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04/18/2007 MHHDC Special Meeting
Middle Haddam Historic District Commission
April 18, 2007
Special Meeting Minutes
East Hampton Town Hall – Eaton Smith Meeting Room
Present: Ned Costello, Nanette Woodcock, Doug Mackeown, Rick Walsh (Alternate) and Ray Krupa (Alternate)
Call to Order: The meeting to order at 7:02 PM
Roll Call / Appointment of Alternates / Elections
Both Rick Walsh and Ray Krupa were seated for the meeting.
Ned Costello called for an election of Pro Temp Commissioner.
Nanette Woodcock made a motion to nominate Ned Costello as the temporary Chairman of the MHHD. Motion was seconded by Rick Walsh- VOTE 5-0 Motion Passed Unanimously.
Nanette Woodcock made a motion to nominate Doug Mackeown as the temporary Clerk of the MHHD. Motion was seconded by Ned Costello. VOTE 5-0 Motion Passed Unanimously.
Ned Costello accepted the resignations of Peter Walsh and Margaret Faber.
Ray Krupa made a motion to elect Ned Costello as the Chairman to the MHHD, Nanette Woodcock as the Vice Chairman to the MHHD and Doug Mackeown as the Clerk to the MHHD. Motion was seconded by Doug Mackeown. VOTE 5-0 Motion Passed Unanimously.
Approval of Minutes & Motions
Nanette Woodcock made a motion to table the approval of the minutes for the meeting dates March 9, 2007, March 19, 2007, March 31, 2007, and April 3, 2007 until the next regular scheduled meeting. Motion was seconded by Rick Walsh. VOTE 5-0 Motion Passed Unanimously.
Public Remarks:
Paul Rappo, 50 Middle Haddam Road, stated for the commission that during the last wind storm the post for his lamp was taken down. He would like to replace the post with a duplicate. Mr. Rappo provided the commission with a picture of a simple classic wood 4 1/2” square lantern post pre-stained white with eased edges, 104” overall height. Chairman Costello stated there is no building permit required for this work and there is no need for a public hearing.
Doug Mackeown presented for the commission an application that was received from Richard and Cynthia Patterson. Doug Mackeown provided for the commission an application that was received from Mr. and Mrs. Roberts.
Both applications will be heard at the next regular scheduled meeting.
New Business
1) By-Laws / Rules of Procedure
The members of the commission reviewed the By-Laws page by page with some comments.
2) Feed back from the February Workshop – January 29th legal review of Historic District Procedural, Design & Operation Guidelines 3rd Draft January 2007.
The commission has not received any input at this time from the public. There was a brief discussion on the Historic District Procedural, Design & Operation Guidelines. Nanette Woodcock stated the typographical error at 2.11.1 section B -Board of Selectman which should be corrected to Town Council, and section F the numbers should read 7, 8, and 9.
Unfinished Business
Resolution from Town Council
1) By-Laws / Rules of Procedure
Doug Mackeown stated he would send a letter to the Town Council stating the errors noted.
2) Ordinance
A member of the public stated there were some disappointing residents in Middle Haddam that thought the removal from the ordinance of the inventory of the housing assets that make up the district was a loss.
3) Application Process
The commission discussed how the applications should be processed. Nanette Woodcock suggested applications being filtered through the Town Hall Building Department. The commission agreed to continue to have applications sent to the PO Box and picked up by the MHHD Clerk. The commission discussed creating a checklist for applications being received. Nanette Woodcock will make contact with the Building Department to see if there is another way to address this process in the future.
4) Guidelines
The commission tabled the discussion of the guidelines until the next regular scheduled meeting.
Public Remarks: None
Doug Mackeown made a motion to adjourn the MHHD meeting at 9:17PM. Motion was seconded by Rick Walsh. VOTE 5-0 Motion Passed Unanimously.
Respectfully Submitted
Kamey Ahrens Recording Secretary