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06/19/2008 Lake Pocotopaug Regular Meeting
Town of East Hampton Lake Pocotopaug Commission
Regular Meeting on June 19, 2008 at 7:00pm
Eaton E. Smith Meeting Room, Town Hall

1.      Call to Order & Roll Call

2.      Approval of Minutes of Previous Meetings
        A.      Regular Meeting – April17, 2007

3.      Public Remarks

4.      Remarks from the Chair

5.      Power Point Presentation-Ciriello
Protecting Backyard Water Resources By Eric Mosher, Watershed Projects Coordinator
Connecticut River Coastal Conservation District. Inc.

6.      Administrative Business & Communications
        A.      Town Manager Report
                1)      Hale Brook and Christopher Pond Dredging
                2)      Fall Lake lowering schedule
        B. Other

7.      Commission Meeting Liaison Reports

8.      Committee Reports
        A.      Education Committee                                     Ciriello
                1)      Public Education Course                 Jordon
                2)      Other
        B.      Monitoring Committee                                    Solomon
                1)      Watershed Tests
                2)      Other

        C.      Lake Management Planning Committee      Ciriello

9.      Assignment
        A.      Certificate Program –

10.     Unfinished Business

11.     New Business
        A.      Election of Officers
        B.      Other

12.     Public Remarks

13.     Adjournment