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12/08/2008 Lake Commission Minutes
Regular Meeting
December 18, 2008 – 7:00 pm
Eaton E. Smith Meeting Room – Town Hall


Present:  Chairman John Ciriello, Tom Wells, Jack Solomon, Irene Curtis

Absent:  Vice Chairman John Jordon and Paul Peszynski

Also Present:  Town Manager Jeffrey O’Keefe, Recording Secretary Patricia Kratochvil and a member from the public.

1.  Call to Order and Roll Call

Chairman Ciriello called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.  Roll was taken.  At the time there were no changes to the agenda.

2.  Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting

Jack Solomon moved to accept the November 20, 2008 minutes as amended.  The motion was seconded by Irene Curtis.                                Motion Carried 4-0-0

3.  Public Remarks – none

4.  Presentation – Chairman Ciriello gave a power point of the damage done by a rain storm on October 11th and 12th.  A discussion was held on what could be done to lessen the impact from future rain storms and areas of concern.

5.  Remarks from the Chair
Chairman Ciriello wanted the commission to be aware that ENSR has changed its name to AECOM. Chairman Ciriello discussed the budget and the possibility of a special meeting before January 16, 2009. Chairman Ciriello also discussed the Task Force appointment of Paul Peszynski by the Town Council.  Chairman Ciriello discussed with the commission adding to the Task Force Tom Wells name as a recommendation.  

Irene Curtis moved to alter the sequence of the agenda to allow the Town Managers Report to take place prior to finishing the Remarks from the Chair since the Town Manager has another meeting.  The motion was seconded by Tom Wells.                                                                                 Motion Carried  4-0-0

6.  Administrative Business and Communications

        A.  Town Managers Report
                1.  Hale Brook Dredging
The Town Manager reported that the dredging is going forward. He also stated that easement issues had to be dealt with and have been. There is concern about damaging the property owners land since the ground is so soft right now.  Therefore they are waiting for a good freeze in order to take the heavy equipment over the property to minimize any damage.  Chairman Ciriello is concerned over the lake being up.  A discussion was held on why the dam is being closed and the lake being high.  Chairman Ciriello asked that there be better communication for everyone’s understanding.  Tom Wells asked if DEP had been consulted and was assured that they had been.  Chairman Ciriello asked the Town Manager a few budget questions.

                2.  Other – None

5.  Remarks from the Chair (continued)
Fish study will be ready the end of spring.  The data will be sent in a couple of weeks.  Chairman Ciriello will follow up in a couple of weeks. Chairman Ciriello spoke on the handouts.  Handouts are available at the Town Hall.

6.  Administrative Business and Communications

        B.  Thank You Note
Thank you note from Lynn and Paul Peszynski and Christmas card from Lorraine Spiegel were received.

7.  Commission Liaison Reports
Chairman Ciriello, Irene Curtis and Tom Wells reported on the Town Council Meetings of 11/25/08 and 12/09/08 highlighting the Task Force selection.  Jack Solomon had no report on the Sewer.  Jack Solomon also reported for Friends of Pocotopaug.  Jack spoke on various projects i.e. algae collection, aeration/mixing, ultrasound, raffle, and boat parade.   Tom Wells spoke on Inland Wetlands and P& Z.  Tom discussed various applications.  

8.  Committee Reports
        A.  Education Committee
Jack Solomon moved to accept the educational program with the amendment of “T Make Citizens Aware of the Consequences of Erosion to the Lake”.  The motion was seconded by Chairman Ciriello.                   Motion carried. 4-0-0           

B.  Public Education - None
                1.  Other

        C.  Monitoring Committee
                1.  Lake & Watershed Tests 2008 & 2009
There was a discussion on whether the contract could be amended and how to spend the remaining money.  Chairman Ciriello will follow up to see if the contract can be amended.  
                2.  Nutrient Budget ENSR
A discussion on the scope of work and the completion took place.  Should be completed by end of March.
                3.  12 Month Testing for Algae
Bottles are ordered.  Testing will start in January 2009.  Testing will take place in 2 deep spots.  Boat has been obtained but oars still need to be obtained.
                        a. Lake Management Planning Committee
Nothing further to report.
9.  Unfinished Business - None
10.  New Business - None
11.  Aeration/Mixing in Lake Pocotopaug
Jack Solomon discussed the aeration/mixing process, needs for completion, the affects, and the possible costs.  Friends of Pocotopaug want the town to handle this project but Friends would provide the money.  Chairman Ciriello wants more information on this project after speaking with Ken Wagner.  Tom Wells also wanted more information on the project.  Chairman Ciriello and Tom Wells wanted to know what ENSRs involvement would be in the project. A further discussion took place on the project.

Tom Wells moved to have Friends of Lake Pocotopaug put a proposal forward for Aeration/Mixing in Lake Pocotopaug exploration to fund at a reasonable cost through the town. The Commission will then decide on the pros and cons of the proposal. Irene Curtis seconded the motion.                             Motion Carried 4-0-0

12.  Spring and Summer Projects  
A discussion on educational booths and fairs took place.

13.  Old Business
Irene Curtis will follow up on labeling of storm drains and which agencies are involved in completing such a projects. Pet management was also discussed.

14.  Public Remarks - None

15.  Adjournment
Jack Solomon moved to adjourn at 9:55 pm.  The motion was seconded by Chairman Ciriello.                                                Motion carried.  4-0-0

Respectfully Submitted,

Patricia Kratochvil
Recording Secretary