mr. Cordeiro were received.  The hearing officer’s recommendation to the FOI Board is that no violation occurred and the complaint should be dismissed. The official FOI Board results should be reported in July.

Chairperson Engel suggested cancelling the July 22 Regular Town Council meeting.  She would like to use that meeting time to have a meeting with the Chairs of the land use boards for the purpose of discussing the Plan of Conservation and Development. A motion was made by Mr. Goff, seconded by Mr. Devine, to cancel the Town Council Regular Meeting on July 22, 2008.  Voted (7-0).

Report of Acting Town Manager:
A.      Bevin Dam:  Mr. Drewry reported that he has had no success in reaching Mr. Bevin regarding closing the dam.  He has been in contact with Mr. Bevin’s nephew and hopes that he will be able to assist in the situation.

B.      Watrous Street:  Mr. Drewry reported that this issue will be going to court on July 7th.  He also noted that the Brownfields Commission has funds and will be having a survey done of the property on Watrous Street for future use.

C.      Skateboard Park Update:  Mr. Drewry provided copies of an email from Kimberley Fontaine regarding the amount of use the skateboard park had in its first weekend.

D.      East High Street Property:  Mr. Drewry reported that the Town Attorney is proceeding with legal action on this property.

E.      Other:  Mr. Minnick asked about the water tower.  Mr. Drewry noted that a larger crane was needed and it will be taken down in one piece rather than being dismantled in smaller pieces.

        Ms. Weintraub asked about responses back from the State regarding Route 151, progress on the PILOT program and the lighting in the valet area at Angelicos. Mr. Drewry noted that no response has been received to date from the State regarding Route 151, the PILOT program should be ready to be discussed in an upcoming meeting and he is awaiting word from Mr. Carey and Chief Reimondo regarding the lighting in the valet area of Angelico’s

Mr. Goff reported that the Appointments Sub Committee met with the Chair of the Ethics Commission regarding the possibility of revising the Ethics Commission ordinance to increase the number of alternates from 2 to 4.  They also discussed the current vacancies on the Commission.  They are hoping to be able to report back on this at the next Council meeting.

Mr. Goff requested another ad be placed in the Rivereast for applications for the Lake Commission, Conservation Commission, EDC, Ethics Commission, Redevelopment Agency and Zoning Board of Appeals.

Liaison Reports:  
Mr. Tuttle attended the Board of Education meeting.  He reported that Middle School principal, Tracy Barber, has resigned to take a position as Principal at a school elsewhere in Connecticut.  The Board of Education voted to name John Fidler as the Principal.  He is currently the Vice Principal of the Middle School.  Mr. Tuttle reported that the WPCA notice of violation for the Library has been rescinded due to recent water testing. Mr. Tuttle also noted that Linda Berry, Principal of the High School, has a liaison to the Town Council for the upcoming school year.

Board, Commission, Agency & Task Force Remarks:  None

Financial Transactions:  None

Tax Refunds:  None

Bids and Contracts:
A.      Village Center Water System Construction Bid:  Vincent Susco, Public Utilities Administrator, and Don Iannicelli of Geoinsight, reviewed the bids received for the Village Center Water System Construction.  A motion was made by Mr. Devine, seconded by Mr. Tuttle, to award the Village Center Water System bid to Hungerfords Pump Service of North Haven, CT in an amount not to exceed $335,850.  Voted (7-0)

B.      Hot In Place Asphalt Recycling:  Mr. Drewry reported that only one bid was received for the hot in place asphalt recycling.  He noted that this company is the only one in the area that does this type of work.  A motion was made by Mr. Goff, seconded by Mr. Devine, to award the hot in place asphalt recycling bid to Highway Rehab Corporation in the amount of $3.18 per square yard.  Voted (7-0).

C.      Main Street Bridge:  Mr. Drewry reported that 8 bids were received for the Main Street Bridge Replacement.  He noted that portions of the project had to be reduced due to the bid totals.  He noted that pavement was reduced, hazardous waste totals were reduced and the stone veneer was removed and will be replaced by stamped concrete.  A motion was made by Mr. Cordeiro, seconded by Ms. Weintraub, to award the Main Street Bridge Replacement to Standard Demolition in the amount of $785,733.92.  Voted (7-0).

Communications and Announcements:   
Mr. Minnick reported that he attended an event at the Capitol in Hartford for Franco American Day.

Coming Up:   
Chairperson Engel noted that the Conservation Commission will be giving a presentation at an upcoming Council meeting.

Public Remarks:
Paul Peszynski, Day Point Road, noted that he thought Mr. Bevin has relinquished control of the dam to the Town.  The Council indicated that this was not accurate.

Patience Anderson, 17 Anderson Way, asked a question about the hot in place asphalt recycling and how potholes are handled.  Mr. Drewry responded that the town crew first fills the potholes and then the asphalt is recycled and re-layed.

Brandon Goff, Schoolhouse Lane, asked for confirmation on the announcement of Mr. Fidler as the Middle School principal.

John Ciriello, 30 Childs Road, asked if the oil that is added to the asphalt during the recycling process could run into the lake, for instance when Clark Hill is done.  Mr. Drewry noted that the oil is mixed into the asphalt and is no danger to the lake.

Reserved:   None

A motion was made by Mr. Tuttle, seconded by Mr. Devine, to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 p.m. Voted (7-0).

Respectfully submitted,

Cathy Sirois
Recording Secretary