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07/17/2008 MHHDC Special Meeting
Thursday, July 17, 2008, 6:30 p.m.
Middle Haddam Library, Middle Haddam
1.  Call to Order:  Chair Nannette Woodcock called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m.
2. Roll Call/Seating of Alternates:  Nannette Woodcock, Chair, Douglas Mackeown, Vice-Chair, James Royster, Clerk, Richard Walsh; Alternates George Coshow, Gina Ritchie; and Christopher Dart (arrived 6:40 p.m.); and Jennifer Carducci, Acting Recording Secretary.  Absent:  Ray Krupa. Alternate George Coshow was seated for the meeting.
Also present Henry Thorpe, Board of Finance Liaison.
3.  Public Remarks for Agenda Items:  None
4.  Correspondence:  None
5.  Reports
     a.  District Map
After discussion of district border-property subdivisions and/or changes that occurred after the original district map was created made evident by information provided by Midstate Regional Planning, Mr. Walsh and Mr. Mackeown agreed to prepare a list of issues for discussion and possible referral to Town staff for clarification. 
(Alternate, Christopher Dart arrived.)
b.      Map/Block/Lot Listing
Mr. Mackeown offered to assist Mr. Walsh with the process of verifying that all lots in the district are included in the map/block/lot listing from the Assessor’s Office. 
6.  Unfinished Business
a.      Handbook Review
The Commission discussed the current draft of the Handbook including suggestions of new items to consider for inclusion, identified sections for possible revision to be drafted for the commission’s review, and will address the bibliography and history sections at a later date.
(Mr. Thorpe left the meeting at 7:42 p.m.)
b.      Delay of Demolition – Sample Ordinance
     Discussion of this item was postponed pending additional information.
7.  Adjournment
Mr. Coshow moved to adjourn this Special Meeting at 8:55 p.m., seconded by Mr. Walsh, so voted. 

Respectfully submitted,
Jennifer Carducci
Acting Recording Secretary