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05/27/2008 Redevelopment Minutes
Redevelopment Agency
Tuesday, May 27, 2008; 7:30 p.m.
Town Hall Annex

Present:  Chair Scott Bristol, Vice Chair DeMore, Ronald Buccilli, Mary Ann Dostaler, Dan Wolfram
Also Present:  Jennifer Carducci, Recording Secretary

1.  Call to Order

Chairman Bristol called this Special Meeting to order at 7:32 p.m.  

2.  Adoption of Agenda / Added agenda items

Mr. Buccilli made a motion to adopt the agenda as is, seconded by Mr. Wolfram, vote was unanimous in favor, motion passed.  

3.  Approval of Minutes – 04-28-2008 meeting

Ms. Dostaler read changes to minutes as written.  Motion made by Mr. Buccilli to approve the minutes with Ms. Dostaler’s changes, seconded by Ms. Dostaler, Vote:  Approve: 4; Abstain:  1 (Chair Bristol, due to absence)

4.  Public Comments – No Public Present

5.  Liaison Reports

Mr. Wolfram reported on the progress of the Brownsfields Committee.  Discussions ensued regarding possible illegal activities in the area of 13 Watrous Street.

Mr. Wolfram is interested in a possible public participation with the high school.

Chair Bristol noted that he has not been able to attend Town Council meetings of late.
Ms. Dostaler reported that she attended tonight’s meeting where Scott Hill, Chair, Design Review Board was presenting.  The Board reviews commercial and municipal projects, prior to site plan submittal.  They are in the process of putting together draft guidelines.  Discussions ensued regarding board/committee purviews, agency overlap, etc.  Chair Bristol will reach out to Mr. Hill to suggest a presentation to Redevelopment Agency, to facilitate future interactions.

Ms. Dostaler reported on Inland Wetlands.   
6.      Discussion regarding Agency By-Laws and officer elections

Chair Bristol stated that our bylaws dictate election of officers in January of each year.  After discussion, Ms. Dostaler made a motion to nominate Scott Bristol as Chair, effective January 28, 2008, seconded by Mr. Wolfram.  Vote was unanimous in favor.  A further motion was made by Ms. Dostaler to elect Mr. DeMore as Vice Chair, as of January 29, 2008, seconded by Chair Bristol, vote was unanimous in favor.  Motion passed.  

Chair Bristol circulated a copy of the By-Laws for all members and secretary.  Chair Bristol will send copy electronically to clerk.  

Mr. Buccilli questioned the status of the Agency’s budget.  $5,000 has been established.  

7.  Discussion with Village Center property owner(s)
    a.  TBD

Chair Bristol stated Epoch Arts may be able to come to a meeting in June.  

8.  New Business
    a.  Discussion and establishment of short and long term agency tasks/action items

Chair Bristol opened a discussion regarding action items.  Discussed were:  developing a mailing list, formal/informal meetings with community/property owners; survey(s), establishing dialogue, reaching out to other boards and commissions, pubic forums/visioning sessions, opening discussions/cooperation with Town officials/staff members, site walk(s),  as well as the Agency’s draft area of interest.  To determine the area of interest, the Agency will use maps and other information available to establish.  Mr. Wolfram will obtain maps.  Mailing list information will be compiled from Town records, etc.  

Vice Chair DeMore mentioned, and there was discussion regarding the recruitment of two more Agency members.

Agency members discussed identifying developers/entities that have had redevelopment area experience, and possibly having them as a presenter at one of the meetings.  

Mr. Wolfram will create base map and get a list from overview report.  Ms. Dostaler will get copies of the POCD, and copies of maps from Midstate if necessary.  

Members discussed talking another walking tour, possibly on a Saturday, or late in the work day.  
9.  Public Comments (pertaining to current agenda items only) - None

10. Confirm next meeting (June 23, 2008 @ 7:30)

The next Agency meeting will be Monday, June 23, 2008 in the Town Hall.  

11. Adjournment

There being no further business before the Agency, Mr. Buccilli made a motion to adjourn, at 9:10 p.m., seconded by Mr. Wolfram, vote unanimous in favor.  

Respectfully submitted,

Jennifer Carducci
Recording Secretary
Approved, as amended, 6-23-08