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04/24/2008 MHHDC Regular Meeting
Middle Haddam Historical District Commission
Regular Meeting
April 24, 2008
Eaton E Smith Meeting Room – Town Hall
Unapproved Minutes

1.      Call to Order.  Nannette Woodcock, Vice-Chair, called the meeting to order at 7:01 PM.  

2.      Roll Call/Appointment of Alternates Nanette Woodcock, Raymond Krupa, Doug Mackeown, James Royster, George Coshow, Christopher Dart, Gina Ritchie, Rick Walsh was unable to attend due to a family matter. Alternate George Coshow was seated for the meeting.
        Also present were Mark Aldieri, Willie Fuqua, George Hanson, Gary Smith, and

3. Public Hearing
App #412: Willie Fuqua, 16 Keighley Pond Road, Grade and Pave their driveway. Detail presented by Mr. Fuqua: same footprint as existing driveway, grading to improve a drainage problem, applicant will use regular blacktop. Mr. Fuqua did consider stone over pavement but found it prohibitively expensive.

Ray Krupa moved to approve application #412 as presented by Mr. Fuqua to pave the driveway at 16 Keighley Pond Road, seconded by Jim Royster.                                                     Motioned passed 5-0-0

COA application #413: Second Congregational Church,   Middle Haddam Road, for an addition to house a vertical lift to provide handicapped access to all three levels of the building.

Mark Aldieri, architect for the project, presented revised plans for the project including a minor alteration to adjust the soffit to eliminate a small obstruction of window casing -- otherwise identical to the drawing submitted with the application. He and Gary Smith, builder for the project, also present worked together to determine the least obtrusive location and also one that did not involve disturbing the interior of the historic structure. Only two feet of the addition will be visible from the front view of the church.  Internal locations were considered and determined to be not workable. A vestibule is included as an entrance and the location selected will meet ADA standards for ease of access for persons with disabilities. Those standards require providing the same experience as those offer able-bodied persons. Therefore, it is not appropriate to move this to the back of the church which also has multiple level changes to consider. There are two elevation in the basement and three elevations at the second story the handicapped access must accommodate.

Fred Hanson offered that originally a ramp was considered and rejected as it would be unsightly. There are five different levels to be addressed with this addition. The Commissioners asked if a study was undertaken to consider feasibility of alternate locations. When asked by the Commission if option for handicapped access had been studied carefully, Mr. Hanson and Mr. Aldeiri reported this structure underwent a detailed Existing Conditions Survey by the Yale School of Architecture some years ago and this location was determined to be most appropriate for handicapped access with the least disruption of the structure.

The architect made efforts to include appropriate detail to compliment other details present, matching material used as well. The addition is in a location shadowed by the larger tower and placed to not interfere with or cover any existing architectural detail. The architect indicated they will work to include detail work to compliment that of the church. Foundation reveal should not exceed 6 inches. Gary Smith offered that consideration was given to not disturb the interior of the structure, nor cut original timers or members of the structure and to not diminish space within the church which is already small.

The Commission was assured by both the builder and church representative that the entire exterior of the structure will be completed once construction is begun. The majority of the funding is in place for this project and if there is any financial shortfall, the lift can be purchased later, then installed.

The Commission noted that this application does not include approval for any sidewalk changes.

There were no comments or concerns expressed by the public in regard to this application.

George Coshow moved to close the public hearing, seconded by Doug Mackeown.     Motion carried 5-0-0.

Jim Royster moved that the application of the Second Congregational Church with respect to Application
#413 be approved as submitted. Seconded by Ray Krupa.

Doug Mackeown moved to amend the motion to indicate inclusion of the revised drawing dated April 24, 2008. Seconded by George Coshow.                                                           Motion carried as amended 5-0-0

The applicant was advised that the sidewalk detail and changes must be submitted as a separate application for approval. Further, that application should include any other exterior detail not included or overlooked or added to the project.

4. Minutes and Motions
Doug Mackeown moved to accept the revised minutes of March 27, 2008. Seconded by Ray Krupa.  Mr. Coshow and Royster abstained.                                                                          Motion carried 3-0-2

5. Public Remarks –none.

6. Correspondence.
The Clerk reported expenditures this month included two public notices and the recording secretary’s time.

7. New Business
a.      Foreclose Property, Keighley Pond Road.
        The attorney was advised that the property was within the District.

b.      Annual Meeting.
The Commissioners agreed to hold the Annual Meeting in May, either at the next regular meeting or if there are public hearings in May, then a special meeting will be scheduled and the Vice Chair will poll member approximately two weeks prior if an alternate date is necessary. Other agenda items were considered including proposed new agenda items for possible adoption.

8. Unfinished Business:
a.      Handbook / Hartford Historic District material – how to proceed. The Commissioners discussed other
items to consider for the handbook and options for proceeding. Jim Royster commented that a public hearing was held over a year ago on a much more extensive handbook which was subsequently reviewed by Atty. Brooks and this version is the result of incorporating both public comments and legal concerns expressed. It was the over-all feeling at that hearing that something simpler was preferable. Nannette Woodcock asked that the Commission consider inclusion of the simplified statement of the Secretary of the Interiors Standards for Rehabilitation. It was agreed the handbook process will be on the annual meeting agenda.

b.      Information Flow Chart – revised.  The revised chart was reviewed by the Commissioners.

c.      Delay of Demolition - sample Ordinance Brought to the Commissioners attention for review for consideration to propose to the Town Council as a possible way to deal with historic properties town-wide for preservation purposes.
9.      Public remarks - None.

10.     Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 8:46 PM.