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12/12/2007 Lake Mgmt Planning Meeting
Town of East Hampton Lake Pocotopaug Commission
Lake Management Planning Committee Meeting
Tuesday, December 12, 2007 at 7:00pm
Town Hall Annex

1. Call to Order & Roll Call – 7:06 p.m.
All Members Present: Robert Hart, John Ciriello, Tom Wells

2. Public Remarks - None

3. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meetings
A. October 15, 2007 – Approved: unanimous

4. Unfinished Business
A. Lake & Watershed Management Plan

Action Item Follow-up from last meeting:
1. John: Get example of “plans” from ENSR (Wendy?). Costs?
John: None were forthcoming from Wendy.

5. Bob: Contact Chuck Lee to send us versions of plans for our reference.
Bob: Chuck directed us to ENSR’s 2002 report and the 1995 WMC report as example plans.
Tom: Plans exist for Waramaug, Candlewood (more than 10 yrs ago). They differ from our needs due to being multi-town lakes. Columbia may have a single-town lake plan.

6. John: Call Peter Rich about grad. Student’s help.
John: Peter likes Kortmann (Bob: not relevant?). No student recommendations – but P. Rich will help at no cost and come to lake conference to provide advice.

New Action Items (related comments embedded):

1. John: Assign Peter Rich to lineup grad student.

2. Tom: Give Bob copy of Fuegro McClellan 1992 report.
Tom: Use the Ad Hoc Advisory Committee 1995 report for “structure” of a plan. Have ENSR put plan together.

3. Bob: Become liaison to DEP/ENSR on nutrient load modeling effort. Find out when it will be done, what it will include. This model will feed into a plan and help with funding. The LPC should have closer involvement with this state/federal/ENSR process. Bob: Have ENSR formulate a plan “process” structure: ~3 or 4 main tracks to guide process. Invite (~3 or 4) small groups of interested/appropriate commission members and public to “do the work” of deciding what goes into the draft plan sections. Bring draft sections to a larger audience for discussion to assess reactions, secure consensus.
Based on feedback have the smaller “committees” finalize decisions. Have ENSR finalize the plan sections.

4. Bob: Budget for plan: ~1 meeting per month to include town agency, ENSR, and LPC planning committee representatives.
Bob: Start out with all 3 committee members plus ENSR at meetings and then later pare it down as is practical.
Tom: We will need legal assistance to implement a plan, for instance, for writing amended regulations. We may need to budget for a land-use expert (consultant).
Bob: It will take months to line up funding for creating a plan (Follow-up: The current 2007/8 budget $10K consultant line item is available initially to prevent delays.)

5. Bob: Get with Chuck Lee to draw up a contract using state grant funds (up to $25K), quickly so that ENSR
is not held up by funding delays.

6. Bob: Put together main points for the Lake Conference to launch general discussion on “next steps” (creating a plan).
Bob: For opening remarks: “Why are we doing this?” Emphasize the trend and where we will end up in 10 to 20 years if we don’t turn this situation around. Here’s the problem: Green scum, exotic weeds. Why? Phosphorus! Inaction! Emphasize phosphorus throughout the conference.
Tom: We need a phosphorus standard with standardized methodology and limits in Zoning and IWWA regulations.

5. New Business - None

6. Public Remarks - None

7. Adjournment – 10:00 p.m.

Prepared and Submitted By: Robert P. Hart, Committee Chairman and Recording Secretary