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07/19/2007 Lake Commission Regular Meeting
Lake Pocotopaug Commission
Regular Meeting
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Eaton E. Smith Meeting Room - Town Hall
1. Call to Order & Roll Call
Chairman Hart called the Lake Pocotopaug Commission to order at 7:06 PM.
Members Present: Chairman Bob Hart, Vice Chairman John Ciriello, John Jordan (7:09 pm), Jack Solomon, Jim Smith, and Tom Wells.
Others Present: Town Manager: Alan Bergren, Recording Secretary Kamey Ahrens.
Chairman Hart made a motion to move items 10A, E & F up on the agenda to be discussed under the Managers Report 6A. Motion was seconded by Jim Smith. Vote passed 5-0-0.
2. Approvals of Minutes, June 21, 2007:
Motion by Jack Solomon to approve the meeting minutes dated June 21, 2007. Motion was seconded by Jim Smith. Vote passed 5-0-0.
3. Public Remarks:
Judy Isele, resident of 31 Wangonk Trail stated the ultra sound units seem to be working as the lake looks great, and asked the LPC to keep up the good work.
4. Presentation – “Health Department Lake Testing”, Thad King, Director of Health- Thad King provided the members of the commission with an EHS Circular Letter #2007-016 dated April 30, 2007, regarding Safe Bathing Season. Mr. King presented for the commission the standard practice and procedures that is currently in effect.
5. IWWA Application review – Richard Finklestein, 43 Lake Drive.
The members of the commission discussed an application that is currently before IWWA. Mr. Finklestein is requesting permission to remove the existing stairs and replace them with a 12 x 16 deck. The commission reviewed the plans and after discussion agreed to the following recommendations.
Chairman Hart made a motion that the LPC would address a letter to the IWWA suggesting the IWWA provide the following conditions to the application of Richard Finklestein, 43 Lake Drive, East Hampton.
• The ground beneath the deck be secured with the appropriate size stone
• That a retaining wall be built along the lake side to keep this stone in place
• Wooden decking be used with adequate spaces appear between them to allow rainwater to fall through the deck
Motion was seconded by John Ciriello. Vote passed 6-0-0
6. Administrative Business & Communications
A. Town Managers Report
Proposed No-Phosphorous Fertilizer Ordinance.
Alan explained the process of obtaining the no phosphorous fertilizer ordinance and where this item currently stands. He stated it is being reviewed by the IWWA and the town’s attorney and then will be before the town council. Chairman Hart asked about the changes that the LPC made to the IWWA and if those suggestions have been considered? Mr. Bergren stated he hadn’t heard and suggested having the letter retransmitted to him and it can then be redistributed to the appropriate members for further review.
Hale Brook and Christopher Pond dredging
There has been discussion with the owners of these ponds and Mr. Bergren will follow up with the owners to see about the process that needs to take place for the dredging to happen.
Fish Stocking Program
The order for the walleye has not yet been submitted. The LPC asked the town to hold off on the order to allow them time to further investigate other options that might be better for the lake. John Jordan reported on his investigation into the type of fish to be stocked. He has found that large mouth bass is more appropriate than walleye or pickerel. He will investigate further to find a source and obtain agreement with Chuck Lee and Ken Wagner.
B. Other
John Ciriello reported that the presentation from Tom McGowan can be posted to the LPC website. Look for that in the next couple weeks.
John Ciriello reported on the New Hampshire Lake Conference that took place on June 29th and the information that was obtained. A schedule of the conference was distributed for the members to review.
Chairman Hart reported on a letter that he released to the Rivereast Editor informing the public of the current condition of the lake in addition to a few other of the ongoing activities.
7. Commission Meeting Liaison Reports
A. IWWA Meeting – T. Wells reported on the applications that were discussed related to the Lake Commission. Minutes are on file for the IWWA in the Town Clerks Office.
B. P&Z Commission Meeting – 1st Wednesday T. Wells reported on the applications that were discussed related to the Lake Commission. Minutes are on file for the IWWA in the Town Clerks Office.
C. Water & Sewer Commission – 1st Tuesday Jack Solomon stated there was no issue that pertained to LPC discussion at this meeting.
D. Town Council Meetings – 2nd & 4th Tuesday, J. Ciriello reported at the previous meetings. Minutes are on file for the Town Council meetings in the Town Clerk’s Office.
E. Park & Recreation Advisory Board – 1st Tuesday John Ciriello stated there was no issue that pertained to LPC discussed at this meeting.
F. Friends of Lake Pocotopaug – Jack Solomon reported on the previous meeting.
G. Zoning Board of Appeals- Jim Smith reported the Zoning Board of Appeals met and there was nothing on the agenda pertaining to the LPC.
8. Committee Reports
A. Education Committee – Ciriello
1. First Annual Lake Pocotopaug Conference
The Education Committee met and has begun to put together the 1st Annual Lake Pocotopaug Conference. They will continue to meet for further discussion. They continue to look for an October meeting.
2. Invasive Weed Prevention Program
There was discussion on creating a prevention program to help to educate residents of the invasive weeds that could find their way into our lake.
3. Survey Results
The members of the commission reviewed the summary of the survey results that Chairman Hart was able to put together to get a scene of what the public point of view is on the lake.
4. Other
John Ciriello reported on the float that was in the Old Home Day parade and thanked several individuals for their help: John Athorne who constructed the frame of the float; Melissa Jordan for her artistic work on the signs; Irene Curtis for getting the construction supplies and the photograph that she was able to outline by hand.
There was discussion on the tee-shirts to be ordered for the volunteer program. The commission members think it would be valuable to wear the shirts while visiting residents in the watershed and answer the questions they might have about the lake and the progress that has taken place.
B. Monitoring Committee - Solomon
1. Lake and Watershed Test Results
Jack Solomon presented the commission with a spreadsheet of summary charts reviewing the progress to date. The commission discussed the numbers.
2. Other The commission received the finalized State/ Town contract.
9. Reading Assignment -
A. Review of June 21st Reading Assignment – “Lake Pocotopaug 2002 In-Lake and Water Sampling and Algal Assay Results”, ENSR International, March 2003, Doc No. 8734-756-001”1, (posted on LPC website ref. page.
Chairman Hart reviewed highlights of the report and the commission members discussed them.
B. July 19th Reading Assignment – “Lake and Watershed Restoration and Protection, ENSR Slide Presentation, 2003”, (posted on LPC website ref. page.
Chairman Hart requested the members of the commission review this reading assignment and discussion will take place at the August meeting.
10. Unfinished Business:
A. Proposed No-Phosphorous Fertilizer Ordinance.
This item was previously discussed under the manager’s report.
B. In Lake Solution Trial Test Programs-.
Chairman Hart presented for the commission members a chart that showed where the ultra-sound units should be place to cover the entire lake. The commission focused on the Markham’s Bay area and a plan to have units placed to further test. Jim Smith allowed a unit to be installed on his property. The commission discussed two other locations and would follow up with those residents to see if units can be placed on their property. There was discussion on getting the residents in the Markham’s Bay area notification on the ultra-sound units. There was discussion on placing a letter/article in the Rivereast. Chairman Hart suggested the LPC support monitoring only the units in Markham Bay and include multiple test points out into the claimed range of 400 meters in addition to those previously taken at 150 or 200 feet from each unit.
Chairman Hart contacted Eric Smeltzer in Waterbury VT, regarding the 3 Solar Bee units that are currently installed in their bay. There is a lot of monitoring and testing taking place and this information is going to be very valuable to the LPC. They will continue to follow their results and Mr. Smeltzer has agreed to share the results with the LPC.
C. ECS Proposal -
Chairman Hart reported on the moving forward with Mr. Kortmann and the discussion that took place with Mr. Lee regarding obtaining the funds to assist. Mr. Lee stated his concerns and suggested if the LPC decided to move forward the town should fund and not the state.
D. Investigate Alum Treatment Stations for Lake Tributaries -
Jim Smith reported on his contacting of Sweet Water and the solar power units that they create and the information he obtained in his research. The company is putting together some literature and when this is received it will be shared with the commission.
E. Hale Brook and Christopher Pond dredging -
This item was previously discussed under the manager’s report.
F. Fish Stocking Program -
This item was previously discussed under the manager’s report.
G. Lake & Watershed Regulations -
Chairman Hart made a motion to table the discussion of Lake & Watershed Regulations indefinitely. Motion was seconded by John Jordan. Vote: 6-0-0
H. Consider meeting at Sears Park during the summer months.
Chairman Hart stated the by-laws prohibits the change of meeting locations, however if the commission chooses to they can change that item in the by-laws later on the agenda. John Ciriello suggested changing the by-laws to allow for the meetings to take place at Sears Park during the summer months. Alan Bergren stated arrangements would need to be made through Park and Recreation.
11. New Business:
A. LPC Election of Officers -
Chairman & Vice Chairman
Jack Solomon made a motion to move voting to take place by secret ballot. Motion was seconded by Bob Hart. Alan Bergren stated all votes need to be recorded. All citizens are entitled to be available to the public by the FOA. Motion is therefore invalid.
Bob Hart made a motion to have the vote be by show of hands. Motion was seconded by Jim Smith. Vote: 6-0-0
John Jordan made a motion to nominate Bob Hart as the Chairman of the LPC.
Bob Hart made a motion to nominate John Ciriello as the Chairman of the LPC.
Hearing no other nominations, Chairman Hart closed the nomination call for Chairman.
Vote: Bob Hart, for Chairman All those in favor 5- Tom Wells, John Ciriello, John Jordan, Jim Smith, Jack Solomon
Vote: John Ciriello, for Chairman All those in favor 1- Bob Hart
Chairman Hart declared himself winner as LPC chairman for the next year.
John Jordan made a motion to nominate John Ciriello as the Vice Chairman of the LPC.
Jack Solomon made a motion to nominate Tom Wells as the Vice Chairman of the LPC.
Bob Hart made a motion to nominate Jack Solomon as the Vice Chairman of the LPC.
Hearing no other nominations, Chairman Hart closed the nomination call for Vice Chairman.
Vote; John Ciriello, for Vice Chairman All those in favor 3- Tom Wells, Jim Smith, John Jordan
Vote: Tom Wells, for Vice Chairman All those in favor 2- Jack Solomon, John Ciriello
Vote: Jack Solomon, for Vice Chairman All those in favor 1- Bob Hart
Chairman Hart declared John Ciriello winner as LPC vice chairman for the next year.
B. Review by-laws-.
John Ciriello made a motion to amend the by-laws to reflect the option that during the months of June, July, August, and September the LPC may choose to hold their meetings at the town hall or other place designated by the commission. Motion was seconded by Bob Hart.
John Ciriello amended his previous motion by removing the months of the year. Motion was seconded by Jim Smith. Vote: 6-0-0
Chairman Hart suggested working on new wording and discussing at the next meeting.
12. Public Remarks -
13. Adjournment
A motion was made by John Jordan, seconded by Jim Smith to adjourn at 11:09 p.m. Vote passed 6-0-0.
Respectfully Submitted, Kamey Ahrens Recording Secretary