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03/15/2007 Lake Commission Regular Meeting
Lake Pocotopaug Commission
Regular Meeting
March 15, 2007
Eaton E. Smith Meeting Room - Town Hall
1. Call to Order & Roll Call
Chairman Hart called the Lake Pocotopaug Commission to order at 7:02 PM.
Members Present: Chairman Bob Hart, Vice Chairman John Ciriello, Irene Curtis, and John Jordan (7:10PM), Jack Solomon, and Tom Wells.
Others Present: Recording Secretary Kamey Ahrens.
Motion by Tom Wells, seconded by John Ciriello to change the order of the agenda. The commission moved item 6 Presentation – Tom McGowan, Chairman, Lake Waramaug Task Force to item 4 moving all other items down on the agenda. Vote passed: 5-0.
2. Approvals of Minutes, February 15, 2007 and March 8, 2007:
Motion by Jack Solomon to approve the meeting minutes dated February 15, 2007 and March 8, 2007. Motion was seconded by John Ciriello. Vote passed 5-0. 3.
3. Public Remarks: Mary Ann Dostaler, Chairman of the EDC passed on a flyer of information to the commission from Rhode Island regarding protection of water sources for their review.
4. Presentation – Tom McGowan, Chairman, Lake Waramaug Task Force Mr. McGowan was introduced by John Ciriello stating he is the Chairman of the commission that working on the water clarity at Lake Waramaug. Mr. McGowan provided the commission with a PowerPoint presentation of the work that has taken place at Lake Waramaug. They are using 2 new compressed air-driven water circulators that are completely submerged to prevent boat interference. The devices are produced by Bob Kortmann’s Ecosystems Consulting.
5. Administrative Business:
6. Communications & Commissioner Reports
Chairman Hart read for the record a letter dated February 13, 2007 entitled Manager’s Review Report from the office of Town Manager, Alan Bergren stating the need for management analysis of the land use agency’s and how they interrelate and react to each other. There will be a meeting scheduled for further review and the commission will be advised.
A. Town Council Meetings – 2nd & 4th Tuesday, J. Ciriello reported at the previous meetings and there is nothing to report in relation to the Lake Commission.
B. IWWC Meeting – T. Wells reported on the applications that were discussed related to the Lake Commission.
C. PZC Meeting – 1st Wednesday T. Wells reported on the applications that were discussed related to the Lake Commission.
D. ZBA Meeting – 2nd Monday Chairman Hart asked Irene Curtis to review the ZBA meeting minutes for future meetings and report to the LPC any items that are related to the lake.
E. Conservation Commission – 2nd Thursday John Jordan reported that there have been several conversations with Jeanne Moran regarding the booth the Lake Pocotopaug Commission is going to have on Earth Day.
F. Water & Sewer Commission – 1st Tuesday Jack Solomon reported on the joint meeting of all the boards and commissions that took place to discuss the potential of a water system to be in place in the future.
G. Park & Recreation Advisory Board – 1st Tuesday John Ciriello stated there was nothing to discuss from the previous meeting.
H. Friends of Lake Pocotopaug – Jack Solomon reported on the activity that took place at the previous meeting that was related to the lake. An in-lake trial test program using 3 ultrasound devices to control algae was approved. Friends agreed to fund up to $10K for the program and asked the LPC to fund installation costs.
I. Other Tom Wells reported to the LPC the scheduled site walks for Skyline Estates Phase II.
7. Committee Reports –
A. Education Committee:
J. Ciriello reported on the survey that is just about complete and ready to be sent out by the end of March. There have been several discussions with Jeanne Moran regarding the booth that will be at Earth Day in addition to creating other items to be on display for promotion of the lake.
Chairman Hart stated now that the LPC has recommended a no phosphorus fertilizer ordinance should it be considered to hold a public session to have a presentation to inform the public of the upcoming no phosphorus ordinance. The commission thought it was a good idea however there needed to be further information gathered from legal staff to find out when this ordinance is going to be moving forward.
Chairman Hart discussed giving consideration to raising the awareness of lake protection needs to other commissions by perhaps inviting other commission chairs or liaisons to present this commission with their practices and recommendations that have an impact on the lake. The commission thought that was good information and would look into the upcoming meetings for availability.
B. Monitoring Committee:
T. Wells reported on the costs and spoke with CEL, Engineers and presented the LPC with these. These costs included lab costs and equipment.
A motion was made by Jack Solomon, seconded by John Jordan to establish a monitoring program as outlined by Tom Wells that authorizes expenses up to $7310, if at any point the commission decides there needs to be cut backs there can be an over ruling of motion. Vote passed: 6-0.
The commission discussed how ENSR is going to fit into the LPC budget. The commission agreed to see if Dr. Wagner would be available to the commission for 2 inconsecutive weeks.
8. Reading Assignment -
A. Review of February 15th Reading Assignment – “Stormwater Renovation and Management Plan for the Lake Pocotopaug Watershed”, Prepared for the Town of East Hampton, March 1995, WMC Consulting Engineers. The members of the commission discussed and reviewed the reading assignment.
B. Reading Assignment – “Record of the Blue Ribbon Panel (Lake Pocotopaug)”, Donald Markham, Council Chairman, February 8, 1996. Chairman Hart asked the commission members to read this assignment and will be discussed at the next regularly schedule meeting.
9. Unfinished Business:
A. Proposed No-Phosphorous Fertilizer Ordinance
Chairman stated there is nothing to discuss at this meeting on the No-Phosphorous Fertilizer Ordinance.
B. Parks & Rec. Dept. letter requesting funds from LPC for organic fertilizer program at Sears Park Chairman Hart reported the Parks & Rec. Dept. sent a letter to the LPC requesting funds for this project. There was discussion on a previous motion that discussed allowing the Parks & Rec. Dept. to come before the LPC with the proposal. J. Ciriello reported at this time the Parks & Rec. Dept. is forgoing other options however if needed in the future they will revisit this item with this commission.
C. Earth Day J. Cirello and J. Jordan have been in contact with Jeanne Moran regarding what is going to be in place at this booth on Earth Day. There are many brochures that will be distributed and if any commission members have other ideas they are open for further discussion.
10. New Business:
A. In-Lake Solution Trial Test Programs
A motion was made by Jack Solomon, seconded by Bob Hart on a demonstration of Ultrasound Algae Control Systems in Lake Pocotopaug
In order to demonstrate a method for reduction algae growth and increasing transparency in Lake Pocotopaug, it is moved to collaborate, with Friends of Lake Pocotopaug to confirm the effectiveness of ultrasound algae control systems in Lake Pocotopaug. The demonstration will consist of the following elements:
a. Purchase and install ultrasound algae control units on or about May 1 at
1. Sears Park 2. South end of Laurel Island 3. West End Marina
b. Operate the units from May 1 through September 15
c. Measure the following in the Lake during the demonstration at the following points: 250’ Feet from Sears Park unit, 250’ from the Laurel Island unit, 250’ from the West End Marina unit and points L1 and L2 established in previous monitoring of the Lake a) Secchi disk transparency- weekly throughout the demonstration period b) Algae concentrations- at times when signification algae is in the demonstration area
d. At each regularly scheduled Lake Pocotopaug Commission meeting a report will be given of the demonstration status and monitoring results
e. Costs 1. Costs The ultrasound units will be purchased and installed by Friends of Lake Pocotopaug 2. The Monitoring/Measuring costs will be borne by the Lake Pocotopaug Commission
f. Responsibilities 1. Lake Pocotopaug Commission- Obtain approvals for installation at Sears Park and organize and report on monitoring program 2. Friends of Lake Pocotopaug- Purchase three ultrasound units and organize the installation at the three locations.
Discussion / Amendment The commission discussed the locations of the ultrasounds to be placed. The motion was amended by Chairman Hart, seconded by John Ciriello to drop item C.b) from the motion, and to amend item a.1,2,3 to have the locations remain a flexible issue, with at least one unit being installed in a calm water area.
Amended Vote: 5-1-0, Jack Solomon opposed. Motion carries. Original Vote: 6-0-0, Motion carries.
Chairman Hart stated he would like to commission to begin discussions on circulation or aeration approach. The commission discussed when discussion should begin and felt additional information needed to be obtained prior to moving forward. Chairman Hart suggested a trial program could be beneficial. The commission felt putting a plan forward for Town Council review towards the end of the year.
Public Remarks- None
A motion was made by Jack Solomon, seconded by John Ciriello to adjourn at 10:21p.m., Motion passed
Respectfully Submitted, Kamey Ahrens Recording Secretary