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02/20/2008 Streetscape Regular Meeting
East Hampton
Streetscape Steering Committee

Minutes of Regular Meeting
Wednesday, February 20, 2008, 6:30 pm
East Hampton Town Hall Meeting Room

Agenda Item #1:  Call to Order
Streetscape Steering Committee Chairperson Elizabeth Harris called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.  Other committee members present were Kevin Burnham, Ralph Stoeckle, and Sue Weintraub.

Agenda Item #2:  Approval of Minutes, January 16, Special Meeting
Motion to accept the minutes from the January 16, 2008 Special Meeting, reflecting the SSC portion of the meeting, was made by Kevin Burnham and seconded by Ralph Stoeckle; the minutes were approved by unanimous vote.  Minutes from the January 16, 2008 public information meeting will be requested from Linda Parquette of Connected to Connecticut.

Agenda Item #3:  Communications and Announcements:   Sue Weintraub discussed development of a Town policy regarding the installation of granite curbing.  In anticipation of the DOT’s planned modification of the Rt. 66/196 intersection, such a policy would ensure replacement of existing curbing and sidewalks with materials reflecting the streetscape design.  The DOT will do so if a Town policy is in place; the streetscape project would not be considered a precedent.  Such a policy would provide cohesiveness in design; it should apply to developing properties and would coordinate with efforts by the Design Review Board.  The policy could specify which types of roads are required to utilize granite curbing (ie. main arterial) but should emphasize its use whenever possible.  Sidewalk design policy could require scoring and/or a colored concrete band in particular locations.  Lighting and benches should also be included in the policy.  Sue Weintraub will check to see if a policy needs to be approved by Planning and Zoning or just by Town Council.

Sue Weintraub reported that Rich Leone is the new chair of the Economic Development Commission.

The SSC went into executive session for discussion of the DiStefano property at the corner of Main and West High Streets.

Elizabeth Harris noted that Cindy Rooth has offered to act as liason between the EDC and SSC.

Agenda Item #4:  Recommendations for next round of STEAP grant funding
The deadline for the STEAP grant application is at the end of February.  At the end of Phase 1, there will still be a need to complete the streetscaping of the south side of East High Street with additional landscaping, lighting, benches, and trash receptacles.  The committee also discussed continuing the streetscape design on the north side of East High Street.  There may be some EDC funds available to develop a signage plan for the retail and historic downtown areas, which possibly could be incorporated into TPA’s current scope.

Regarding Tighe and Bond’s traffic recommendations, Kevin Burnham considered the possibility of locating a pedestrian area of refuge west of the location recommended by the consultant (at the east end of the retail area), in an area with more foot traffic and crossings; Tighe and Bond’s data indicated that crossing were random despite a signalized crossing at Shaw’s.  Installation of a refuge island might also have a positive impact on crossings elsewhere.

Agenda Item #5:  Next Steps
Elizabeth Harris will contact Heidi Hajna from TPA to determine the feasibility of developing a signage plan, including the gateways at West High/Maple Streets, West High/Main Streets, and the area of the Rt. 66/196 intersection.  The committee’s recommendations regarding projects for the next round of STEAP grant funding will be communicated to Bob Drewry for inclusion in the grant application.  

Agenda Item #7:  Public Comments
There were no public comments.

Agenda Item #8:  Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm.  The next regular meeting is planned for Wednesday, March 19, 2008.

Respectfully submitted by Elizabeth Harris.