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02/09/2010 Joint Facilities Minutes
Joint Facilities Committee
Regular Meeting Minutes
February 9, 2010

A Regular Meeting of the Joint Facilities Committee was held at 5:00 P.M. on Tuesday, February 9, 2010 at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. The members in attendance included:

Mark Barmasse, Chairman (arrived 5:05PM)        David Kelsey      Dag Lindland
Richard LeMay                                           Tom Tripodi

Robert Jones was not in attendance. Also attending were Vincent F. Susco Jr., Public Utilities Administrator, Scott Clayton, Superintendent, Mark Decker, Public Works Director of Colchester and Pamela McCann recording secretary.

Call to Order
Vice-Chairman Kelsey called the meeting to order at 5:00 P.M.    

Approval of Minutes
Vice-Chairman Kelsey called for the approval of minutes.  Upon motion by Mr. LeMay, seconded by Mr. Kelsey, the minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 19, 2010 were unanimously approved.

Report of Operations
Vice-Chairman Kelsey called upon Superintendent Scott Clayton, to present the January Report of Operations which is made part of these minutes.

The plant operated within parameters for the period.  Mr. Clayton reported severe weather was responsible for several call outs at various lift stations.  We had four operators sit for the State certification exams in January.  Prior to today’s meeting we learned one individual successfully passed the Class III exam.  As a result, our facility is no longer in violation of the RCSA 22a-416-6(b)(4) for failure to have a Shift Operator.  Training was held on the Marlborough SCADA system.  Management attended the NEWEA annual conference in Boston.   

Mr. Barmasse arrived at 5:05 P.M. to chair the remainder of the meeting.

Mr. Clayton continued with his report.  He discussed several maintenance projects that were completed during the time period.   The sludge well for the belt press was cleaned, repairs where made to the mixer in the #2 aeration tank, valve seats were removed and replaced at the #2 primary pump and the air compressor at the odor control station was rebuilt.     

Budget Status
Mr. Susco presented the budget status for the current fiscal year.  All line items remain within parameters.

Mr. Susco presented management’s recommended operating and revenue budget for the 2010/2011 fiscal year for action.  A copy has been made part of these minutes.  He reported Management had received one change from the members and management made one other for a total of two changes to the budget that was presented at the January meeting.

  • A correction was made to account #5250 on pages 2 of 2 in Appendix D.  This change reduced the anticipated June 30, 2010 fund balance from $107,993.00 to $100,493.00.
  • Appendix E. (B) Undesignated Fund Balance has been updated based upon the most recent action of the Committee, reducing the anticipated June 30, 2010 fund balance from $594,978.00 to $553,778.00.
Management responded to several questions from the members and being no further discussion the following resolution moved by Mr. LeMay, seconded by Mr. Tripodi was unanimously approved:

RESOLVED: That the 2010/11 East Hampton Colchester Joint Facilities Operating Budget, as presented by management and made part of these minutes is hereby approved.

The following resolution moved by Mr. Kelsey, seconded by Mr. Lindland was unanimously approved:  

RESOLVED: That the Joint Facilties does herby authorize management to proceed with the transfer $250,000.00 from the Undesignated Fund Balance (Fund 08, ORG 62580582) to the Capital Fund Balance (Fund 88, ORG 62580584).  Said transfer is to be invested in a long term investment vehicle subject to the final recommendations of the Town’s Finance Director.  

Old Business
Mr. Susco updated the members on the continuing progress of labor negotiations.

Mr. Susco presented his February 1, 2010 memo which discussed the HVAC improvements to the Administration Building.  A copy has been made part of these minutes.  He explained the background of the project and the discussions with HVAC companies that determined that a simple replacement of the failed air handler utilizing technology that is over 30 years old was neither environmentally nor financially sound.

Mr. Susco went on to further explain why the project was expanded to include the chiller unit and how a high efficiency heating and cooling heat pump system using the effluent from the WWTP as its source was the best solution.

Mr. Susco recapped the estimated cost of this project and how it was to be funded. Research indicated that the project had hard and soft cost rebate/refund potential which would reduce the capital outlay as well as provide for ongoing operational energy credits.  

Management’s discussion concluded with a recommendation to send the project out to bid with a reservation that should the cost of the project exceed the engineer’s estimate the project would be brought back to the Committee.  Upon responding to questions from the members the following resolution moved by Mr. LeMay, seconded by Mr.Lindland was unanimously approved:

RESOLVED: That the Joint Facilties does herby authorize management to proceed with upgrading the HVAC system of the Administration Building including but not limited to the replacement of the air handler and chiller unit with the award of the work to the lowest qualified bidder at a cost not to exceed $58,250.00.
And furthermore, upon award of the work the Joint Facilties does herby authorize management to transfer up to $58,250.00 from the Joint Facilities Undesignated Fund Balance (Fund 08, ORG 62580582) to the 2009/10 Operations Budget as follows:

$58,250.00 to 62-58-0582-5741 Machinery

New Business  
Mr. Susco thanked the members for attending the meeting and indicated the next meeting will be on our regular schedule, March 16, 2010.   

Mr. Kelsey motioned, seconded by Mr. Tripodi, to adjourn the meeting. All voting in favor the meeting was adjourned at 6:45 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Pamela McCann
Recording Secretary

Approved by unanimous vote of the Joint Facilities Committee on March 16, 2010