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03/16/2009 Special Town Meeting Minutes
HELD March 16, 2009

        A special town meeting of the electors and citizens qualified to vote in town meetings of the Town of East Hampton, Connecticut, was held at the East Hampton High School, North Maple Street in East Hampton, Connecticut on the 16th day of March at 7:00 p.m.

Mr. Robert McKinney was Moderator of the meeting and Sandra M. Wieleba was the Town Clerk.  Alannah Coshow, Republican Registrar of Voters, Donna Long, Democratic Deputy Registrar of Voters and Vincent Susco, Director of the Water Pollution Control Authority was also in attendance.

        The Clerk read the notice for the meeting which was published in The Rivereast on February 27, 2009, and which is recorded in these minutes.

Mr. Christopher Goff moved to accept the call of the meeting seconded by Mr. Thomas Cordeiro.  Moderator McKinney called for a vote.  Vote in the affirmative.

          Moderator McKinney requested that the resolution prepared for this item be presented.  Mr. Christopher Goff presented the following resolution which was seconded by Mr. Thomas Cordeiro to be considered

To acquire a Permanent Easement over a portion of the property located at 31 East High Street, East Hampton, Connecticut.  Said Permanent Easement will be used by the Town’s Water Pollution Control Authority for the installation and maintenance of a stand-by generator and related equipment necessary to power the Town’s existing wastewater lift station located adjacent to the area of the Permanent Easement.  Furthermore, that the Town of East Hampton-WPCA pays the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) to Edward C. Jackowitz in return for said Permanent Easement

       A discussion on the resolution followed.
        Mrs. Maryann Dostaler, 56 William Drive, asked if the amount of this easement was included in the amount mentioned at a previous meeting.  Mr. Vincent Susco explained that it was and that the overall amount was lower.  

        Mrs. Dostaler asked if any appraisals were done for this easement.  Mr. Susco indicated that he was not aware of any being done.
The foregoing resolution was adopted by the following voice vote.  A total of  11 residents were in attendance

Number of “YES” VOTES    10     Number of “NO” VOTES     1
Motion made by Mr. Christopher Goff and seconded by Mr. Thomas Cordeiro to adjourn the meeting at 7:08 p.m.

                                        Respectfully submitted

                                          Sandra M. Wieleba, Town Clerk