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05/16/2007 Streetscape Regular Meeting
East Hampton Streetscape Steering Committee
Regular Meeting
May 16, 2007
6:30 PM
East Hampton Town Hall Meeting Room

Agenda Item #1: Call to Order Streetscape Steering Committee Chairperson Elizabeth Harris called the meeting to order at 6:32 pm. Other committee members present were Kevin Burnham, Susan Puzzo, Ralph Stoeckle, and Susan Weintraub.
Others present: Cindy Rooth of the Economic Development Commission; Alan Bergren, Town Manager; Val Ferro and Heidi Hajna, both of TPA Design Associates.
Agenda Item #2: Approval of Minutes, April 18 Regular Meeting Minutes from the April 18, 2007 meeting had previously been distributed to committee members and were unanimously approved.
Agenda Item #3: Communications and Announcements Elizabeth Harris, Val Ferro, and Heidi Hajna reported on the Connecticut Main Streets organization’s Visualize Change in Downtown workshop, held April 27, 2007.
Agenda Item #4: Consider TPA Status Report Val Ferro and Heidi Hajna acknowledged the committee’s current decisions regarding lighting, sidewalks, crosswalks, and furniture, as noted in the April 18, 2007, minutes and recommended that a full design template be decided upon. While not every choice made by the committee can be implemented during Phase One, due to budgetary constraints, completion of the design choices will facilitate their installation when additional funds become available.
Lighting: Consider other needs for power; holiday lights can be powered through receptacles on the poles. Consider the desire for power at the Rotary Club kiosk; check with Ruth Plummer from Parks and Recreation.
Sidewalks: DOT will replace sidewalks on the north side of East High Street from Main Street to Shaw’s, incorporating the committee’s design choice of a scored concrete walk (Option c) with a brownstone-colored concrete band (similar to that in Option b). A shorter sidewalk length will be constructed by DOT along the south side of the street, since DOT is not widening the roadway in this area. Scored sidewalk will be 4’ 6” in width with an additional 1’ 6” band. Kevin Burnham prefers a 5’ passable area; this possibility is to be assessed once the survey is complete. Curb cuts can be narrowed unless doing so affects business parking; existing encroachment permits are to be checked. Sidewalk should be elevated at curb cuts to reduce motorist speed when crossing the sidewalk.
Crosswalks: Pertaining to the committee’s preference for a non-signalized crosswalk with an area of refuge, a traffic analysis is first needed. There are currently not enough funds in the budget to complete a refuge island, but the committee should consider paying for the design at this time.
DiStefano property: No drainage improvements are planned by DOT, but it is possible that problems may be discovered as construction ensues. Owner may be amenable to some landscaping.
Landscaping at Shaw’s: Possible that supermarket may make a donation. Town would need to pay for a planting survey.
Historic bell sign: DOT will move the sign during construction. The committee should consider the option of renovating the whole unit, including the metal framework, or just restoring the wood components, as was done in the past. Quotes are needed, particularly from local restorers.
Wayfinding sign: The Century 21 parking lot is to be relocated, and the sign can likely be relocated on that property. Other possibilities to consider include a welcome sign, a map of historic sites, and a guide to community features. The property owner has noted that a vehicle will stop at the current sign approximately once weekly.
Sitting area at Town Hall: Committee should consider budgeting funds for this pedestrian-friendly feature.
Agenda Item #5: Meeting with Police Chief Matt Reimondo Susan Puzzo and Elizabeth Harris met with Chief Reimondo to share the committee’s plans for the streetscaping project and to explore possibilities for the dovetailing of traffic calming measures with traffic enforcement. The presence of a police vehicle on Rt. 66 is very effective at slowing traffic but is not a good long-term solution. It will be difficult to devote traffic enforcement resources exclusively to the Rt. 66 corridor, since available funds are accessible to all parts of the community, not just the business district. Susan Puzzo believes that education of the public is key; she has suggested getting children involved with a traffic safety project or contest through local schools. Additionally, once the business district becomes more walkable, a police presence on foot will promote safety.
Agenda Item #6: Next Steps TPA Design Associates has stressed the need for early and frequent public involvement. Cindy Rooth suggested that the committee and TPA attend an upcoming EDC meet-and-greet on May 30, 2007 (place and time to be determined). Invitations should be extended to property owners as well as business owners along the Rt. 66 corridor. Consider also giving the stakeholders a postcard with the committee’s meeting dates. Consider a press release announcing the next committee meeting.
The committee will meet prior to May 30 to discuss project priorities, to settle on a design template, and to prepare for the May 30 EDC function. Elizabeth Harris will contact Cathy Sirois in the Town Manager’s office regarding meeting space, tentatively planned for Friday, May 25, 2007.
Upcoming workshop: Art in Public Spaces, Thursday, May 24, 8:30am-12:00pm, Asylum Hill Congregational Church, Hartford.
Agenda Item #7: Public comments No oral public comments were made.
Agenda Item #8: Adjournment The meeting was adjourned by Elizabeth Harris at 9:26 pm.
These minutes were prepared from notes taken by Elizabeth Harris.