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09/19/2007 Streetscape Regular Meeting
East Hampton Streetscape Steering Committee
Regular Meeting
September 19, 2007
6:30 PM
East Hampton Town Hall Annex

Agenda Item #1: Call to Order Streetscape Steering Committee Chairperson Elizabeth Harris called the meeting to order at 6:37 pm. Other committee members present were Kevin Burnham, Ralph Stoeckle, and Sue Weintraub.
Others present: Mary Ann Dostaler, Chair, East Hampton Economic Development Commission
Agenda Item #2: Approval of Minutes, August 15, 2007, Regular Meeting Ralph Stoeckle made a motion to approve the minutes. Sue Weintraub seconded the motion, and the minutes were unanimously approved.
Agenda Item #3: Communications and Announcements TPA’s modified scope has been signed by Alan Bergren, and TPA is now working under contract. Mary Ann Dostaler announced that the Town has hired three-member team from an economic development firm. One of these specialists will be available to assist the committee.
Agenda Item #4: Consider TPA’s scope modifications Crosswalk materials: Design of decorative crosswalks has been removed from the scope. The committee will continue to investigate the use of a high-friction surface at the signalized intersection of Main and High Streets. The high-friction surface is an inexpensive alternative to pavers or concrete crosswalks; in use in Hartford for over one year, it appears to be wearing well at this time. The committee believes that the cost of decorative crosswalks (any treatment beyond striping) is to be borne entirely by the Town; if the State will share some of the cost, or if ConnDOT does not approve the use of a high-friction surface, then other decorative treatments can be considered.
Gateways: The committee will investigate the feasibility of a western gateway at the West High/Maple Street intersection. Suggestions included a welcome sign with additional space for community announcements; signage should be bidirectional and visible to motorists. Available materials from the Town do not delineate the current right-of-way at this intersection. According to TPA, ConnDOT will be improving the East High Street/Rt. 196 intersection in the future; any plans for an eastern gateway should be made after the disposition of that intersection is known.
Bell sign restoration: Sue Weintraub is planning a site visit to the bell sign with the vendor who has offered to donate powdercoating of the sign frame. The site visit should indicate if any repair to the frame is needed and what surface preparation is necessary, such as sandblasting. Sue will also investigate alternative, long-lasting materials for the sign itself. A plaque on the finished sign could thank all who donated their services to its restoration.
Landscaping at Shaw’s: Per TPA, there are not sufficient funds in the scope to allow for a landscaping concept plan to control erosion at the southwest corner of the Shaw’s lot.
Agenda Item #5: Next Steps TPA will be contacted to determine if they will attend the committee’s October meeting and to see what work has been accomplished. When the final streetscape plan is complete, the committee will plan a public meeting, to which EDC, Planning and Zoning, Public Works, and other Town departments will be invited.
Agenda Item #7: Public Comments There were no public comments.
Agenda Item #8: Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 8:17 pm by unanimous vote. The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 17, 2007, at 6:30 pm in the East Hampton Town Hall Meeting Room.
Respectfully submitted by Elizabeth Harris.