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01/30/2007 Lake Commission Special Meeting
Lake Pocotopaug Commission
Special Meeting
January 30, 2007
Eaton E. Smith Meeting Room - Town Hall
Call to Order & Roll Call
Chairman Hart called the Lake Pocotopaug Commission to order at 7:01 PM.
Members Present: Chairman Bob Hart, Vice Chairman John Ciriello, Irene Curtis, John Jordan (7:20 pm), Alyce Scrivener, Jack Solomon, and Tom Wells.
Others Present: Dennis Griswold, Mr. Curtis, and Recording Secretary Kamey Ahrens.
Approvals of Minutes, December 21, 2006: Motion by Jack Solomon to approve the meeting minutes dated December 21, 2006. Motion was seconded by John Ciriello. Vote passed 6-0.
Public Remarks: None
Administrative Business:
A. 2007-08 LPC Budget - The commission was provided copies of the upcoming 2007-08 year proposed budget. Chairman Hart summarized stating it was a budget for $18,150 starting 6/1/07, with the largest item being for professional services for $10,000. This has been submitted to the finance director for review and approval.
Communications & Commissioner Reports
A. Town Council Meetings – 1.9.07 & 1.23.07. J. Ciriello reported on the discussion of the development of Belltown Square and the cease & desist order that was presented for the discharge of the water that was going into the lake. They are awaiting a report from Dr. Wagner. Mr. Bergren is coordinating an effort to improve the application process between boards and commissions.
B. IWWC Meeting – 12.20.06. T. Wells reported on the discussion of the action that took place in watershed in addition to new applications that were presented which were all continued until the next meeting. Chairman Hart reported there was a letter received from Chatham Engineering with respect to the Skyline Estates Phase II application that was read for the record. Although there is no hearing application procedure for the LPC, there needs to be further discussion as to how the LPC is going to move forward with this action.
C. PZC Meeting – 1.3.07 T. Wells reported there were no items that directly affected the LPC.
D. ZBA Meeting – 1.8.07. A. Scrivener reported the application before the commission on Hawthorne Road was approved.
E. Conservation Commission – 1.11.07 – J. Jordan reported on the discussion of the cat feces being a large contributor to the phosphorus levels in the lake and the steps that other towns are taking to help with this problem. They also discussed the upcoming Hampton Woods development that may affect the lake.
F. Water & Sewer Commission – 1.2.07 – J. Solomon reported the commissions discussion on the information for a new sewer system
G. Park & Recreation Advisory Board – 1.2.07. J. Ciriello reported on a motion that was moved that recommended the LPC considered funding a pilot organic fertilization program at Sears Park, heading by the Park & Recreation department with funds from the LPC budget. J. Ciriello read the letter dated January 8, 2007 addressed to Chairman Hart from Ruth Plummer for the record.
H. Friends of Lake Pocotopaug – J. Solomon was unable to attend the January Friends of Lake Pocotopaug meeting in January, but asked the Chairman Dennis Griswold who was present to give the commission an update. Mr. Griswold reported the January meeting contained discussion on the upcoming fund raisers for 2007 in addition to officers being appointed.
I. Other
Educational Activities
A. Education Committee Report. J. Ciriello reported the assessors department has been very helpful in completing a list of residents in the watershed to more easily identify these individuals. The survey is complete and has been posted onto ‘Survey Monkey’ for the webpage. It was not released to the public by the January 15th date as originally planned. The East Hampton librarian has also been very helpful in preparing a brochure that will be posted on the internet that will contain resources for children, a location for public documents, and room for many other documents. The committee continues to work on a list of speakers for the upcoming meetings. Dr. Wagner is very busy and needs a contract before coming to speak at an LPC meeting. He said to wait until late March to contact him. A speaker list will be ready for the next meeting. I. Curtis suggested at the entrance of the library posting some lake material displayed. I. Curtis also mentions having a poster contest with the schools to have the children get more involved with the lake.
B. Reading Assignment – Chairman Hart advised the commission members there are many reports and studies that have taken place over the years that the commission members should be familiar with. He directed the commission members to read the Land Use & Phosphorus Input to Lake Pocotopaug by the next scheduled LPC meeting.
C. Presentation – Summary of ENSR Report Findings & Recommendations - Chairman Hart.
Old Business: None
New Business:
A. Lake & Watershed Monitoring Plan – Establish Monitoring Committee The commission discussed establishing a monitoring plan whose responsibilities would be to work and direct a consultant who handles the study effort and issues the reports, such as ENSR and Dr. Ken Wagner. They would find, organize and direct volunteers to help with the process to reduce costs; perform in-lake testing typically monthly; perform watershed tributary storm drain testing once or twice per year; test for water chemical, physical, and biological properties; run tests typically from April to November; and submit annual monitoring reports to the Commission and Town Council.
J. Ciriello made a motion, seconded by J. Jordan, to establish a monitoring committee with the responsibilities being as previously noted by Chairman Hart. Vote: 7-0, motion passed
Chairman Hart appointed Jack Solomon, Irene Curtis, and Tom Wells as the members of the lake & watershed “Monitoring Committee”.
B. Proposed No-Phosphorous Fertilizer Ordinance.
J. Solomon made a motion, seconded by I. Curtis, to review and make recommendations on the No-Phosphorous Fertilizer draft Ordinance at the LPC next regular scheduled meeting of February 15, 2007. Vote: 7-0, motion passed.
Public Remarks:
Mr. Curtis, Wagonk Trail mentioned his concern about a muddy parking lot near the package store on the corner of Rt. 66 and Princess Pocotopaug Trail. Every time it rains muddy water runs down Princess Pocotopaug Trail and Naomee Trail towards the lake.
Chairman Hart adjourned The Lake Pocotopaug Commission at 10:22 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kamey Ahrens Recording Secretary