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11/19/2008 Streetscape Meeting
East Hampton
Streetscape Steering Committee

Minutes of Regular Meeting
Wednesday, November 19, 2008, 6:30 pm
East Hampton Town Hall Meeting Room

Agenda Item #1:  Call to Order
Streetscape Steering Committee Chairperson Elizabeth Harris called the meeting to order at 6:34 pm.  Other committee members present were Kevin Burnham, Ralph Stoeckle, and Sue Weintraub.  Others present: Heidi Hajna of TPA Design Associates and Clint MacKeen of Apex Lighting Solutions.

Agenda Item #2:  Approval of minutes of September 24, 2008 Regular Meeting
Motion to approve the minutes of the November 5, 2008 Special Meeting was made by Ralph Stoeckle and seconded by Kevin Bunham.  Motion was approved unanimously.
Agenda Item #3:  Communications and Announcements

Agenda Item #4:  Pedestrian walkway lighting
Clint MacKeen from Apex Lighting Solutions demonstrated the Lumec Domus LED flat lens lamp, an LED drop-lens insert, and a typical HID lamp (for comparison).  The committee also viewed two prototype LED models from Beacon Products, obtained by Kevin Burnham.   Lamps were operated outside at a height of approximately 12 feet.

The committee found both of the Lumec models to be far too bright and glaring.  These models would be more useful in an area lacking other forms of artificial illumination; with the existing cobra-head streetlamps, the Lumec lamps’ level of brightness was not required and did not justify the degree of glare. ~Both of the Beacon prototypes utilize indirect illumination, so passersby never look directly into the LED board. ~These lamps provided an appropriate level of brightness, much less glare (even when compared with a traditional HID lamp), and were aesthetically-pleasing.

The committee chose a Beacon Products model, the "Mediterranean" lamp with a clear lens and a bell-shaped housing; to keep the design as simple as possible, such that it will blend best with prevailing architecture, the decorative halo and its supporting brackets will be eliminated. ~The committee will choose a decorative pole.

Mr. MacKeen stated that both the Lumec and Beacon Products LED lamps are rated to 70,000 hours of operation (16 years).  He estimated the current cost of replacing a spent LED component at approximately $800-1000.  The Beacon Products lamp is rated as “cutoff,” not “full-cutoff,” and so a waiver of the State’s cutoff requirement (for dark skies) will be needed before the lamp can be purchased for the project.  The committee was informed that the cutoff standards are being modified because the current requirements are too restrictive.

Agenda Item #5:  Signage plan
No updates at this time.
Agenda Item #6:  Middle Haddam Road
The committee is anticipating feedback from ConnDOT regarding recommendations made by Tighe and Bond.

Agenda Item #7:  Next Steps
The committee is to choose a decorative pole for the LED pedestrian walkway lighting; choices will be communicated to Heidi Hajna.  Town Manager Jeff O’Keefe will be contacted regarding the need for a waiver of the cutoff requirements.

Agenda Item #8:  Public Comments

Agenda Item #9:  Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 8:02 pm.  Next meeting is anticipated for Wednesday, December 17, 2008, 6:30 pm, in the Town Hall Meeting Room.

Respectfully submitted by Elizabeth Harris.