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06/22/2009 Brownfields Redevelopment Minutes
Brownfields Redevelopment Agency
Monday, June 22, 2009
7:30 p.m.
Town Hall Meeting Room


Present: Chairman Scott Bristol, Ron Buccilli, Mary Ann Dostaler, Kay Willson, Dan
Wolfram. Absent: Vice-Chairman William DeMore, Carla Sylvester. Also Present: Judy Pogmore, Recording Secretary

1.      Call to Order:
        Chairman Scott Bristol called this meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Adoption of Agenda/Added Agenda Items:
        Chairman Bristol requested motion to adopt the 6/22/09 agenda. Ron Buccilli so moved. Dan Wolfram seconded. Agenda adopted.

2.  Approval of Minutes--5/26/09 Meeting:
        Ron Buccilli made motion to approve the minutes from the 5/26/09 meeting, absent any changes, seconded by Dan Wolfram. Vote unanimous.

3.      Public Comments: None

4.      Staff Reports:
        At the Parks & Rec. Advisory Board Meeting at the beginning of the month, Chairman Bristol stated he conveyed information on bringing the Airline Trail into Watrous Street (the water tower property), and our desire to be kept apprised of what is transpiring. They will convey our concerns to Ruth Plummer of Parks & Rec. Chairman Bristol had conversation with Keith Hayden, Public Works Director, to apprise him of what is transpiring. Regarding Walnut Avenue, Chairman Bristol stated he has a tentatively-scheduled meeting with Town Manager Jeff O’Keefe for 5:00 tomorrow afternoon, June 23, 2009. The purpose of the meeting is to talk about the path forward from last month.

5.      Liaison Reports:
        MaryAnn Dostaler stated, at the last council meeting the Town Manager had indicated court proceedings are moving forward regarding 13 Watrous Street and the issue of illegal dumping of cars. Chairman Bristol stated this is a proposed topic of discussion for the meeting he has tentatively scheduled for tomorrow, 6/23/09, with Town Manager Jeff O’Keefe. Mr. Bristol further stated he has received an update from Public Works Director Keith Hayden that the Belltown Cleaners property owner is not a willing seller; however, Butch Einhorn may be willing to entertain an offer for his property.

6.      New Business:

        a.      Committee Reports:  Dan Wolfram stated: 1) He has an e-mail ready to send tomorrow to Christine Lombard of EPA to request an extension on the 13 Watrous Street property clean-up grant, explaining why we need the extension and also updating her on other grants in town and where we are at; 2) The investigation at 103 Main St., the Gong Bell site, has been conducted and ground water samples were collected last week and we are awaiting results which should be in a couple weeks. Before the report is done Dan will have them provide us with cost estimation and task authorization for remedial action plan so that we can keep this going and get that site to where it needs to be; and 3) The work plan for the investigation at 13 Watrous is complete and hopefully the consultant will have quality assurance project plan into EPA for approval and we’ll hear next week about that. Once we get approval we’ll be able to do remediation on the PCB problem and put a remedial action plan together and begin to start digging.
        7.      Old Business:

                a-c.    Goals Review/Finalize and Distribute EHBRDA Pamphlet/Finalize and Adopt Redevelopment Zone Area:
ai.     Public Handouts of Current Identified Redevelopment Areas: Mary Ann Dostaler distributed revised handouts for review.

aii     Tentative Prioritization of Same Areas for Development: Kay Willson provided list of the status on inventorying all properties within the redevelopment zone for distribution. Chairman Bristol will discuss this topic and public input with Town Manager O’Keefe at tentative meeting scheduled for June 23, 2009.

8.      Public Comments (pertaining to current agenda items only): None.

9.      Confirm Next Meeting: The next Brownfields Redevelopment Agency Meeting is scheduled for July 27, 2009, at 7:30 p.m.

10.     Adjournment: Kay Willson moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 p.m., seconded by         Chairman Bristol.

Respectfully Submitted,

Judith L. Pogmore
Recording Secretary