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02/26/2008 Town Council Regular Meeting
Town of East Hampton
Town Council Regular Meeting
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Eaton E. Smith Meeting Room

Present: Chairperson Melissa Engel, Vice Chairman Thomas Cordeiro and members, William Devine (arrived at 6:05 p.m.), Christopher Goff, Scott Minnick, John Tuttle and Susan Weintraub. Also present were Acting Town Manager Robert Drewry, Recording Secretary Cathy Sirois, many citizens, members of Boards and Commissions and a member of the press.

Information Session on Route 66 and 196 with CT Department of Transportation Engineer Tim Gaffey - 6:00 p.m.
Tim Gaffey and Tim Wilson from the State of Connecticut Department of Transportation provided an overview of proposed changes to the Route 66 and Route 196 intersection.  The presentation was opened to questions from residents.

Roy Gauthier, 6 Old Marlborough Road, asked about sight line issues at the end of Old Marlborough Road. Mr. Gaffey reviewed the proposed changes to the curve near Old Marlborough Road.

Jim Cavallo, 55 East High Street, asked about areas on the plans.  Mr. Gaffey noted the areas in question are areas where pavement will be disturbed and grass areas will be put in and areas where there will be driveway improvements.

Michelle Oliva, 45 East High Street, asked about the residents that live right across from the proposed stop light and how they will be able to enter and exit their driveways safely.  Mr. Gaffey indicated that the residents will be able to utilize the stop light timing to be able to exit safely.

Janet Santos, 59 East High Street, asked about water runoff in that area.  Mr. Gaffey indicated that catch basins will be installed in appropriate areas.  These basins would be the vortex type catch basins that handle the water near the lake.

Bob Hart, Chairman of the Lake Commission, asked about the appropriate time for the Lake Commission to get involved in the water treatment and vegetation near the lake area.

Roy Gauthier, 6 Old Marlborough Road, asked about the timeframe for the project.  Mr. Gaffey indicated that it would be approximately 2010 for a start time.

Philip Wielgosh, 79 North Main Street, asked for clarification about the treatment of the water before it goes into the lake.  Mr. Gaffey noted that it is not a chlorine type treatment, it is the vortex type catch basin as used on North Main Street.

Irene Curtis, Wangonk Trail, asked about the timing of the Marlborough sewer connection and this project.  Mr. Drewry noted that the sewer project will most likely be completed before the construction would begin on the intersection.

Call to order and Pledge of Allegiance:  Chairperson Engel called the regular meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.  All stood to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.  

Approval of Minutes:
A.      Town Council, Regular Meeting, February 12, 2008:  A motion was made by Mr. Devine, seconded by Mr. Cordeiro, to approve the minutes of the Town Council Regular Meeting of February 12, 2008 with a change made to the wording on the Memorial School Roof project. Voted (5-0-2) Mr. Goff and Mr. Minnick abstained due to their absence from that meeting.

A motion was made by Mr. Devine, seconded by Mr. Goff, to add the approval of a resolution to the agenda under item 11A.  So voted (7-0).

Special Presentations:
A.      Randi Frank Consultant, LLC:  Randi Frank provided an overview of her experience related to hiring municipal officials. She consults with Slavin Management as needed.  Ms. Frank answered questions from the Council related to her experience, the timeframe of the hiring process, the advertising process, site visits, reference checks and the make up of the interview panel. Ms. Weintraub noted that she spoke to Martha Perego from ICMA regarding having town managers sit on the committee.  She indicated that Ms. Perego reports that there are ethical issues having town managers on the committee.  Randi Frank noted that she spoke with Bob Slavin regarding this issue and he sees no issue having town managers on the committee.

B.      EDC Update - Craig Stevenson:  Craig Stevenson provided an update to the Council of the activities of Connected to Connected for the last month.  He noted that Chris Edge has visited several businesses in town.  The Village Center businesses would like to see more signage on Route 66 noting the businesses that are located in the Village Center.  Linda Parquette has been working with the Streetscape and Brownfields Subcommittees.  She is currently working on the new STEAP grant for the Route 66 and Main Street property.  There were questions on the funding/costs of a possible First Night/Festival of Light program brought up by the Economic Development Commission.

Public Remarks:  
Michelle Epstein, 17 Sherry Drive, commented that it seems that the Town is more interested in getting new businesses rather than satisfying current businesses.  Ms. Engel noted that both are very important to the town.

Kyle Dostaler, 56 William Drive, noted that he appreciates all that the Council does for the Town.  He also commented on meeting notices, minor FOI violations where items are added to special meetings and issues with Council members being on the Water Task Force.  He also noted that during a December 4, 2007 Facilities Committee meeting, Mr. Goff made a motion that involved family property and Mr. Goff should have recused himself from that item.  Ms. Engel noted that only the first meeting of the Water Task Force was inadvertently not posted.  All other meetings have been posted and minutes have been taken.  She also apologized for adding the additional item to the Tri Board Meeting agenda and more care will be taken in the future for these meetings.

Mary Ann Dostaler, 56 William Drive, commented on the presentation by Connected to Connecticut regarding the Festival of Light. She does not feel the Town Council is spending the EDC Consultants budget in the best interest of the town.   

Susan Wielgosh, 79 North Main Street, noted that it is a sad situation that there are so many issues going on and it would be nice to get them all resolved.  She is in favor of the Festival of Light.  

Laurie Wasilewski, Hog Hill Road, noted that she felt the Festival of Light would be a fantastic opportunity for the town.  She also asked about the cost of the Randi Frank Consulting service and noted her concerns about Randi Frank Consulting LLC.

Patricia Gauthier, 6 Old Marlborough Road, asked about the article in the Rivereast about the EDC appointments change.  Ms. Engel noted that that it was an option from the State that the town could go through the appointments committee rather than through the Town Manager.    

Irene Curtis, Wangonk Trail, expressed her concern about Randi Frank Consultant cost.

Roy Gauthier, 6 Old Marlborough Road, noted that enforcement issues after applications are approved have been an issue.  He has received the comment that we are short staffed.  He wanted to be sure the Council was aware.  

Kyle Dostaler, 56 William Drive, wanted to clarify that at the December 4th Facilities Committee meeting that the property involved was property owned by the family of Mr. Goff.

Michelle Epstein, 17 Sherry Drive, she wanted to let the Council know that Epoch Arts is a great program.

Fran Klein, Bellevue Street, asked if more than one consultant was interviewed before hiring Randi Frank Consultant LLC.  Ms. Engel noted that they spoke to Bennett Yarger and Randi Frank Consulting.

A motion was made by Mr. Tuttle, seconded by Mr. Goff, to move item 15A Communications & Announcements - Girls Varsity Basketball Team to this point in the agenda.  So voted (7-0).

Communications and Announcements:  
A.      Girls Varsity Basketball Team:  Mr. Tuttle asked the members of the East Hampton High School Varsity Basketball team that were present to come forward.  He reviewed the many accomplishments of the team this year.  The Council and citizens present gave the team a big round of applause and standing ovation and wished them well in the tournament.

New Business:
A.      Act on Sears Park Sticker Fee Recommendation: Ruth Plummer, Director of Parks & Recreation.  The Parks & Recreation Advisory Board recommended keeping the prices the same as last year.  Ms. Plummer also provided an update on the Sears Park boat launch renovations.  A motion was made by Mr. Cordeiro, seconded by Mr. Tuttle, to approve the recommendation to keep the Sears Park sticker fees the same as last year.  So voted (7-0).

Old (Continued) Business:
A.      Act on DOT Recommendations:  Ms. Engel read a letter from Larry McHugh of the Middlesex Chamber of Commerce in support of the Route 66 and 196 intersection.  The Council clarified several points with Tim Gaffey.  Mr. Cordeiro thanked Mr. Gaffey and Mr. Wilson and noted that the citizens that live near that intersection that were present at the meeting seem happy about the proposed improvements. A motion was made by Mr. Goff, seconded by Mr. Cordeiro, to send the project forward with the Town's approval to the Department of Transportation.  So voted (7-0).

B.      Act on Randi Frank Consultant LLC Contract:  Chairperson Engel reviewed the costs involved in the contract and explained that the Town Manager's office will handle some of the clerical aspects of the search to help keep costs down.  Mr. Minnick was concerned that no references were obtained for Randi Frank Consulting LLC.  Mr. Minnick indicated that an RFP needed to be done prior to hiring her firm. Ms. Weintraub noted that she felt that more than one consulting group should be looked into.  She is also concerned about Town Managers sitting on the hiring committee.  Mr. Tuttle feels that Randi Frank LLC has the advantage of being local and knows the area. He also noted that the Town Council makes the ultimate decision on the hiring of the Town Manager.  A motion was made by Mr. Devine, seconded by Mr. Tuttle, to waive the RFQ process for the Randi Frank Consultant LLC contract.  So voted (7-0).  A motion was made by Mr. Cordeiro, seconded by Mr. Tuttle, to hire Randi Frank Consultant LLC for the purpose of pursuing a new Town Manager. So voted (5-2) Mr. Minnick and Ms. Weintraub against.  Mr. Minnick did not agree with the process to hire her.  Ms. Weintraub does not feel she has enough experience to hire a Town Manager.

A short break was taken at 8:15pm.  The meeting reconvened at 8:20pm.
C.      Act on Fertilizer Ordinance:  Jeff Foran, Chairman of the Inland Wetlands Watercourses Agency, reported that the wording was changed to indicate that stores in East Hampton would still be able to sell fertilizer with phosphorus.  He also noted that IWWA recommends that the whole town be included in the ordinance rather than just the lake watershed area.  There was lengthy discussion on the option of including the entire town. There was also discussion regarding the issue of enforcement of this ordinance. Bob Hart of the Lake Commission will provide a letter to the Council and IWWA with the Lake Commission's thoughts on this ordinance. The Council's consensus is that this ordinance be town-wide rather than just in the lake watershed area. The revised document will be forwarded to the Council. This item will be put on the agenda again at the March 25th meeting.  

D.      ICMA Update:  This item was discussed during the Randi Frank Consulting LLC discussion.

E.      Accept Resignation of EDC Chairman:  The Council acknowledges the resignation of EDC Chairperson Mary Ann Dostaler and EDC member Patience Anderson.

F.      Skateboard Park Update:  The town attorney determined that the skateboard park would be allowable under the deed from the Bevin family.  However, there are issues with wetlands in that area, the amount of space available due to playground equipment and wells and the secluded area which was an issue with the old park.

G.      Noise Solutions Update:  Chairperson Engel noted that she and Mr. Drewry would be meeting with Paul Angelico the week of March 3rd to address noise issues.  Chief Matthew Reimondo provided Ms. Engel with accident statistics on North Main Street.  In 2006 there were a total of 241 motor vehicle accidents in town with 12 being on North Main Street. In 2007 there were a total of 265 motor vehicle accidents in town with 9 being on North Main Street.  Chief Reimondo indicated they are looking at center cross walk signs from Memorial Day to Labor Day.  They will be working with the Fire Department on placement due to the need for space for fire truck access to the intersections.  

Susan Wielgosh had a question for the Chief regarding Lake Boulevard and the valet parking area.  The Chief indicated that this is a zoning issue not a law enforcement issue.  As long as sight lines are not blocked there is no law enforcement issue.  Ms. Wielgosh also noted that during the heavy rain the road near the marina was flooded.  Flashing lights were put near that area and the cars did slow down when the lights were there.

Kevin Burnham, Laurel Glen Drive, indicated that he works for the Transportation Division for the City of Hartford.  He asked if in-pavement devices have been researched.  He will provide more information to the Council.

Mr. Cordeiro also mentioned that lighting issues should be looked into in various areas of town.

Report of Acting Town Manager:
A.      127 East High Street:  Mr. Drewry reported that he hasn't heard back from the property owner yet but has spoken to the town attorney to look into the Town's options.  

B.      Water Tower:  Mr. Drewry reported that the bids should be going out soon for the tower removal.  

C.      Website Update:  Mr. Drewry noted that the new website will be live on March 1st.  All Boards and Commissions will be notified of the new posting process.

D.      DiDomizio Letter:  Mr. Drewry reported that Mr. DiDomizio is no longer interested in selling the property near Memorial School.  The Town has sent Mr. DiDomizio a letter asking for the right of first refusal.

E.      Other:  Mr. Drewry asked the Council to sign a proclamation for Philip Visintainer and a letter for the STEAP grant.

A.      Subcommittee on Appointments Update/Action:  Mr. Goff noted that there is an expired position on the Inland Wetlands Watercourses Agency.  As there was only one applicant, Dean Kavalkovich, it is recommended that he be reappointed.  A motion was made by Mr. Goff, seconded by Mr. Cordeiro, to reappoint Dean Kavalkovich to the Inland Wetlands Watercourses Agency for a term of 3 years, retroactive to May 1, 2007.  His term will now expire April 30, 2010.  So voted (7-0).

Liaison Reports:  
A.      Water Task Force:  Ms. Engel reported that the Water Task Force met on February 29, 2008 and discussed the cost of a treatment facility and the engineering work to install the treatment facility.  The meetings will be held every other Friday at the Town Garage at 7:00am.

B.      Town Manager Appointment - Town Cemetery Board:  Mr. Drewry recommended the appointment of Nikki O'Neill to the Town Cemetery Board.  No vote was necessary from the Council.

Mr. Tuttle noted that he attended the Board of Education meeting.  There is a tentative date for a Tri Board Meeting on March 24th.  It would be helpful if it could be held at 6:00pm as there is a Board of Education meeting that night at 7:00pm.  Also, the school principals presented school improvement plans.  A copy will be left in the Town Manager's office for review.   Lastly, there will be a meeting on March 3rd to discuss the replacement of the open spot on the Board of Education.

Mr. Devine attended the Fire Commission meeting.  He noted that the Fire Department purchased two rings from his store for two (2) individuals with twenty years of volunteer service.

Mr. Goff attended the Economic Development Commission meeting.  He noted the new Chairman will be Richard Leone.  Jack Hesen will continue as the Vice Chairman.  He also attended the Lake Pocotopaug Commission meeting.  He noted that they talked about the 4.5 inches of rain during the last big storm and the impact on certain areas in town.  He also noted that the slides from the Lake Conference are on the website.

Mr. Minnick attended the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board meeting.  Their budget proposal includes a 6% increase due to much needed personnel positions and grounds maintenance.

Ms. Weintraub attended the Board of Finance meeting.  The budget workshops will be held on March 14th.  The Board of Education will hold their workshop on March 22nd at 7:00am. The books will be available in early March. Also it was reported that property tax collections are at 95%. They feel they should reach 98%. She also attended the Housing Authority Meeting.  There were 5 new applications and current waiting list for 8 singles and 1 double.  It was reported that some towns are waiving the percent that their housing authorities are paying their towns.  The Housing Authority would like the Town to consider going to 0% so the money can be used to update the units.  Ms. Weintraub also attended the Streetscape Meeting.  They reviewed the engineer's drawings for the south side of Route 66.  Bids will be going out soon and the work should begin in spring/summer.  They also discussed the town wide granite curbing policy that was discussed by Tim Gaffey from the Department of Transportation.  Mr. Drewry will check with Mr. Gaffey for clarification on the policy needed.  She also spoke about the Salmon River Watershed.  Ms. Engel noted that a letter of support went out today.  

Board, Commission, Agency & Task Force Remarks:  
Bob Hart, Chairman of the Lake Commission, indicated that the Lake Commission would like to work together with other town agencies on a Lake and Watershed Implementation Plan.

Resolutions/Ordinances/Policies/Proclamations:  Ms. Engel reviewed the resolution needed to have East Hampton considered a STEAP grant town as opposed to an Urban Act Town.  A motion was made by Mr. Cordeiro, seconded by Mr. Devine to accept the STEAP grant resolution as written.  So voted (7-0).

Financial Transactions:
A.      Consider, Discuss and Take Possible Action on Board of Finance Transfer Recommendation - Village Center Water System:  Ms. Engel noted that the Board of Finance would like to put aside funds that are needed to fund the construction, design and engineering costs to upgrade and expand the Village Center Water System. A motion was made by Mr. Tuttle, seconded by Mr. Devine, to transfer funds from the Capital Reserve Fund Contingency account in the amount of $73,783 and the Capital Reserve Fund Debt sinking account in the amount of $91,000 to the Village Center Water System capital account as recommended by the Board of Finance.  So voted (6-0-1) Mr. Minnick abstained.

Tax Refunds:   A motion was made by Mr. Goff, seconded by Mr. Devine, to approve tax refunds in the amount of $3,742.65.  So voted (7-0).

Bids and Contracts:  None

Communications and Announcements:  
Ms. Engel noted that the Council received a thank you card from Jill Deane for the flowers that were sent for Joyce Krauth's funeral.

Ms. Engel and Ms. Weintraub will be attending a meeting of the Connecticut River Assembly on March 13, 2008 at 7:00pm.

Mr. Goff noted that he has a packet of information for Kimberley Fontaine regarding ADA standards.  It was also noted that the sidewalks planned for Streetscape are ADA approved.

Public Remarks:
Scott Senicki, 102 Quiet Woods Road, reported road problems on Quiet Woods Road and provided the Council with pictures of a water runoff issue.  He noted that builders that built new houses have not done the work that they agreed to do.  He would like to know what is being done to rectify the issues on this road.  Ms. Engel noted that this issue will be looked into. Mr. Drewry noted that there will be a bid going out for drainage only on Quiet Woods Road.

Kyle Dostaler, 56 William Drive, asked about the details on the $164,000 being appropriated for the Village Center Water System.

Mary Ann Dostaler, 56 William Drive, asked who set the date and time of the Water Task Force Meetings at the Town Garage.  Mr. Tuttle noted that as there are many evening meetings, that time worked into the schedules of the committee members.  She asked if the meeting can be moved to Town Hall.  She also asked about the Town Manager selection panel and when the individuals will be named and whether the Council supports the makeup of the committee.  

Irene Curtis, Wangonk Trail, asked about the brick building on the water tower property and wondered if that is also being taken down.

Reserved:   None

A motion was made by Mr. Devine, seconded by Mr. Tuttle, to adjourn the meeting at 10:10 p.m. So voted (7-0).

Respectfully submitted,

Cathy Sirois
Recording Secretary