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07/18/2007 Streetscape Regular Meeting
East Hampton Streetscape Steering Committee
Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
6:30 PM
East Hampton Town Hall Meeting Room

1. Call to Order
Streetscape Steering Committee Chairperson Elizabeth Harris called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Other committee members present were Kevin Burnham, Ralph Stoeckle, and Susan Weintraub. Others present: Cindy Rooth, EDC Commissioner; Kathleen Wright, Recorder Absent: Susan Puzzo
2. Approval of Minutes, May 22, 2007 Regular Meeting
Minutes from the May 22, 2007 meeting had previously been distributed to committee members. Mr. Burnham asked for two changes to the minutes.
Mr. Burnham made a motion to approve the minutes of the May 22, 2007 Regular Meeting, as amended. Mr. Stoekel seconded the motion. The motion carried (4-0-0). (Yes votes: Chairperson Harris, Mr. Burnham, Mr. Stoeckle, and Ms. Weintraub. Yes votes: 4. No votes: 0. Abstentions: 0.)
3. Communications and Announcements
• Executive Session
Ms. Weintraub made a motion to call for executive session for a discussion of property lines that abut project areas. Mr. Burnham seconded the motion. The motion carried (4-0-0). (Yes votes: Chairperson Elizabeth Harris, Kevin Burnham, Ralph Stoeckle, and Susan Weintraub. Yes votes: 4. No votes: 0. Abstentions: 0.)
Mr. Burnham made a motion to end executive session. Chairperson Harris seconded the motion. The motion carried (4-0-0). (Yes votes: Chairperson Elizabeth Harris, Kevin Burnham, Ralph Stoeckle, and Susan Weintraub. Yes votes: 4. No votes: 0. Abstentions: 0.)
• Chairperson Harris said that Mr. Bergren, Ms. Weintraub, and she will meet with Mr. DiStefano on 7/26/07 at 8:30 AM.
4. Consider TPA's scope modifications
Mr. Burnham addressed the scope modifications as follows, unless otherwise noted:
• The utility lines might be consolidated to improve their appearance, and TPA has estimated $2000 for this work. The committee questions whether it is an efficient use of Phase I funds and whether the work should be delayed until a later phase.
• Mr. Burnham said that he just received a copy of the recent survey and will study it further.
• The traffic signal at Shaw’s should include an exclusive pedestrian phase. To proceed, a letter from the Legal Traffic Authority (Mr. Bergren) to ConnDOT is necessary. The request would ask for a revision to include an exclusive pedestrian phase at intersection number 41217, the intersection of Rt. 66 and Shaw's driveway. Ms. Rooth said she will pursue the plan at the EDC meeting with Mr. Bergren and/or with the Town Council.
• More than three sets of plans will be needed, and a two-week review period by ConnDOT is unrealistic; it would be more reasonable to expect 4-6 weeks for review.
• Different entities such as the contractor, TPA, and ConnDOT, may prefer different electronic formats for the final construction design. TPA is planning to use MasterSpec. Mr. Burnham will speak to Mr. Drewry at the Department of Public Works to determine if another format is preferable.
• Traffic and pedestrian counts can be made with a video camera to determine peak hours of pedestrian and motorist use of the corridor, pedestrian origin and destination, numbers of cars and pedestrians, and if the peaks for pedestrians and cars coincide. The photo log should be followed up by actual counts. Such a video log could also be helpful for future projects.
• Review of the final plan should be made with the SSC before ConnDOT.
• The purpose of the property owners meetings needs to be clarified, whether it is a negotiation workshop or an informational meeting.
• The gateways are a priority, but development of a gateway at the Main/High Street intersection will be of greater importance if the Town is able to purchase the DiStefano property.
• The committee has decided against construction of decorative crosswalks during Phase I since they are costly; for now, the plan is to delineate the crosswalks with painted striping. The committee questions whether the decorative crosswalks should be designed during this phase if they are not going to be implemented during Phase I construction.
• The concept is to put the refuge island in the center turn lane. There was a discussion of curb cuts and refuge island placement.
Chairperson Harris said that Ms. Ferro of TPA has asked that the disposition of the DiStefano property should be clarified as to whether it will be on Phase II, or separate from the STEAP grant money. The committee feels that landscaping around the property should not be part of Phase I, and that any Town involvement in improving the property can be made separately with other funds.
The committee discussed pedestrian-friendly options for parking: utilizing parking areas to the rear of businesses, shared parking, and a municipal lot; all of these modalities would reduce the presence of vehicles in areas which should be designed for pedestrian use. The committee discussed the need for a safe pedestrian walkways to get from parking areas to their destinations. Ms. Rooth wanted to know who owns the retention pond, because it could be drained and the area could be put to use.
Pocket Park at Town Hall -- space requirements
Chairperson Harris said that the pocket park is not mentioned in the modified scope. At the site, there needs to be space to park two vehicles, which will be confirmed with Mr. Bergren. The modified scope allows for a bench, a trash bin, and some landscaping. While installation of a light appears to be out of budget at this time, the committee feels that its inclusion is a priority; the pocket park should serve as a benchmark for the design choices made for the streetscaping project. The SSC went outdoors to look at the proposed space, where good possibilities were seen. There was a discussion of the budgeting of a lamp. Suggestions included solar lights, a decorative lamp in Phase II, getting donations and commemorating them with a plaque, and also making an economy elsewhere in the budget. Mr. Bergren’s approval will be verified regarding the pocket park. Meeting with DOT regarding mid-block crossing with refuge area Mr. Burnham said he had met with Mr. Jack Carrey of ConnDOT regarding a mid-block crosswalk with a pedestrian refuge island; ConnDOT’s district office will have concerns, such as maintenance. Whatever the Town will take on as maintenance will be favorable, for example, snow clearance. Landscaping the refuge island could take the form of potted plants that could be removed in winter for easier snow clearance. The next step will be to meet with the Department of Public Works regarding maintenance, and then see what ConnDOT asks for in a maintenance agreement.
Bell sign restoration -- need for any repair prior to powdercoating
Chairperson Harris asked if the structure that supports the sign requires repair. Ms. Weintraub reported the following:
• The structure needs to be sandblasted.
• We will have to transport it.
• We will need to find a sandblaster.
• The plan is to replace the wooden signage with more durable material and donate the old sign to the Chatham Historical Society.
• Some grant funds may be freed by arranging for the sign’s refurbishment outside of TPA’s scope. Ms. Rooth said there is a sandblaster in the Village. Ms. Weintraub will look into the possibilities.
Landscaping at Shaw's
Chairperson Harris asked if erosion control at the southwest corner of the Shaw’s property could be revisited. Mr. Bergren would like to have a landscaping concept plan at hand when he contacts Shaw's regarding the matter, because Shaw’s might then be more willing to fund the actual landscaping work. Ms. Rooth asked to have Shaw's clean up behind the Rotary kiosk. Chairperson Harris will pursue these issues with Mr. Bergren and TPA.
Mr. Burnham made the following amendments to the modified scope:
• Delete item I. Utility Appearance
• Eliminate Items A. 4a and b (design of decorative crosswalks) and put money towards pedestrian refuge.
• Item A. 6 Coordinate with ConnDOT on exclusive pedestrian phase at Shaw’s stoplight.
• Regarding Item B. 2, Mr. Burnham will speak with Mr. Drewry (Public Works) regarding electronic format of construction documents.
• Regarding Items B. 3 & B. 4, Mr. Burnham would like clarification and confirmation of the final construction documents with the Town, ConnDOT, DECD.
• Regarding Item IV 1., design of a mid-block crossing, pedestrian and motorist counts should follow from results of a video log of the area.
• Regarding IV. 1, design of a mid-block crossing, three to four alternative sites should be found, if possible, to increase chances of ConnDOT approval.
• Items IV 1. k and l: discussion of results and options should be done with the SSC prior to ConnDOT.
There was a discussion about the gateways: Ms. Weintraub expressed a strong desire to consider and design east and west gateways during Phase I, as they are an important part of an overall traffic-calming plan. Designing gateways at this point stresses that they are one of the committee’s priorities; if deferred, their design may be forgotten in later phases of the long-term project. Mr. Burnham wanted to know the locations of the gateways, and what would be the timing sequence of gateway work, whether to start on the east or the west. Chairperson Harris said gateways could be part of a wish list for Phase II, and she asked if there is a consensus on starting with the east, which she thought the more problematic of the two. Mr. Burnham suggested deferring gateway improvements until the effect of ConnDOT’s work at Route 196 is known. Ms. Rooth said that when EDC originally saw the proposal, the concept was that work would be done in pieces, and the east would be in Phase II. Ms. Rooth said ConnDOT plans at the Route 196 intersection will have an impact, and she reminded the SSC that traffic calming is a goal of the gateways. Ms. Rooth said that perhaps the gateways could be a project of their own. Mr. Burnham suggested that more funds might become available once the design work is complete and actual construction costs are known. Ms. Rooth said EDC will look into the gateway issue. Ms. Weintraub said she would prefer to investigate gateways because they are useful traffic calming measures. Ms. Weintraub showed pictures of potential signage. Chairperson Harris said, regarding the eastern gateway, that TPA has a concern with getting approval from ConnDOT. Mr. Burnham thought it possible if the Town is strong on its responsibility for maintenance concerns. Ms. Rooth said the police should be contacted to find out how many accidents have occurred on the western side, at Maple Street. Ms. Weintraub had a concern regarding the amount of the TPA design fee. Mr. Burnham said it would be fair to ask for a breakdown in man-hours. Over all, Mr. Burnham thought the cost a bit high. There was a discussion of costs from TPA. Ms. Weintraub said that the design fee of $30,000 should reasonably include gateway design. Ms. Rooth said this is within the purview of SSC. Ms. Rooth said she is in favor of a western gateway with an area for posting of community events; funding might come from sources other than the STEAP grant. There was a discussion of the original proposal. Ms. Rooth said that TPA was hired by the EDC in part because they agreed to meet with property owners, and that those meetings should not be optional. Mr. Burnham asked for a combined meeting with Mr. Bergen, Mr. Drewry and the DPW. Chairperson Harris said she would try to set a meeting date for next week.
5. Survey results Expected
6. Next Steps
Chairperson Harris said there will be a need to publicize a lot to increase public awareness. Once the design plans have been finalized, there should be a public meeting. The schools can be involved in bringing an awareness of the dangers of speeding. Another possibility is to coordinate a streetscape celebration during Old Home Day 2008. Chair Harris said that she is aware of interest in starting an East Hampton Arts Commission. Ms. Rooth said that an Arts Commission could work on making Village artists' condominiums.
7. Public Comments
8. Adjournment
Mr. Burnham made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Stoeckle seconded the motion. The motion carried (4-0-0). (Yes votes: Chairperson Harris, Kevin Burnham, Ralph Stoeckle, and Susan Weintraub. Yes votes: 5. No votes: 0. Abstentions: 0.)
The meeting was adjourned by Chairperson Harris at 9:15 PM.
Respectfully submitted, August 22, 2007, by Kathleen Wright, Recorder