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04/02/2008 P&Z Special Mtg Minutes
East Hampton Planning and Zoning Commission
Special Meeting/Workshop
April 2, 2008
East Hampton Middle School Commons

Unapproved Minutes

1.      Call to Order and Seating of Alternates:  Chairman Philhower called the meeting to order at 6:08 p.m.
        Present:  Chairman Mark Philhower, Vice-Chairman Ray Zatorski (6:45 p.m.), Members Peter Aarrestad, Roy Gauthier, Kevin Reed (6:20 p.m.), Rowland Rux, James Sennett, Alternate Members Richard Gosselin, and Darin Hurne were present.  The Building, Planning, and Zoning Administrator James Carey and the Town Planner, David Dodes, were also present.

Not Present:  Alternate Member Michael Brogan was not present.

2.      Discussion:
a.      POCD Review:  Mr. Gosselin distributed information concerning revisions to the POCD and discussed the process he has followed to update the POCD with all revisions made to date.  The Commission and Town Planner have agreed to search their individual records to locate any discs on the POCD which may contain revisions and to attempt to locate their personal hand written notes indicating approved revisions for the next workshop at which time further steps will be made to finalize the revisions and proceed with printing the next version.  The Commission will also review the draft memo to be sent out to department heads for their review of the Implementation Plan Tables.

Open Space Subdivision:  Mr. Dodes referred to the final draft of Section 30, Open Space Development Subdivisions (OSD) distributed at this meeting and dated 4/2/08.  Mr. Dodes requested that the Commission consider Section 30.4, Applicability.  Chairman Philhower clarified that presently the regulations allow for this to be at the discretion of the developer with the approval of the Commission.  He stated that the Commission has discussed this question three or four times and that each time the indication was that the Commission had a preference to leave the option up to the developer with the approval of the Commission.

Mr. Sennett distributed a comparison of house and lot assessments between a conservation subdivision and a conventional subdivision that he has compiled.  Mr. Rux recalled that there were occasions when the standard subdivision would be more appropriate than a conservation subdivision.  Mr. Aarrestad recalled that he supported the R3 and R4 zones incorporating the OSD as the standard or as of right and the standard subdivision being allowed by special permit.

Mr. Dodes explained that if the majority of the Commission decides they do not want to adopt the philosophy that the OSD is preferable, then the approach that he has been advocating will not happen.  At which point the regulations will either be left the way they are, which he doesn’t support, or fine tuned to somehow allow both with a statement that in the R3 and R4 zone the preference is for OSD.

Mr. Carey discussed the rationale behind requiring a special permit for standard subdivisions and what the outcome will be.  Mr. Aarrestad discussed the ability to dissuade flag lots especially in an OSD.  Mr. Philhower discussed his concern regarding Paragraph 2.

The Chairman requested that the Commission read through this complete draft and be prepared to comment at the next workshop.  Mr. Dodes quickly discussed minor changes.

3.      Adjournment:  The Chairman adjourned the meeting at this time.
The meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted
Daphne C. Schaub
Recording Secretary