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10/07/2004 Special Town Meeting Minutes

        A special town meeting of the electors and citizens qualified to vote in town meetings of the Town of East Hampton, Connecticut, was held at the East Hampton High School, North Maple Street in East Hampton, Connecticut on the 7th day of October at 7:00 p.m.

Mr. Robert McKinney was Moderator of the meeting and Sandra M. Wieleba was the Town Clerk.  

        The Clerk read the notice for the meeting which was published in The Rivereast on October 1, 2004, and which is recorded in these records immediately preceding these minutes.

        Mr. DiStefano moved to accept the call of the meeting seconded by Ms. Rand. Moderator called for a vote.  Vote in the affirmative.

        The reports of the Town Council and the Board of Finance were presented recommending an appropriation of $325,000 for acquisition of 68 North Main Street and the issue of bonds or notes and temporary notes to defray said appropriation.  The report of the Planning and Zoning Commission was presented approving the proposed project.

        The Moderator requested that the resolution prepared for this item be presented.

        Mr. DiStefano presented the following resolution which was seconded by Mr. Norkun to be considered under item 1 of the Notice, the full text of which resolution is attached to and made a part of these minutes.   A discussion on the resolution followed.

        RESOLVED, that the reading of the resolution to be presented to this Special Town Meeting under item 1 of the notice and that the full text of the resolution, a copy of which has been made available to all those in attendance at this meeting, be incorporated into the text of this meeting.

        Ms. Rand made a motion to move the question.

        Ms. Suprono made a motion to vote by paper ballot seconded by Mr. O’Sullivan.  Vote declared in the affirmative.

The foregoing resolution was adopted by the following paper ballot vote.  A total of 54 paper ballots were cast.  

Number of “YES” VOTES   34      Number of “NO” VOTES    20
The meeting adjourned at   8:05   p.m.
                        Sandra M. Wieleba, Town Clerk                   
Attachment:  Bond Resolution