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11/20/2008 MHHDC Regular Meeting
Middle Haddam Historic District Commission

November 20, 2008
Regular Meeting
Town Hall Annex Meeting Room
East Hampton, CT

Unapproved Minutes

1.  Call to Order

Meeting was called to order by Chairperson Woodcock at 7:00 pm. This meeting was moved to the Annex since the Eaton E. Smith Room was currently being used.

2.  Roll Call/Seating of Alternates

Commissioners present were Chair Nannette Woodcock, Raymond Krupa, Clerk James Royster, Gina Ritchie, Vice Chair Doug Mackeown, Christopher Dart and George Coshow.  Commissioner not present was Richard Walsh. 

George Coshow was seated for Richard Walsh.

3.  Public Remarks - None

4.  Public Hearing

The public notice was read by the Clerk, Commission Royster.

a.  COA Application #418, 36 Middle Haddam Road, Shawn France request to re-shingle roof replacing with asphalt shingles, addition to backside of house, and previously removed exterior door.

Commissioner Dart arrived at 7:04 pm.

Mr. France was advised that his request for additional parking was not received in time for this hearing.  He needs to submit a new application by the end of next week for consideration at the December meeting.  Mr. France acknowledged.

Mr. France explained that he wants to increase the inside living space which will require raising the roof.  However, the roof line will not go above the main structure roof line.  Mr. France also wants to re-shingle the roof including the removal of wood shingles on the main house requiring a new sub-roof. The shingles are by Heritage, “rustic black” with a shadow.  Applicant did not have a sample. Also included in the application is replacement of siding to cover the area where an exterior door was removed previously. The applicant also intends to remove the white lantern next to that area.  Mr. France will also be considering a window and/or vent at the gable end of the garage.  No changes are proposed at this time for the breezeway. 

Commissioner Woodcock closed the public hearing at 7:20 pm.

Discussion ensued on COA Application #418.  Commissioner Woodcock postponed further discussion on this application until later in the meeting when a sample of the roofing shingle could be obtained for the commission.

8:40 pm the Commission returned to COA Application #418.

Pictures of the shingles were presented to the Commission via internet. 

Commissioner Royster moved to approve Application #418 to repair and replace roof sheathing as necessary and apply Heritage Rustic Black architectural shingles in accordance with the application; to extend the room at the rear as shown on the drawings accompanying Application #418 and to seal up a door in the garage walkway all as stated in Application #418.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Krupa.

                                                                             Motion Carried 5-0-0

Commissioner Coshow moved to amend the motion to restrict the height not to exceed the roof line of the main structure; to add the gable-end vent; and removal of the white lantern.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Royster.

                                                                             Motion Carried 5-0-0

Commissioner MacKeown moved to make an additional amendment to allow a ridge vent on the main house in the front toward Rte. 151 if they want to.  The motion seconded by Commissioner Royster.

                                                                             Motion Carried 5-0-0

The public notice was read by the Clerk, Commission Royster.

b. Handbook – Final draft of the Middle Haddam Historic District handbook, the purpose of which is to provide information and guidance for compliance with the ordinance, copies available from the Town Manager’s Office. (attached)

Discussion ensued on the current final draft of the handbook. Further additions were agreed upon.

At 7:45 pm Commissioner Royster moved to take a  recess to allow the food bank volunteers to move supplies.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner MacKeown.

                                                                             Motion Carried 5-0-0

Commissioner Woodcock called the meeting back to order at 7:50 pm. 

Further discussion ensued regarding the final draft of the handbook and changes were incorporated.

Commissioner Woodcock opened the public hearing to public comments on the Handbook at 8:14 pm.

Paul Rapo – He felt that this was an excellent document and did an excellent job clarifying the different levels and types of historic groups which can be confusing.  He commented that it might be a good idea to clarify that consideration will be given to all periods and styles of construction.  He also commented that the section on shutters could be clarified, as well as the need to submit materials samples and photos with applications.  Mr. Rapo hopes that everyone within the District will have it sent to them. He feels that this document is more helpful than state statute.

Shawn France – Mr. France feels that this is a good document especially for a first-time homeowners in the District. 

Commissioner Woodcock closed the public hearing at 8:24 pm.

The Commission discussed the public comments.

Commissioner Coshow moved to adopt the final draft of the Handbook with the modifications that were discussed tonight.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Royster.

                                                                             Motion Carried 5-0-0

5.     Approval of Minutes and Motions

October 30, 2008 Minutes

Corrections to the revised minutes were discussed. Commissioner Mackeown moved the minutes be adopted as corrected.  The motion was seconded by Commission Royster.

                                                                             Motion Carried 5-0-0

6.  Correspondence – None

7.  Reports

a.  Expenditures - The Glastonbury Citizen, $60 for the legal ad for the November hearing.

Commissioner Royster moved to approve this invoice as submitted.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner MacKeown.

                                                                             Motion Carried 5-0-0

b.  Other – None

8.     New Business

a.      2009 Regular Meeting Schedule

A discussion ensued on the regular meeting schedule.  It was agreed that the January meeting will be an annual and regular meeting combined.

Commissioner Mackeown moved to accept the posted schedule including January 22, 2009 as the annual meeting.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Coshow.

                                                              Motion Carried 5-0-0

b. Budget

A discussion on the 2008 and 2009 budgets ensued.  Commissioner Woodcock will work on the budget for the coming year to be discussed at the December 2008 meeting.
c.  Other – None

9.  Unfinished Business

36 Middle Haddam Road:  Parking Compliance

Shawn France has agreed to submit an application to be scheduled for a public hearing next month. The time constraints were explained to Mr. France. 

b.      Other

District Map – Commissioner Woodcock stated that the new map should be available by the middle of December.  She spoke to the Assessor who will go through the list of district properties again. 

10.  Public Remarks

Steve Ritchie – He felt that the handbook is a great document, particularly helpful for new residences and for prospective buyers.

11.  Adjournment

Commissioner Royster moved to adjourn the November 20, 2008 meeting at 9:10 pm, seconded by Commissioner Mackeown.

                                                                             Motion Carried 5-0-0

Respectfully Submitted,

Patricia Kratochvil

Recording Secretary