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01/19/2010 Joint Facilities Minutes
Joint Facilities Committee
Regular Meeting Minutes
January 19, 2010

A Regular Meeting of the Joint Facilities Committee was held at 5:00 P.M. on Tuesday, January 19, 2010 at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. The members in attendance included:

Mark Barmasse, Chairman         David Kelsey          Richard LeMay     
Dag Lindland, Thomas Tripodi and Robert Jones were not in attendance. Also attending were Vincent F. Susco Jr., Public Utilities Administrator, Scott Clayton, Superintendent, Mark Decker, Public Works Director of Colchester and Pamela McCann recording secretary.

Call to Order
Chairman Barmasse called the meeting to order at 5:00 P.M.    

Approval of Minutes
Chairman Barmasse called for the approval of minutes.  Upon motion by Mr. Kelsey, seconded by Mr. LeMay, the minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 17, 2009 were unanimously approved.

Report of Operations
Chairman Barmasse called upon Superintendent Scott Clayton, to present the November and December Report of Operations which are made part of these minutes.

The plant operated within parameters for the period.  Mr. Clayton reported the painting contractor has completed the painting work on the Administration Building roof. Due to the onset of winter the work on the snow guards and the final repair of the damaged lawn will be completed in the spring.  Mr. Susco indicated final payment will be withheld until this work is completed.   

Mr. Clayton reported rodents had destroyed the Raymond Brook generator located in Hebron.   The Joint Facilties responded by providing a hook-up for one of our standby emergency generators until such time that a replacement can be brought in.  Management has discussed the possibility of Hebron submitting an insurance claim with the Hebron WPCA Administrator.  Precautions have been taken to avoid a similar occurrence at other locations throughout the system.

Kropp Environmental completed the removal of the diesel fuel tank and final results from soil samples taken after the diesel fuel tank was removed have indicated there was no contamination.  Final landscaping will take place in spring closing this project.

Several maintenance projects were completed by staff over the time period including; repairs to the DAF pump and piping, repairs to the inlet air compressor, replacement of the fuel pump for the boiler at the Administration building and several grinder pump alarms.

December saw the end of the seven week tutorial program for operators sitting for certification in January.  Management was pleased with the participation.    

Budget Status
Mr. Susco presented the budget status for the current fiscal year.  All line items remain within parameters and he pointed out the costs for repainting the Administration Building roof have been captured in account #5430 Bldg & Equip Maint and Repair which received a transfer from the Joint Facilties Capital Budget of $45,500.00.  

Mr. Susco discussed account #5741 Machinery Equipment & Tools which will be used to capture the 2nd channel monster which is being installed by Kovac Construction and the final payment for the new Lakeside unit. He recapped the path each project had been following and explained it was now time to officially proceed with a transfer from the Undesignated Fund.  The following resolution moved by Mr. LeMay seconded by Mr. Kelsey was unanimously approved:

Resolution: That the WPCA does herby authorize management to proceed with the installation of a new inlet works Channel Monster that will replace the obsolete comminutor with the lowest qualified bidder, Kovac’s Construction, Co, as recommended by CDM engineers, at a cost not to exceed $91,000.00.

And furthermore that the WPCA does herby authorize management to make final payment to Kovac’s Construction, Co. for completion of the installation of the rock trap for the Lakeside Septage receiving facility at a cost not to exceed $32,695.00.

And furthermore that the WPCA does herby authorize management to pay for the associated engineering services for a sum not to exceed $18,600.00.

And furthermore, to pay for this work and engineering services, the WPCA does herby authorize management to transfer $142,295.00 from the Joint Facilities Undesignated Fund Balance (Fund 08, ORG 62580582) to the 2009/10 Operations Budget as follows:

$123,695.00 to 62-58-0582-5741 Machinery
          $18,600.00 to 62-58-0582-5330 Prof/Tech. Services.

Mr. Susco presented management’s recommended operating and revenue budget for the 2010/2011 fiscal year.  A copy has been made part of these minutes.  He explained no action is planned for this evening and that any comments, changes or corrections received tonight thru Friday, February 5, 2009 will be made to the budget in order that adoption may take place at the February 9, 2010 meeting.  Before proceeding with a discussion of each line item and exhibit Mr. Susco provided the following overview:

This budget has been prepared under a modified zero-based budgeting philosophy.    All 2010-11 expenses were held to 2009-2010 expenses except where known changes were required.  
This year’s budget reflects a proposed increase in expenses of $42,974.00 or 2.45% over last year.  

At the present time contract discussions have not been completed (expected sign off January 21, 2010).  Wages were adjusted based upon the most recent information.   
  • Details of the significant line item increases (+$5,000.00).
  • Details of the significant line item reductions (-$5,000.00).
Recommended $85,700.00 for capital item expenditures this year.
Revenue estimates for both Town & Consolidation shares.
The recommendation from the Undesignated Fund Balance.
Dump fee revenues and projections, and  
Recommendations for a long term investment of  the Capital Fund

A lengthy discussion followed of each line item that had been recommended for change.  Members questioned the intent/purpose of several line items and exhibits.  Management was required to provide history and/or defend several line item changes.  All discussions leading to changes were agreed upon by all members.  Revenue projections and the development of the consolidated share for both Town’s required lengthy explanations.  Revenue projects included an estimate of fees to be received from both the Town of Hebron and Marlborough.  Mr. Susco indicated both Towns have received a copy of the proposed budget for comment.   Mr. Susco concluded discussion on the topic by reminded members of the timeline for adoption.  He indicated a separate meeting reminder will be emailed to all members.

Old Business
Mr. Susco updated the members on the continuing progress of labor negotiations.

Management provided a limited update on the upgrading of the HVAC system for the Administration Building.   He explained no further information seems to be forthcoming from the Town’s Facilties Administrator and that a final recommendation from his office will be made at the next regularly scheduled meeting.

Mr. Susco reported signed copies of the Marlborough Operating Agreement have been received and a copy will be placed in the minutes of this meeting.

Management presented the Demand Response agreement with CPower for action.  He recapped the discussion begun in November and presented estimated revenue figures as requested by the members.   Based upon copies of our latest utility bills submitted to  CPower a three year revenue projection has been provided.  The estimated revenue for this fiscal year and the number which has been included in the budget is $8,300.00.  Mr. Susco explained this is approximately 50% of the total that we have received in the past but the terms of the program have been drastically modified since the program began.  The following resolution moved by Mr. Kelsey seconded by Mr. LeMay was unanimously approved:

Resolution: That the WPCA does herby authorize management to execute the three (3) year contract with CPower substantially in the form as submitted at this meeting and made part of these minutes.

New Business  
Mr. Susco indicated there is no new business at this time.   

Mr. Kelsey motioned, seconded by Mr. LeMay, to adjourn the meeting. All voting in favor the meeting was adjourned at 6:50 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Pamela McCann
Recording Secretary

Approved by unanimous vote of the Joint Facilities Committee on February 9,2010