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01/08/2008 Town Council Regular Meeting
Town of East Hampton
Town Council Regular Meeting
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
6:30 p.m.
Eaton E. Smith Meeting Room

Present: Chairperson Melissa Engel, Vice Chairman Thomas Cordeiro and members, William Devine, Christopher Goff, Scott Minnick, John Tuttle and Susan Weintraub. Also present was Acting Town Manager Robert Drewry, Recording Secretary Cathy Sirois and many audience members.

Call to order and Pledge of Allegiance:  Chairperson Engel called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m.  All stood to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.  

Mr. Minnick made a motion to amend the agenda to add Consider, Discuss and Take Possible Action on Appointment of the Acting Town Manager under Old Business. Seconded by Ms. Weintraub.  So voted (7-0).

Approval of Minutes:
A.      Town Council, Regular Meeting, December 11, 2007:  A motion was made by Mr. Goff, seconded by Mr. Tuttle, to approve the minutes of the Town Council Regular Meeting of December 11, 2007 as written. Voted (6-0-1) Mr. Devine abstained as he was absent from the meeting.
B.      Town Council, Special Meeting, December 18, 2007:  A motion was made by Mr. Cordeiro, seconded by Mr. Devine, to approve the minutes of the Town Council Special Meeting of December 18, 2007.  So voted (7-0).

Report of Acting town Manager:
A.      The GIS system recommendation will be postponed until a future meeting.
B.      Mr. Drewry provided a letter to the Council from Jeff Jylkka, Finance Director, regarding small cities grant.  The skateboard project did not meet the national objectives of the grant.  Ms. Engel noted that Mr. Devine questioned the possibility of clearing a small portion of woods past the Center School grounds to provide an area for a skateboard park.  The deed from the Bevin property will need to be researched.  There will be further discussion at the Council meeting in February.
C.      Mr. Drewry reported that the town has received a letter from Mr. Barton indicating that he has signed the water property over to the town as a donation.  The tower is being tested for lead and asbestos.  The removal of the tower will be put out to bid and will be removed as soon as possible.
D.      Other - none

Special Presentations:  

A.      Traffic Study Route 151 – Chief Matthew Reimondo reviewed a traffic study provided by TPA Design Group.  He recommends that the Council write a letter to the Department of Transportation/State Traffic Commission regarding the recommendations. A copy of the recommendations will be provided to the Middle Haddam Historic District. A public meeting will be scheduled with the Council, TPA Design Group and the CT Department of Transportation.  Ms. Weintraub will coordinate the meeting.
B.      Police Department Rules & Regulations – Chief Reimondo reported that there will be three operating procedures that will need to be accepted by the Town Council.  Domestic violence updates, new guidelines for missing persons and the use of tasers are the topics to be approved.  The approval will be included on the next Council agenda.
C.      Board of Finance Survey – This item will be postponed to a future meeting.

Public Remarks:
Jack Lanzi, 38 Walnut Avenue, asked about the status of the Walnut Avenue sidewalks.  Mr. Drewry indicated that the bid was awarded but due to the cold weather the work will be started in the spring.

John Ciriello, Lake Commission, reported that there will be a Lake Conference on January 17th at the East Hampton Middle School Library at 7:00pm.

Mary Ann Dostaler, William Drive, noted her displeasure on the actions of the Council at the December 18th Special Meeting and the rescinding of the contract of the town manager.  

Laurie Wasilewski, Hog Hill Road, noted that she agreed with Ms. Dostaler on the actions of the Council on the termination of the contract of the town manager.  She commended the Council on the response given to a resident regarding a question on paving Laurel Road.  She also commented that she disagrees with the decision on the December 11th discussion of former Council members not being able to sit on other boards and commissions.  

Kyle Dostaler, William Drive, commented his displeasure on the voiding of the contract of the town manager.

Pete Brown, Barton Hill Road, noted that he has confidence in the Council.  He commented on the new town manager that was dismissed, hiring process of the town manager by the prior Council and the unfair treatment of Mr. Bergren.

Patience Anderson, 17 Anderson Way, wished everyone good health in the coming year.

Kimberly Fontaine, 4 Railroad Avenue, commended the Council on the dismissal of Mr. Thomas based on comments he allegedly made in the past.  She asked the Council to thoroughly screen the backgrounds of future candidates for Town Manager.

Scott Bristol, Redevelopment & Brownfields Commissions, asked how the MTBE settlement will affect the four gas stations in town.

A.      Subcommittee on Appointments Update/Action
Mr. Cordeiro made a motion to remove Douglas Bonoff from the alternate position on the Planning & Zoning Commission based on failure to comply with the attendance policy.  Seconded by Mr. Goff.  So voted (7-0).

Mr. Goff made a motion to appoint Darin Hurne as an alternate to the Planning & Zoning Commission with a term through December 31, 2009.  Seconded by Mr. Devine.  So voted (7-0).

Mr. Goff made a motion to appoint Raymond Krupa and Richard Walsh to full members of the Middle Haddam Historic District Commission with terms through December 31, 2012.  They are presently alternate members. Seconded by Mr. Cordeiro. So voted (7-0).

Mr. Goff made a motion to reappoint David Simko and Matthew Walton to the Board of Fire Commissioners with terms through November 30, 2010.  Seconded by Mr. Devine.  So voted (6-1) Mr. Minnick against.

B.      Land Acquisition Subcommittee:  Ms. Engel reported that the Council will form a Land Acquisition Subcommittee. The members will be Mr. Devine, Mr. Goff and Ms. Weintraub.  She reviewed the charge of the subcommittee.  Mr. Tuttle made a motion to approve the charge.  Seconded by Mr. Goff.  During discussion a change was proposed to the charge deleting “and any additional members they see fit” and adding the phrase “throughout the term of the existing Town Council” to the end.  Mr. Tuttle amended the motion to approve the charge of the Land Acquisition Subcommittee with the changes noted.  Seconded by Mr. Devine.  So voted (7-0).

C.      Other - none

New Business:
A.      Disposal of Equipment:  The Public Works department would like to dispose of an old leaf vacuum.  They would like permission to put this item up for bid.  Mr. Goff made a motion to allow Public Works to put the leaf blower out to bid.  Seconded by Mr. Devine.  So voted (7-0).
B.      Hog Hill Property:  Mr. Drewry reviewed a parcel of property on Hog Hill Road that the Parks & Recreation Department advises that the town purchase.  This property abuts the parcel of land that the town recently purchased in the Pine Brook Aquifer watershed area.  Ms. Engel noted this item will be turned over the new Land Acquisition Subcommittee.  
C.      Other – Mr. Tuttle asked about the Fertilizer Ordinance. It is still being worked on by the Lake Commission and the Inland Wetlands Commission.  Also on another topic, Mr. Tuttle asked about the burned out property on Route 66 across from White House Motel.  He noted that the owner is still working with the insurance company.  Mr. Drewry will contact the Planning & Zoning administrator to see what we can do to move this process along.

Old Business:
A.      Other – None
B.      Consider, Discuss and Take Possible Action on Acting Town Manager:  Mr. Minnick stated that the original agreement went through January 1, 2008.  He is concerned about Mr. Drewry being able to do the full time job of Town Manager and Public Works Supervisor.  Mr. Minnick brought up possibly bringing in an interim Town Manager, as there are individuals that are retired that perform this job.  Ms. Weintraub was also concerned about the volume of work for both positions and agreed with Mr. Minnick about possibly looking into an interim.  Mr. Devine noted that if an interim Town Manager was brought in it would take several months for someone to become acclimated.  Mr. Tuttle agreed with Mr. Devine, he feels that there are individuals at Public Works that will step up and keep Public Works running smoothly.  Mr. Goff agreed with Mr. Devine and Mr. Tuttle.    Mr. Cordeiro feels that for the amount of time it would find to find an interim that time could be used to find a permanent replacement.  Ms. Engel feels that Mr. Drewry is doing a good job taking care of both areas and that the quality staff at Public Works is handling the issues there and keeping Mr. Drewry apprised of any issues. The Council thanked Mr. Drewry for all of his hard work.  Mr. Devine made a motion to endorse Mr. Drewry to serve as interim Town Manager.  Seconded by Mr. Tuttle.  So voted (7-0).

A.      Resolution Creating a Water Development Task Force.  Ms. Engel noted that there is a new director at the State of Connecticut Water Division.  Mr. Daryl Smith has replaced Dr. Gerald Iwan.  She reviewed the consent order and what is needed to satisfy the consent order.  She reviewed the proposed Water Development Task Force resolution.  Mr. Devine made a motion to approve the resolution for the Water Development Task Force as written.  Seconded by Mr. Cordeiro.  Voted (2-5) Ms. Engel and Mr. Devine for - Mr. Tuttle, Mr. Goff, Mr. Cordeiro, Mr. Minnick and Ms. Weintraub against.  During discussion Mr. Minnick noted that the Council should be the body that is in charge of the process not the Water Task Force. Mr. Cordeiro noted that he wants to be involved in the work that needs to be done for the water issue rather than being reported back to by another task force.   Mr. Tuttle made a motion to change the members of the Water Development Task Force to include the 7 members of the Town Council and that Town Manager will take on the responsibility for continued administration as opposed to the Water and Sewer Authority.  Seconded by Mr. Goff.  So voted (7-0).

Mr. Cordeiro made a motion to amend the agenda to add an item at this point in the agenda for Ron Christopher regarding a World War II monument.  Seconded by Mr. Tuttle.  So voted (7-0).

B.      Mr. Ron Christopher, a member of the VFW, reported that the VFW would like to create a monument for the veterans of World War II, Korea and Vietnam to the right of the existing monument on the High School property.  The money will be raised through fund raisers.  Permission needs to be given by the Town Council to construct this monument.  This item will be added to the next agenda.

C.      Policy Regarding Use of Legal Resources:  Chairperson Engel reviewed the policy regarding the use of the Town Attorney and other legal and professional consultants by department heads, elected and appointed officials.  This policy will avoid frivolous use of these consultants.  Mr. Goff made a motion to adopt the policy as written.  Seconded by Mr. Devine.  So voted (7-0).  This policy will be shared with all commissions and outside counsels.

D.      Harlan Place Purchase Meeting Date:  Ms. Engel explained the proposed use of the property if purchased.  It would be used for emergency access only to the Memorial School property.  It would be a gated entrance.  The town wants to secure the property for possible future use if other property is purchased behind Memorial School.  Ms. Engel allowed residents to express their concerns during this discussion which include traffic issues and difficulties entering and exiting on Route 16. Mr. Goff will do some further investigating with the engineering firm.  Mr. Minnick made a motion to postpone this item to the next Town Council meeting.  Seconded by Mr. Cordeiro.  So voted (7-0).

E.      Historic Document Preservation Grant:  Mr. Cordeiro made a motion to approve the resolution for the Historic Document Preservation Grant.  Seconded by Mr. Goff.  So voted (7-0).

F.      Nondiscrimination Certification: Mr. Goff made a motion to approve the nondiscrimination certification.  Seconded by Mr. Cordeiro.  So voted (7-0).

G.      Philip Visintainer Retirement Proclamation:  This item will be postponed to the next meeting.

Financial Transactions:  
A.      Budget Policy Statement:   A draft of the budget policy statement was distributed by Mr. Cordeiro.  There will be discussion at the next meeting.
B.      Board of Finance – Other:  None

Liaison Reports:  
Ms. Weintraub attended the Housing Authority meeting and reviewed the number of openings available and the waiting list.

Board, Commission, Agency & Task Force Remarks:  
Mary Ann Dostaler, Chairperson of the Economic Development Commission, reported that the Streetscape Committee is having a public meeting on Wednesday, January 16, 2008 at 6:30pm in the East Hampton Middle School Library.  She also noted that the Streetscape Committee is down one member.

Tax Refunds:
A.      Tax Abatement Colchester Avenue: Mr. Cordeiro made a motion to approve the tax abatement for the former Fireman’s Grounds on Colchester Avenue that is now owned by the State of Connecticut.  Seconded by Mr. Goff.  So voted (7-0).
B.      Tax Refunds:  Mr. Devine made a motion to approve tax refunds in the amount of $681.39.  Seconded by Mr. Cordeiro.  So voted (7-0).
Bids and Contracts:  None

Communications and Announcements:  
A.      Tri Board Meeting January 15, 2008:  There will be a Tri Board Meeting on Tuesday, January 15, 2008 at 7:00pm in the East Hampton Middle School Library.
B.      Update Request from Commissions, Committees and Agencies:  Ms. Engel will be sending out a request to all boards, commissions and agencies for an status update on each group.
C.      Veteran’s Tax Abatement:  Ms. Engel reported that the Town of East Hampton is already handling the veteran’s tax abatement through the Assessor’s office.

Public Remarks:
Ted Hintz, Chairman of the Board of Finance, asked if there will be an issue with FOI compliance for the Water Development Task Force since the Council makes up the task force.  Will any meetings that they go to in Hartford need to be noticed etc.  Ms. Engel noted that these questions will be investigated.

Laurie Wasilewski, Hog Hill Road, asked for clarification if the veteran’s have been given the permission.  This item will be on the agenda on January 22, 2008.  She also thanked the Chairperson for the leniency she gave the public during the Harlan Place item on the agenda.  She is hopeful that this will take place in the future as well.  She also mentioned some of the condescending comments at Council meetings.

John Ciriello, Lake Commission, noted the poor condition of the Lake Pocotopaug sign near Route 196.  The Rotary is in charge of this sign.  This will be addressed when the Route 66 and 196 issues are addressed.

Kyle Dostaler, William Drive, complimented the Town Council on becoming the town’s Water Task Force.

Mary Ann Dostaler, William Drive, noted that the role of the Town Manager is to be the apolitical person who runs the town.  She feels the Town Manager should be the one negotiating with the state regarding water so that it stays apolitical.  

Pete Brown, 76 Barton Hill Road, thanked the Council for renewing democracy in East Hampton.  The give and take in the room tonight by the current Council was very refreshing.


A motion was made by Mr. Devine, seconded by Mr. Goff to adjourn the meeting at 8:56 p.m. So voted (7-0).

Respectfully submitted,

Cathy Sirois
Recording Secretary