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10/20/2009 Joint Facilities Minutes
Joint Facilities Committee
Regular Meeting Minutes
October 20, 2009

A Regular Meeting of the Joint Facilities Committee was held at 5:00 P.M. on Tuesday, October 20, 2009 at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. The members in attendance included:

Mark Barmasse, Chairman                         Thomas Tripodi
Robert Tarlov                                               David Kelsey

Dag Lindland and Robert Jones were not in attendance. Also attending were Vincent F. Susco Jr., Public Utilities Administrator, Scott Clayton, Superintendent, Mark Decker, Public Works Director of Colchester and Pamela McCann recording secretary.  Mr. Craig Wagner from CDM was at the meeting to present his respective agenda item.

Call to Order
Chairman Barmasse called the meeting to order at 5:01 P.M.

Approval of Minutes
Chairman Barmasse called for the approval of minutes.  Upon motion by Mr. Kelsey, seconded by Mr. Tarlov, the minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 15, 2009 were unanimously approved.

Presentation by Craig Wagner CDM
Chairman Barmasse welcomed Mr. Craig Wagner to the meeting.  Mr. Wagner presented an overview of the requested second Channel Monster to replace the obsolete comminutor at the primary building. He explained the present design of the headworks and the rationale for the installation of a second Channel Monster.   Referring to the two proposals (distributed to the members with the mailing of the meeting package) from CDM, Mr. Wagner explained the design and bid package for the purchase, the process for soliciting bids, the timetable for the project and the installation of the unit.  

With the assistance of management Mr. Wagner responded to questions from the members.        
Mr. Susco reported the project cost has been estimated not to exceed $140,000.00.  To pay for this work management recommended a transfer of $140,000.00 from the Joint Facilities Undesignated  Fund Balance (Fund 08, ORG 62580582) to the 2009/10 Operations Budget as follows:
$120,000.00 to 62-58-0582-5741 Machinery
                          $20,000.00 to 62-58-0582-5330  Prof/Tech. Services

This transfer will have no effect on the bottom line of the operating budget nor effect the contributions from either the Town of East Hampton or Colchester.  Deferring to the chairman Mr. Tarlov asked if this was a prudent expense to be incurred.   Mr. Barmasse explained this project was exactly what should be pursued.  Until an approved Facilities Plan is received from DEP management must continue to maintain a high level of operational integrity at the plant.  A second Channel Monster will do just that and the financial investment will benefit the plant now and long after the Facilities Plan is approved. The following resolutions moved by Mr. Kelsey, seconded by Mr. Tripodi were unanimously adopted:

RESOLUTION: that the Joint Facilities authorized management to proceed with engineering services for final design, preparation of contract documents and bidding services with CDM for the purchase and installation of a second Channel Monster at a lump sum cost of $9,800.00, substantially in the form as presented at this meeting.

        RESOLUTION: that the Joint Facilties authorized management to award the bid for the purchase and installation of a second Channel Monster based upon direct positive experiences on projects of similar scope and size with a company having the lowest responsive and responsible bid. Said award must be at a cost not to exceed $120,000.00.

Furthermore, that the Joint Facilities authorize management to proceed with engineering services with CDM for the general services during construction and resident project inspection on a time and material basis not to exceed $9,000.00, substantially in the form as presented at this meeting.

RESOLUTION: that the Joint Facilties authorized management to transfer  $140,000.00 from the Joint Facilities Undesignated  Fund Balance (Fund 08, ORG 62580582) to the 2009/10 Operations Budget as follows:
$120,000.00 to 62-58-0582-5741 Machinery
                                  $20,000.00 to 62-58-0582-5330 Prof/Tech. Services

Mr. Susco indicated the timing of this transfer would be dependent upon a successful award of the bid.

Mr. Wagner left the meeting at 5:45 P.M.

Report of Operations
Chairman Barmasse called upon Superintendent Scott Clayton, to present the September Report of Operations which is made part of these minutes.

Mr. Clayton reported the contractor has completed the replacement of the original soffits on the Administration Building in preparation for the painting of the roof.  

Staff was trained on the operations of the new North Main Street pump station located in Marlborough.  At the present time very low flows have resulted in the operation of the odor control unit at the highest setting.  

The most recent failure of the new Lakeside Septage Receiving Facility has been traced to a faulty flow valve and sensor.  Since the repairs the unit appears to be working smoothly.  

Mr. Clayton concluded his report by indicating the recent increase in the nitrogen numbers might be due to a lack of nutrients.  Staff has cleaned the modified by-pass gate in order to remedy the situation. He will continue to monitor the situation and report back at the next meeting.

A pre-construction meeting was held in September to discuss the improvement to the access road at the base of Bull Hill Road to the Lyman Viaduct.  Mr. Decker reported the funding for this project was unexpended grant money from the 2008 viaduct repair.  This improvement will allow heavy equipment to gain access to the viaduct for repairs to the wing walls.  The work by Butler Construction of Portland, CT has been completed.

Mr. Susco reported the authorized increase to the headcount has been accomplished with the hiring of a full time operator, Mr. Roy Harrington.  In keeping with the recommendations of management the part time operator position will be eliminated on October 31, 2009. Before relocating to East Hampton, Mr. Harrington was a former employee at the Town of Southington WWTP.  As soon as he is eligible he will sit for his certification to reinstate his Class III license.

Budget Status
Mr. Susco presented the budget status.  He reported on two line items; account #5741 Machinery & Equipment and account #5430 Bldg & Equip Maint and Repair.  Account #5741 Machinery & Equipment is being used as the place holder for the rock trap that was carried over from last year’s budget for the new lakeside septage receiving facility. Members questioned the reporting of this expense without an offset from income. Mr. Susco indicated this will be resolved for the next meeting.  Account #5430 Bldg & Equip Maint and Repair is the line item for the Administration Building roof painting.

Old Business
Mr. Susco continued the discussion begun at the last meeting regarding the semi-annual nitrogen credits update.  He presented an overview of the formulas used in the spreadsheet and responded to questions from the members.  

Mr. Susco reported contract negotiations continue.  Two more sessions are scheduled before the end of the year.

Management has contacted Mr. Grzyb several times since the last meeting but no new information has been obtained regarding HVAC improvements for the Administration Building.  He hopes to have payback information available for the next meeting.  

Sand blasting and power washing of the roof have been completed.  Paint is being applied but the work is highly weather dependent.  Completion by the end of the month remains possible.

New Business  
Mr. Susco reported the Treatment Plant annual storm water certification has been forwarded.  A copy was provided to members in their packages.

Mr. Susco reported the WPCA of East Hampton has authorized a GIS project for its wastewater system.  He explained the inclusion of the Colchester wastewater infrastructure in East Hampton would be important in order to paint a complete picture.  Mr. Susco requested permission to incorporate Colchester’s wastewater data into East Hampton’s work.   Mr. Decker agreed the information should be linked as this is a regional wastewater system and not individual towns.  Mr. Susco felt there were many financial and technical questions that need to be resolved but will continue to pursue the project.  Once Colchester & East Hampton data is linked the natural progression would be to continue the project with the addition of Hebron and Marlborough with the goal of having the entire wastewater system linked via GIS.

Management has proposed that the recently modified timing changes incorporated into the East Hampton/Colchester Inter-municipal Agreement be adopted into the Joint Facilties operating agreement with the Town of Marlborough.  Mr. Susco indicated the Town of Marlborough is agreeable to this and that he will be present at their next meeting scheduled of October 22, 2009.   The following resolution moved by Mr. Tarlov, seconded by Mr. Tripodi was unanimously adopted:


A. The Marlborough Water Pollution Control Authority shall pay monthly from the Marlborough operation fund, one twelfth of the estimated annual cost of operation and maintenance, rehabilitation, replacement and repair of the facilities described in Appendix B to the Joint Facilities.  The Marlborough Water Pollution Control Authority shall provide in its sewer budget an amount necessary to make such payments for each fiscal year.

C. On or before March 1 of each year the Joint Facilities Committee shall begin to prepare an annual fiscal budget (July 1 to June 30) for the Marlborough W.P.C.A covering the anticipated cost of maintenance and repair for the Marlborough sewerage system for those purposes outlined in paragraph A above of this Article IV, from costs of maintenance and repairs from July 1 to June 30 of the previous year.

Mr. Decker presented one new item of business.  He indicated he had received a phone call from an engineering firm representing the Town of Lebanon.  The topic was the connecting of the Amston Lake area of Lebanon to the wastewater system.  Both Mr. Susco and Mr. Clayton indicated requests like this have been around for quite some time and until DEP gets its funding practices in order it is highly unlikely it will proceed.

Mr. Kelsey motioned, seconded by Mr. Tarlov, to adjourn the meeting. All voting in favor the meeting was adjourned at 6:07 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Pamela McCann
Recording Secretary

Approved by unanimous vote of the Joint Facilities Committee on November 17, 2009