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09/20/2007 Lake Commission Regular Meeting
Lake Pocotopaug Commission
Regular Meeting
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Eaton E. Smith Meeting Room - Town Hall
1. Call to Order & Roll Call Chairman Hart called the Lake Pocotopaug Commission to order at 7:00 PM.
Members Present: Chairman Bob Hart, Vice Chairman John Ciriello, John Jordon, Jack Solomon (7:04pm), Irene Curtis, Jim Smith, and Tom Wells.
Others Present: Town Manager: Alan Bergren, Recording Secretary Kamey Ahrens.
John Ciriello requested adding correspondence that was received from Seven Hills Estates for further discussion.
Motion by John Ciriello to add discussion of the correspondence that was received by Seven Hills Estate addressed to the Chairman of the LPC, to be added as New Business item 9B. Motion was seconded by Jack Solomon. Vote passed 7-0-0. 2. Approvals of Minutes, August 16, 2007: Motion by Irene Curtis to approve the meeting minutes dated August 16, 2007 as presented. Motion was seconded by John Jordon. Vote passed 7-0-0. 3. Public Remarks: None
4. Administrative Business & Communications
A. Town Managers Report
1) Christopher Brook Status Town Manager Bergren advised the LPC this was before the IWWA and they previously discussed 3rd party inspectors.
2) Rainstorm Silting from Skyline Estates Development John Ciriello submitted photographs taken at the site on September 11, 2007. Mr. Bergren suggested any concerns the LPC has they bring them before the IWWA. Mr. Ciriello also expressed his concern with the runoff from Old Clark Hill and asked Mr. Bergren to investigate who’s responsibility this is and for a follow up report at the next regular scheduled meeting. John Jordon asked the name of the owners of Skyline Estates be entered into the minutes for the record. The LPC believed the site was owned and operated by Wayne Rand and John Salerino. Jack Solomon suggested the Chairman of the LPC make contact with IWWA and request to be included on their agenda for further discussion.
3) Fall Lake Lowering Notification Town Manager Bergren has met with Mr. Bevin and he stated he would be very willing to work with the LPC for communication. Dredging is scheduled to take place in November with the draw down to take place in late October.
4) Hale Brook and Christopher Pond Dredging Mr. Bergren has made contact with the owners of Christopher Pond and they are working together to take the proper procedures that need to be met prior to the dredging. Hale Brook is also moving along and should be dredged in the Fall 2007.
5) Fish Stocking Program Mr. Bergren reported the Walleye has been ordered for the lake. There were some questions that were brought up that disputed the previous information that was obtained in stocking the lake with the large mouth bass. The LPC agreed to take the next months for further education on which fish would be best stocked in Lake Pocotopaug and visit this item again in the future.
B. Other- None
5. Commission Meeting Liaison Reports
A. IWWA Meeting – 8/29/2007 T. Wells reported on the applications that were discussed related to the Lake Commission. Minutes are on file for the IWWA in the Town Clerks Office.
B. P&Z Commission Meeting – 9/3/2007 T. Wells reported on the applications that were discussed related to the Lake Commission. Minutes are on file for the IWWA in the Town Clerks Office.
C. Town Council Meetings – 8/28/2007 & 9/11/2007, J. Ciriello reported on the previous meetings. There was discussion of the no phosphorus ordinance. A copy of the ordinance was distributed to the LPC for further review. It has currently been referred back to the IWWA for review. Minutes are on file for the Town Council Meetings in the Town Clerks office.
D. Water & Sewer Commission – 9/4/2007 Jack Solomon stated there was no issue that pertained to LPC discussion at this meeting.
E. Friends of Lake Pocotopaug – 9/12/2007 Jack Solomon reported on the previous meeting noting the Friends of Lake Pocotopaug made a decision to fully implement an ultra sound test with 24 units next spring.
F. Park & Recreation Advisory Board – 9/4/2007 John Ciriello stated there was no issue that pertained to LPC discussed at this meeting.
G. Zoning Board of Appeals- 9/10/2007 Jim Smith reported that there were no issues affecting the Lake Pocotopaug watershed.
H. Conservation Commission- John Jordon stated there was a brief discussion on the fertilizer ordinance and their concerns for enforcement issue if this is passed.
6. Committee Reports
A. Education Committee – Ciriello
1. First Annual Lake Pocotopaug Conference John Ciriello stated at this time the Education Committee is unable to move forward with the original schedule. John Ciriello suggested rescheduling this event for the first quarter of 2008. Chairman Hart reviewed the previous motion to begin this process and the passed motion states the conference would be held in the fall of 2007.
Motion by John Ciriello to extend the time for the education committee to put together a plan for the First Annual Lake Pocotopaug Conference and to have that conference sometime in the first quarter of 2008. Motion was seconded by Tom Wells.
John Jordon stated he felt the Public Education Course and the First Annual Lake Pocotopaug Conference could be combined and he doesn’t see a need to delay the timing.
Chairman Hart felt the need to delay could be due to not having any speakers lined up at this time for the presentation.
Irene Curtis views the Public Education Course and the Conference being two different events. Jack Solomon stated he felt there was a lot of discussion tonight about interaction with the other boards and commission and he feels that to delay this is a mistake. J. Solomon continued with stating the reason the LPC was formed was to bring information on the lake forward.
Chairman Hart agreed with J. Solomon and expressed his disappointment on not having made any progress on this conference.
Irene Curtis suggested scaling it down, just sit down with the other commissions and discuss the regulations, possibly use the LPC’s November meeting to have this meeting.
Jack Solomon suggested Chairman Hart contact the Chairman’s of the other various boards to invite them to the November meeting.
John Ciriello withdrew his motion. Tom Wells withdrew is 2nd.
2. Public Education Course – John Jordon John Jordon presented the commission with a drafted outline for the proposed Public Education Course. 3. Invasive Weed Prevention Program There is no update on the Invasive Weed Prevention Program.
4. Other John Ciriello advised the commission members of the Connecticut Federation of Lakes Northwest CT Meeting that is scheduled to take place on October 12, 2007 from 4:30pm – 6:30pm at the Woodridge Lake Clubhouse, 260 East Hyerdale Dr., Goshen, CT. (See Attached)
John Ciriello provided the LPC members with an email received from Bantam Lake Protective, Fall 2007 E-Newsletter for review. (See Attached)
John Ciriello provided the LPC members with an article received from New Hampshire Rivers Council titled “Rock Snot” invades Connecticut River. (See Attached)
John Ciriello reported on an event that is going to take place at the East Hampton Library. The IWWA and the LPC have agreed to co-sponsor the Sierra Club hosting a forum on Inland Wetlands, protecting our water resources, scheduled to take place on October 4, 2007, 7pm at the East Hampton Library Community Room.
B. Monitoring Committee- Solomon
1. Lake and Watershed Test Results Jack Solomon presented the commission with a spreadsheet of summary charts reviewing the progress to date. The commission discussed the numbers. Jack Solomon announced there will only be one or two more samples taken and that will conclude testing for this year.
2. Training Program – September 30, 2007 The LPC has scheduled this event to take place on September 30, 2007. They will have a representative present from ENSR. There is a need for volunteers to participate in this program. J. Solomon will post a flyer at the library for volunteers; in addition the LPC suggested phoning the residents that completed the survey to see if they would be interested in participating.
3. Other Chairman Hart advised the LPC members of an email received from the Health Department with the results of the bathing water testing that was done in August, 2007. The commission members discussed the results.
8. Reading Assignment -
A. August 16th Reading Assignment - “Lake Pocotopaug 2003 In-Lake Water Sampling Results, ENSR International, March 2004”, (posted on LPC website ref. page).
B. September 20th Reading Assignment – “Lake Pocotopaug 2004 Monitoring Results and Management Implications, ENSR International, March 2005”, (posted on LPC website ref. page).
Chairman Hart requested the members of the commission review this reading assignment and discussion will take place at the October meeting.
9. Unfinished Business:
A. In Lake Solution Trial Test Programs-. Jack Solomon provided the commission with the most recent results from the testing that has taken place around the lake including the tests around the ultra sound units. Chairman Hart revisited the motion that was made on March 15th and advised the commission members that the responsibilities made by this commission from May 1st – September 15th to monitor have been met.
Chairman Hart advised the commission members they continue to wait for the results from the Solar Bee program being done at Lake Champlain.
B. Investigate Alum Treatment Stations for Lake Tributaries Jim Smith reported to the commission on several lakes that have implemented the Alum treatments and they are showing some success. J. Smith has looked into the 7 lakes in the US that have been tested. 5 are in Florida, 1 in Washington, and 1 in Minneapolis. J. Smith presented the commission with some photographs of the research that has been conducted with these treatments. There was discussion on the numerous ways these treatments can be done.
The commission discussed inviting a consultant to a meeting for further discussion.
C. Consider By-Laws Change to Allow Meeting at Sears Park Chairman Hart read article 7.1 of the By-Laws for the record.
A motion was made by Chairman Hart, that the commission shall adopt the wording added to the Lake Pocotopaug Commission Bylaws Article VII Section I contained in the motion passed at the last regular scheduled meeting August 16, 2007. Motion was seconded by John Jordon. Vote passed 7-0-0
9. New Business:
A. Lake & Watershed Management Plan.
1) ENSR’s Role
2) Grants – Rockfall; EPA Non-profit Source Pollution via CT DEP
3) Form a Standing Committee
Chairman Hart asked the commission if they felt there was a need to move forward with a lake and watershed management plan. There has been a lot of work done over the past year learning about lake and watershed problems and if it is indeed time to move forward with improvement projects and to obtain the appropriate consultants then a plan would be needed.
J. Ciriello stated he has attempted to make contact with ENSR regarding the steps that are needed to move forward. In addition he would like to check with ENSR about assistance with obtaining the grants.
A motion was made by Chairman Hart to form a standing committee named the Lake Management Planning Committee with the responsibility to create a lake and watershed management plan. Motion was seconded by John Ciriello. Vote passed 7-0-0. Chairman Hart appointed himself, John Ciriello, and Tom Wells to the Lake Management Planning Committee. All members asked accepted.
B. Seven Hills Estates Correspondence The LPC discussed the letters that were received from Rob Romano, regarding problems that affect the lake. (See Attached)
The commission suggested adding further discussion to the agenda in October. Chairman Hart asked Mr. Bergren to forward these letters onto CLA for comment.
11 Public Remarks - Tom Turk introduced himself to the LPC as the founder of the Conservation Habitat Group in East Hampton, which is a newly formed non-profit organization that wants to help with issues that pertain to air, soil and water. Mr. Turk advised the commission that 4 members of his commission would be available to assist with the Training Program scheduled for September 30, 2007.
12. Adjournment A motion was made by John Jordon, seconded by John Ciriello to adjourn at 10:42 p.m. Vote passed 7-0-0.
Respectfully Submitted, Kamey Ahrens Recording Secretary