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04/09/2010 Navigation Ordinance Task Force Minutes
Navigation Ordinance Task Force
Date: Friday, April 09, 2010
Town Hall Annex


Present Task Force Members: Ruth G. Plummer, Parks and Recreation Director; Jeff O’Keefe, Town Manager; Police Chief Matthew Reimondo; Sgt. Tim Dowdy; Joe Carbonell Friends of Lake Pocotopaug; Jim Dicaprio; Jim Morris; Rich Norkun, Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Chairperson; Andy Tierney

Call to Order: Ruth Plummer called the April 9, 2010 Navigation Ordinance Task Force to order.

Discussion of Chairperson: After a brief discussion Andy Tierney made a motion that Rich Norkun chair the task force. Joe Carbonell seconded the motion. All approved

Discussion of Recording Secretary: Ruth offered to be recording secretary. Andy Tierney motioned that Ruth Plummer be the recording secretary. Jim Morris Seconded the motion. All approved.

Verification of contact information of Task Force Members: Members introduced themselves and their interest in serving on the task force. Ruth will add Matt and Jeff to contact list and redistribute.

Roy Duncan’s letter to Eleanor Mariani of State of CT DEP was included and discussed.
Eleanor Mariani of State of CT DEP letter to Roy Ducan was included and discussed
John Tuttle’s email to the Task Force members was read; discussed and is entered into these minutes.

Review of existing Navigation Ordinance:
The following times were brought up for future review or possible rewording:
173-2 Vessels with built-in toilet systems. The wording should be changed to include: or portable
173-3 Speed Limits. A. Six miles per hour should be changed to “steerage speed” throughout the document
173-5 Swimming restrictions. This wording should be reviewed for possible revisions.
173-10 Speed in proximity to other vessels. Change six miles per hour to “steerage speed”.
173-15 Penalties for offenses. Chief Reimondo to look up current comparable state fines
The sections should be rearranged so as to put 173-9 first then 173-173-2; then 173-10

Ruth will obtain navigation ordinances as well as snowmobile ordinances from 3 or 4 other towns and contact Eleanor from the state to see if she has any that she recommends. We may invite her to a future meeting.

Staff to find ways to encourage courteous boating on the lake through press releases and or publications

Matt to find out what state statue allows for fines.

Matt to look into additional buoys should be added to the lake, including no wake zones, rocks and shallow as well as cable crossing. Would DEP allow buoys that say ‘Danger’ Friends of Lake Pocotopaug is donating new regulatory buoys to the Town.

John Tuttle suggested that boaters on Lake Pocotopaug be required to be residents and purchase stickers in order to be on the Lake. Ruth does not think the municipality has the authority to do this as DEP governs all bodies of water. The residency restrictions are limited to Sears Park not the lake it self. Ruth will look into state ordinance on this issue.

Jim Morris will not be at the next meeting but wants to go on record as being most concerned about the noise and the speed of fast boats with loud or exposed exhaust pipes. This will be discussed at the next meeting when we compare ordinances.
Rich Norkun brought up possibility of Quiet Times on the lake.

Other Concerns: Lack of funding for enforcement and staffing on the part of the Town was discussed. Residents and snowmobiles were discussed with regards to Sears Park and the Lake.

Tim Dowdy recommended that the Lake become a “No Discharge Zone” this would address newer boats with portable toilets as discussed. Tim also suggested that when the task force is looking into noise issues the term “reasonable” be utilized.

Matt and Ruth will prepare budgetary costs for each of their perspective departments as to added costs attached to address enforcement concerns.

Chief Reimondo talked about enforcement and ticketing issues with regards to court processes and jurisdiction between local and state law enforcement agencies.

Adjournment: Andy Tierney motioned to adjourn the meeting. Rich Norkun seconded the motion.