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05/27/2008 Town Council Regular Meeting
 Town of East Hampton
Town Council Regular Meeting 6:30 p.m.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Eaton E. Smith Meeting Room – Town Hall


Present: Chairperson Melissa Engel, Vice Chairman Thomas Cordeiro and members, William Devine, Christopher Goff, Scott Minnick, John Tuttle and Susan Weintraub. Also present were Acting Town Manager Robert Drewry, Recording Secretary Cathy Sirois, citizens, members of other Boards and Commissions and members of the press.

Call to order and Pledge of Allegiance:  Chairperson Engel called the regular meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.  All stood to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.  

Approval of Minutes:
A.      Town Council, Special Meeting, May 13, 2008:  A motion was made by Mr. Cordeiro, seconded by Mr. Tuttle, to approve the minutes of the Town Council Special Meeting of May 13, 2008 as written. Voted (6-0-1). Mr. Goff abstained as he was not in attendance at that meeting.

B.      Town Council, Regular Meeting, May 13, 2008:  A motion was made by Mr. Tuttle, seconded by Mr. Cordeiro, to approve the minutes of the Town Council Regular Meeting of May 13, 2008 with a correction to Ms. Weintraub’s discussion regarding Angelico’s lighting under the Town Manager’s Report. Voted (6-0-1).  Mr. Goff abstained as he was not in attendance at that meeting.

New Business:
A.      Lake Education & Awareness Program:  Chairperson Engel indicated that Mr. Drewry has spoken with Ruth Plummer, Director of Parks & Recreation regarding putting together a group to form an education program for the Lake area.  The group will consist of members of the Lake Commission, Parks & Recreation Advisory Board, Conservation Commission and Friends of the Lake.  Mr. Goff would serve as the liaison from the Council.  Ms. Weintraub noted that the Lake Commission’s ordinance states that the Lake Commission shall assist in or conduct water quality management studies, establish educational programs and disseminate information regarding the care, preservation and protection of the lake by area residents and the public.  She asked whether the Lake Commission should chair this commission based on their ordinance.  Chairperson Engel noted that Ms. Plummer would be the staff liaison for the group and the group would vote for their Chairperson.  

Old Business:
A.      Commission on Aging:  Chairperson Engel reported that the information for this commission is with the town attorney and may be ready for the June 10th meeting.

B.      Town Manager Search:  Chairperson Engel noted that Randi Frank has received 37 applications for Town Manager.  The applications will be narrowed down to 9 candidates to be interviewed by the committee and they will then further narrow the field to 5 candidates to be interviewed by the Council.  The panel will interview the 9 candidates on June 12th and 13th.  The Town Council will interview the final 5 candidates on June 14th and 15th.  

C.      Other:  Chairperson Engel reported that she will contact Richard Leone, Chairman of the EDC, regarding revisiting the Blight Ordinance.
Public Remarks:  
John Jordon, 11 Clearwater Lane, wanted to correct the record that there is a lack of education on the lake.  There have been two education courses held in the past year.  There was also an inter-commission meeting that discussed how each commission affects the lake.  He also wanted to remind the Council that there are two vacancies on the Lake Commission.  He noted that the resignation of Bob Hart was a great loss.  He asked that the Council appoint someone that is impartial and has the lake as its ultimate concern.  

Kimberley Fontaine, 4 Railroad Avenue, spoke about the possibility of a temporary skate park on the basketball court at Center School.  She is hopeful the Council will approve the request.  

Pete Zipf, 10 West High Street, commented that he is a local youth director and resident.  He has been working with some of the students.  He feels the temporary skate park would be a good avenue to a long term solution.

Jack Lanzi, 38 Walnut Avenue, commented that the contractors are doing a great job on the sidewalks on Walnut Avenue and Barton Hill Road.

Peter Brown, 76 Barton Hill Road, asked about the old building near the water tower and wondered if the town could take that building down.  Mr. Drewry noted that there may be hazardous materials within the building and it is also a funding issue.

Tom Wells, North Main Street, commented that he is disappointed in the resignation of Bob Hart from the Lake Commission.  He noted the commission has a lot of work to do.  He is hopeful that the replacement will have a technical expertise in biology, physics or chemistry.  

Irene Curtis, Wangonk Trail, commented that she also regrets the resignation of Bob Hart.  She noted that many lakes in many states are researching issues with phosphorus.

Kim Page, 91 Midwood Farm Road, thanked Kim Fontaine for her work and support on the skate park, Reverend Tom Kennedy for his letter of support and allowing the kids to skate on church property and Ms. Weintraub for attending the informational skate park meeting and thanked the skaters for their patience and hard work.  She is hopeful the Council will approve the temporary skate park.

Dalton Page, 91 Midwood Farm Road, thinks it will be a great thing to have a skate park at Center School for the summer.

Special Presentations:
Design Review Board Update:  Chairman Scott Hill provided an update on the progress of the Design Review Board.  They have reviewed three projects:  Motor Trike Shop at 33 West High Street, the Mantikas Medical Building and the Main Street Bridge.  The Board is in the process of putting together the guidelines for use for commercial property development in East Hampton.  Mr. Hill noted that all of the member’s terms end in 2009 and asked if that can be changed to staggered dates.

Remarks from the Chair:  
Chairperson Engel read a letter from Reverend Tom Kennedy into the minutes regarding the skate park.

Report of Acting Town Manager:
A.      Rte 151 Traffic Study:  Mr. Drewry noted that a copy of the Route 151 traffic calming study has been placed in the Council member’s boxes.  He also noted that letters have been sent to the State of Connecticut regarding the recommendations requested.  Ms. Weintraub asked about Tighe and Bond meeting with the Town and the Department of Transportation.  This meeting will be put on hold until after the Town hears back from the DOT.  Ms. Weintraub requested that a three year accident report for Route 151 be requested from Chief Reimondo which will in turn be sent to the DOT.  Chairperson Engel noted that in speaking with Chief Reimondo he indicated that traffic has been reduced due to the closing of CT Yankee and that most of the accidents on Route 151 are alcohol related.  He also recommends that the Middle Haddam Association purchase cones similar to those being purchased for North Main Street. However, the Town would need permission from the State to place those cones.  

B.      One Watrous Street:  A second demand letter was sent to the property owner giving 15 days for compliance.  If there is no compliance the Town will seek an injunction to remedy the situation.  The Town is also confirming the property line to verify that the property owner is not utilizing town property.

C.      Skateboard Park Update:  Mr. Drewry recommended to the Council that they accept the plan for using the basketball court at Center School for a temporary skate park.  The skate group will build the ramps.  The park will be open after school is out for the summer and close prior to the start of the next school year.  The ramps will be removed and stored by the Public Works department for the Old Home Day weekend.  This temporary skate park will set the tone for a future permanent skate park.  There is no impact to the insurance premiums but any claims could impact future insurance premiums. Kimberley Fontaine indicated that the ramps should be ready by mid-June.  The skate group will be responsible for storing the ramps in the off season.  Ms. Weintraub indicated this is a summer skate park and gives the skaters the opportunity to prove to the town that a permanent skate park would work.  Mr. Cordeiro asked about a curfew.    Mr. Drewry indicated that no curfew will be posted.  Signs will be posted indicating “Skate at your own risk”.

A motion was made by Mr. Devine, seconded by Mr. Cordeiro, to allow a temporary skate park on the town owned basketball court at Center School for the summer months.  Voted (7-0).

Mr. Minnick asked about insurance liability due to the ramps being homemade rather than purchased from an outside company. Mr. Drewry indicated there is no insurance issue.  Mr. Minnick also suggested adding garbage bins to the area.  Mr. Drewry will look into the purchase of garbage bins.    

D.      Distefano Property:  Mr. Drewry noted that the town attorney is looking at options for this property.  There was a question as to whether a hot dog cart is being permitted to operate at that location. Mr. Drewry indicated that as far as he knew no permits were obtained at that point.

E.      127 East High Street Property:  Mr. Drewry noted that he talked to the property owner.  The owner indicated that she is working with an engineer to see if the restaurant portion of the building can be salvaged.  Mr. Tuttle asked about a time frame.  Mr. Drewry indicated that the owner is hopeful to have the property handled by July.  

F.      Town Cemetery Board Appointments:  Mr. Drewry requested the Council’s consent to reappoint Kevin Reich, Russell Oakes and Arthur Jacobson to the Town Cemetery Board with a term through April 30, 2013.  Consent was given by all Council members.

G.      Other:  Mr. Drewry also reported on the following questions from Council members:

The Zoning Enforcement Officer is looking into Angelico’s lighting.

The traffic cones on North Main Street should be installed this week.

Ms. Weintraub asked about maintenance at Selden Cemetery.  Mr. Drewry noted that the Town Cemetery Board has $5,000 in their budget for work to the cemeteries.  The Boy Scouts are scheduled to do clean up.  A prospective Eagle Scout has requested permission to repair the stone wall at the Hog Hill Cemetery as an Eagle Scout project.  New flag poles will be installed at each cemetery.  Also some of the budgeted funds will be used to x-ray various areas in the cemeteries to determine if there is space available for additional grave sites.

Ms. Weintraub asked about the status of the PILOT Program tax exemption.  Mr. Drewry will work with Mr. Jylkka on this request.  The dollars saved would go to upgrading of the apartments.

Ms. Weintraub asked about the work to be done at Seven Hills.  The engineers have met with the developer and he has started working on the punch list. The developer has until July 28th to complete the work.

Mr. Tuttle asked about the Main Street & Route 66 intersection.  The contractor is scheduled to start on May 30th.  The local police will be utilized for traffic control.

Chairperson Engel asked about the Quiet Woods Road drainage.  Mr. Drewry indicated he is awaiting word from the engineer.

A.      Lake Commission Appointments:  Mr. Goff reported that there are two openings on the Lake Commission.  Mr. Goff and Mr. Minnick interviewed Paul Peszynski for the commission.  Mr. Minnick feels that the vote should wait for more applicants to be interviewed.  He requested an ad be put into the paper with specific scientific qualifications for the commission members.  Mr. Goff feels that Mr. Peszynski should be recommended for appointment and the other open position can be advertised in the newspaper.  Mr. Cordeiro also feels that Mr. Peszynski should be recommended for appointment. Chairperson Engel feels it is unfair for Lake Commission members to tell the Council that the commission needs scientists or those with biology backgrounds. She noted that the Council is not trying to undermine the Lake Commission with its appointments.  Ms. Weintraub also feels an ad should be place for more applicants before appointments are made for the Lake Commission.  Mr. Devine feels that life experience is needed as well as scientific background for this commission.  Mr. Tuttle supports the appointment of Mr. Peszynski. He noted Mr. Peszynski has a passionate, vested interest in the lake.  Chairperson Engel noted there have been hundreds of hours spent studying the lake and wanted to give credit to those who have started this process. Mr. Minnick commented that the Lake Commission is not looking for like minds but for those appropriate for the Lake Commission. They want the best person for the job.

A motion was made by Mr. Goff, seconded by Mr. Cordeiro, to appoint Paul Peszynski to the Lake Pocotopaug Commission with a term through December 31, 2010 filling a recent vacancy.  Voted (5-2) Mr. Minnick and Ms. Weintraub against.

B.      Other:  Mr. Goff would like to have a meeting with the other members of the Appointments Sub Committee regarding discrepancies in the code book.  Also, an ad will be written for the newspaper for the opening on the Lake Commission.  Other open positions will also be advertised.

Liaison Reports:  
Chairperson Engel attended the Salmon River Watershed Preservation Pact signing.  East Hampton, East Haddam and Colchester have contributed the largest amounts as they have the largest amount of property along the river.  Mr. Tuttle and Ms. Weintraub also attended.

Mr. Tuttle reported on the Cemetery Board.  He will be visiting each cemetery with Kevin Reich, Chair of the Cemetery Board, to identify needs at each location.  Mr. Tuttle also reported that the Board of Education will be holding a Community Conversation on Thursday, May 29th at the High School at 6:30pm.

Ms. Weintraub reported that the Board of Finance has a sub committee of Ted Hintz, Barbara Moore and Judy Isele reviewing the appointment of the auditor that the town currently uses, which is Blum Shapiro, to have a better ongoing relationship.  They have set the mill rate for 2008-2009 at 23.81 mills.  Ms. Weintraub attended the Streetscape Committee Meeting.  They are awaiting color samples for the sidewalk trim.  They are also working on a signage program for destinations in town.  Ms. Weintraub also attended the Housing Authority Meeting.  There are 20 on the waiting list for housing.  The State has upgraded the new maximum income for singles to $43,050 and couples to $49,200.

Board, Commission, Agency & Task Force Remarks:
Brandon Goff, Student Council Liaison from the Middle School, reported on the band and chorus concert highlighted by a performance by the Connecticut Footguard.  Many members of the band also marched in the Memorial Day Parade.  The baseball and softball teams continue their seasons.  Seventh grade teacher Jody Dumeer was recently honored by the CT Education Association with its Prudence Crandall Award for her summer theater program.  The Middle School collected over 250 pounds of materials to send to American service members overseas.  The sixth grade is headed to Boston for its field trip to the Science Museum on June 5th.  On that day the fifth graders will make their annual visit to tour the Middle School in preparation for next year.  The following day the eighth grade will head to the Sunrise Resort in Moodus for their field trip.  The sixth grade band, with the sixth, seventh and eighth grade jazz band, is headed to Center School for a performance on June 10th.

Irene Curtis, Lake Commission, is now the Chair of the Lake Monitoring Committee.  She attended a conference at Angelicos.  Representative from about a dozen lakes in CT were in attendance.  Many lakes have an invasive weed problem.  That will be part of their upcoming education program.

Kimberley Fontaine, Economic Development Commission, reported that there were two grand openings, Center Cuts and CVS.  The CVS manager is also an East Hampton resident.  It was noted by three business owners that they greatly appreciated the EDC support of the downtown event on Mother’s day.  The EDC is doing a feasibility study regarding a month long holiday event. There was discussion regarding potential remedies for business owners that are negatively impacted due to the Streetscape project.  EDC members approved the recommendation to the Town Council of the reappointment of Connected to Connecticut.  The EDC members briefly discussed the need for a blight ordinance.

A.      Lake Pocotopaug 2007-2008 Water Quality Monitoring & Nutrient Loading Project:  This resolution allows Mr. Drewry to sign the contract for the Lake Pocotopaug 2007-2008 Water Quality Monitoring & Nutrient Loading Project. A motion was made by Mr. Cordeiro, seconded by Mr. Devine, to accept the resolution as written.  Voted (7-0).

Financial Transactions:  
A.      Approval of Board of Education Capital Computer Lease:  Jeff Jylkka reviewed the Computer Lease-Purchase for Hewlett Packard computers for the school system.  A motion was made by Mr. Goff, seconded by Mr. Tuttle, to approve the Capital Computer Lease.  Voted (7-0).

Tax Refunds:   A motion was made by Mr. Tuttle, seconded by Mr. Devine, to approve tax refunds in the amount of $293.63.  Voted (7-0).

Bids and Contracts:
A.      Village Center Water System Construction Bid:  This item will be tabled to June.

Communications and Announcements:
Chairperson Engel reported that the State Library Historic Document Preservation Grant was awarded to the Town of East Hampton in the amount of $7,000.  This grant will assist in cataloging and preserving older town documents stored in the vault.

Chairperson Engel reported that Robert Hart resigned from the Lake Pocotopaug Commission.

Coming Up:  
At the June 10th meeting the Conservation Commission will make a presentation to the Council.  At the June 24th meeting Deb Robinson will make a presentation regarding Project Graduation.

Public Remarks:
John Jordon, 11 Clearwater Lane, addressed comments made my Chairperson Engel regarding Lake Commission members citing specific individuals for commission vacancies. He stated he would like someone dedicated, impartial and unbiased.  He stated that no specific individuals were cited and that none of the members made any disparaging remarks concerning the candidate.

Tom Wells, North Main Street, welcomed Paul Peszynski and hope he didn’t misconstrue any statements he made.  He was disappointed about the comments from Council.  Mr. Hart had an expertise.  He is hopeful the Council will consider a level of expertise for future applicants.

Irene Curtis, Wangonk Trail, noted that the Lake Commission did have two scientists on the Board.  She has done a lot of research and attended many conferences.  She was disappointed at the comments of the Council.

Paul Peszynski, Day Point Road, thanked the Council for appointing him to the Lake Commission.  He feels action is necessary to remedy the issues for the problems in the lake especially the erosion.  He noted he was looking forward to working with Bob Hart.

Kimberley Fontaine, 4 Railroad Avenue, clarified the discussion regarding the nondiscrimination clause.

Reserved:   None

A motion was made by Mr. Goff, seconded by Mr. Devine, to adjourn the meeting at 8:25 p.m. Voted (7-0).

Respectfully submitted,

Cathy Sirois
Recording Secretary