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02/06/2008 P&Z Special Mtg Minutes
East Hampton Planning and Zoning Commission
Special Meeting/Workshop
February 6, 2008
Eaton E. Smith Meeting Room - Town Hall


1.      Call to Order and Seating of Alternates:  Chairman Philhower called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.  Mr. Gosselin and Mr. Hurne were seated as voting members.
        Present:  Chairman Mark Philhower, Vice-Chairman Ray Zatorski (6:08 p.m.), Members Peter Aarrestad (6:28 p.m.), Roy Gauthier, James Sennett, Alternate Members Richard Gosselin, and Darin Hurne were present.  The Town Planner, David Dodes, was also present.
        Not Present:  Members Kevin Reed, Rowland Rux, and Alternate Member Michael Brogan were not present.

2.      Discussion:
        a.      Establish List of Priorities:  The Commissioners discussed the following items for inclusion on their

        Priority List:
        ·       Amend Open Space Requirements;
        ·       Rescind Sewer Density Bonus in R-1;
        ·       Potable Water Availability Requirement;
        ·       Open Space Subdivision;
        ·       Policy for Dealing with Simultaneous Applications;
        ·       Technical Review Team;
        ·       Follow-Up and Enforcement;
        ·       Site Plan Requirements; and
        ·       Resolve DD zone Contradictions.

Mr. Zatorski moved to place on the agenda of the regularly scheduled meeting of March 5, 2008 an item to schedule a public hearing to eliminate the sewer density bonus for the R-1 zone.  Mr. Sennett seconded the motion.  The motion carried unanimously.

Chairman Philhower discussed establishing a sub-committee that would be responsible for reviewing and updating the POCD annually.  Commissioners Gosselin and Sennett volunteered to participate on the sub-committee.
b.      Open Space Subdivision:  Mr. Dodes updated the Commissioners on the status of this regulation.  He provided them with the most recent draft, which they reviewed.

Mr. Zatorski requested that the definition for the new term “Adjusted Tract Acreage” be added to the Definitions.  The Commission requested that the percentages in Section 30.9.A.3 be revised by the Planner.  The Commission requested additional language added to Section 30.9.A.6 to improve clarity for the next meeting.  Regarding Section 30.10.4, it was suggested that there be a clearing limit established for lots over 25,000 sq. ft. and no limit for lots under 25,000 sq. ft.
The Chairman scheduled another Special Meeting/Workshop for 6:00 p.m. on March 5, 2008 to continue with this discussion.
Mr. Zatorski moved to add a review of the Lake Pocotopaug Protection Regulations to the List of Priorities.  Mr. Aarrestad seconded the motion.  The motion carried unanimously.

3.      Adjournment:  Mr. Zatorski moved to adjourn the Special Meeting/Workshop.  Mr. Gauthier seconded the motion.  The motion carried unanimously.

The meeting adjourned at 6:53 p.m.

Respectfully submitted
Daphne C. Schaub
Recording Secretary