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04/19/2007 Lake Commission Regular Meeting
Lake Pocotopaug Commission
Regular Meeting
April 19, 2007
Eaton E. Smith Meeting Room - Town Hall
1. Call to Order & Roll Call
Chairman Hart called the Lake Pocotopaug Commission to order at 7:01 PM.
Members Present: Chairman Bob Hart, Vice Chairman John Ciriello, Irene Curtis, Jack Solomon, Jim Smith and Tom Wells.
Others Present: Town Manager Alan Bergren, Recording Secretary Kamey Ahrens.
2. Approvals of Minutes, March 15, 2007 and January 25, 2007: Motion by Jack Solomon to approve the meeting minutes dated March 15 and January 25, 2007. Motion was seconded by Irene Curtis. Vote passed 6-0.
3. Public Remarks: None
4. Administrative Business & Communications:
Chairman Hart stated at tonight’s meeting Chuck Lee, DEP is present to discuss ENSR contract in addition to the definition of impaired lake.
Chairman Hart asked if a copy of Tom McGowan’s report has been obtained. J. Ciriello stated he would follow up for a copy for the commission.
Chairman Hart read for the record the vote from the Town Council appointing Jim Smith to the Lake Pocotopaug Commission.
Tom Wells stated he has obtained a copy of the SPLASH packet made by the Junior Women’s Club. The commission previously discussed using this information for education at the upcoming Earth Day.
5. Presentation – East Hampton Police Chief Matt Reimondo and Ruth Plummer, Director of Parks and Recreation, “Lake Safety” Chief Reimondo gave the LPC an explanation of what the Police Departments role is for safety and law enforcement on the lake. He reported the boat the Police Department has is put on the lake before Memorial Day. The Lake Patrol boat is for the fire department as well if rescue is needed. They have also worked with Parks & Rec to put buoy markings in the lake to help mark the shallow areas. These buoys are placed in the lake in the spring and removed in the fall. The Police Department has worked very hard with Park & Rec to have this program in place to help with the purchase and placing of the markings as permitting is an extensive process that takes place with the DEP.
Chief Reimondo reported on the schedule of the police boat stating that unfortunately budget issues have prevented them from having the boat in patrol as much as they would like.
Ruth Plummer stated that the sale of Sears Park stickers is not delineated by the navigational laws. Sears Park stickers are sold based on residency. M. Reimondo reminded the commission there are several launches around the lake for boat access. R. Plummer advised the commission of the park attendants schedule to help with the monitoring of the boats coming in and out of Sears Park.
Chairman Hart asked about the low speed zone ordinance within 200 feet from shore and how we can enforce it. He indicated that boat prop. wash can stir up sediment, suspending nutrient phosphorus that can promote algae growth. M. Reimondo stated when they are patrolling the lake the boats are typically doing what they are suppose to, however if they aren’t then the officer on duty is able to use the appropriate discipline actions, however he feels there is more of an education process that should be taken place. There was further discussion on the advantages and disadvantages of placing low-speed-zone markers on the lake, discussing the long process of putting them in place, in addition to the expense.
There was discussion on what type of budget would be needed to fund an officer on the lake. M. Reimondo stated that 4 hour patrols on Saturday and Sunday are worthwhile.
The Commission thanked Chief Reimondo and Ruth Plummer for their time and information that was provided for the LPC tonight. Chief Reimondo advised the commission if there were any other questions to please bring them to the department or pass them along to John Ciriello and they would be happy to help assist however they could.
Chairman Hart moved forward on the agenda to next discuss Committee Reports with the items that are related to Chuck Lee, DEP.
7. Committee Reports
A. Monitoring Committee – Solomon
Chairman Hart was contacted by a lake resident that questioned the impaired lake tag that was placed in the survey. Chairman Hart’s response to the resident was from an email to Chuck Lee stating that “Chuck Lee labeled our lake impaired for recreational use based on documented algae blooms, underlying phosphorus loading causes and many related complaints he has had over the years from people who have reduced their use of the lake due to the blooms.” J. Ciriello read the email that he had received from Chuck Lee discussing Lake Pocotopaug not meeting the 303D List with the EPA of the Federal Clean Water Act.
The Commission discussed further review of the report that it hopes will be obtained by fall. Chuck Lee stated their plan of working on the publishing of this report.
There was discussion on residents who have complained of becoming sick from swimming in our lake. There was discussion of the algae that is in Lake Pocotopaug. Chuck Lee stated there is testing that can and should take place and what costs are going to be needed let him know and it can be added into the ENSR contract.
Chairman Hart asked in relation to the ENSR contract and state funding of these items in addition to monitoring in general. Jack Solomon reported there has been a proposal received from ENSR, Dr. Wagner. Tom Wells modified the monitoring plan which is to use volunteers to collect samples and make measurements. Chuck Lee has both pieces and he is going to put this together in a proposal for state funding. The plan is for the State to fund about half and the town to fund about half. The contract proposal is for a 2 year term. Chuck Lee stated he is hopeful for this to be finalized within the next couple of months.
6. Commission Meeting Liaison Reports
A. Town Council Meetings – 2nd & 4th Tuesday, J. Ciriello reported at the previous meetings. Minutes are on file for the Town Council meetings in the Town Clerk’s Office.
B. IWWA Meeting – T. Wells reported on the applications that were discussed related to the Lake Commission. Minutes are on file for the IWWA in the Town Clerks Office. He stated that NE Dev. Belltown Square must redo phosphorus calculations. He stated that the Hazen/Minor conflict now has an agreed remedy.
C. P&ZC Meeting – 1st Wednesday T. Wells reported on the applications that were discussed related to the Lake Commission. Minutes are on file for the IWWA in the Town Clerks Office. He mentioned a change to Section 7.12.6 lake regulations to calculate lake impact on new developments.
D. ZBA Meeting – 2nd Monday Chairman Hart appointed Jim Smith to be the liaison for the ZBA meetings.
E. Conservation Commission – 2nd Thursday
F. Water & Sewer Commission – 1st Tuesday J. Solomon reported on the water system that was discussed at this meeting. There is a meeting on April 25, 2007 in which all boards are invited to discuss the new proposed water system. Jack Solomon agreed to represent the LPC’s position at that meeting.
G. Park & Recreation Advisory Board – 1st Tuesday John Ciriello stated this meeting was canceled.
H. Friends of Lake Pocotopaug – Jack Solomon reported on the activity that took place at the previous meeting that was related to the lake in addition to their money raising upcoming events. The Chairman and Vice Chairman of the LPC have been invited to attend the next regularly scheduled meeting of FOLP which is scheduled for April 26, 2007.
I. Other
Chairman Hart advised the Commission at this time they would revisit any items that were not discussed with agenda item #7
7. Committee Reports
A. Education Committee – Ciriello Chairman Hart removed Jack Solomon from the Education Committee and appointed Jim Smith in his place.
J. Ciriello reported they have been making phone calls to residence in the watershed regarding the survey that has been sent out. At the last report there was 125 register residents that have taken the survey online and residents that have mailed in forms is at 127.
J. Ciriello reported the education committee met to plan the LPC booth that will be at Earth Day. He asked for some members of the Commission to volunteer for a shift to help assist. Earth Day runs from 12-4 pm. Staffing at booth: Hart, Ciriello, Smith, Curtis, Jordan
J. Ciriello stated he attended a meeting that took place at the Goff House that discussed organic lawn care which was very educational. He provided an article that was posted in Gardening Section of The Hartford Courant.
8. Reading Assignment -
A. Review of March 15th Reading Assignment – “Record of the Blue Ribbon Panel (Lake Pocotopaug)”, Donald Markham. Council Chairman, February 8, 1996.
B. Reading Assignment – “Lake Pocotopaug Lake and Watershed Restoration Evaluation”, ENSR International, May 2002, Doc. No. 08734-470 (posted on LPC website ref. page). Chairman Hart asked the commission members to read this assignment and will be discussed at the next regularly schedule meeting. The assignment was limited to up to section 6, page 69.
9. Unfinished Business:
A. Proposed No-Phosphorous Fertilizer Ordinance
Chairman stated there is nothing to discuss at this meeting on the No-Phosphorous Fertilizer Ordinance.
B. Earth Day, May 5th, Sears Park
Chairman Hart reported this was previous discussed under other agenda items.
C. In-Lake Solution Trial Test Programs
J. Solomon reported on the three ultra sonic units that have been ordered and the plan of their locations to be placed. There was discussion of the plan of testing once the units are in place. The units cost $2560 each.
10. New Business:
A. Silt release in Christopher Brook
T. Wells stated there was another release into the brook a couple weeks ago. J. Ciriello reported there is a horse ranch on Clark Hill and they began to construct a driveway that apparently they were unable to complete prior to the rain and there was a lot of silt from the rain that went into Christopher Brook and consequently into our Lake.
B. New East Hampton water system
There was discussion among the commission members of the new proposed water system that could be installed. The commission discussed the advantages and disadvantages of each proposed systems.
Alan Bergren reported that at the next meeting that is scheduled to take place on April 25, 2007 there will be discussions on some of the financials will be discussed and whether it will sustain itself.
A motion was made by Bob Hart, seconded by John Ciriello, that the Lake Pocotopaug Commission recommends to the Town Council at the April 25th meeting the current plans under consideration are not an issue to Lake Pocotopaug and water quality as long as they do not encourage new development in the watershed, however in the future, any future extensions to a water system in the watershed that promote added development or increase density of development can be detrimental to lake water quality. This recommendation will be included in our lake management plan. Vote: 6-0 Motion passed.
Public Remarks - None
A motion was made by Jack Solomon, seconded by John Ciriello to adjourn at 10:27p.m., Motion passed
Respectfully Submitted, Kamey Ahrens Recording Secretary