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07/21/2009 Joint Facilities Minutes
Joint Facilities Committee
Regular Meeting Minutes
July 21, 2009

A Regular Meeting of the Joint Facilities Committee was held at 5:00 P.M. on Tuesday, July 21, 2009 at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. The members in attendance included:

Mark Barmasse, Chairman (conference call)          Dag Lindland
Robert Tarlov                                                 David Kelsey

Thomas Tripodi and Mr. Kenneth Fargnoli were not in attendance. Also attending were Vincent F. Susco Jr., Public Utilities Administrator, Scott Clayton, Superintendent, Mark Decker, Public Works Director of Colchester and Pamela McCann recording secretary.

Call to Order
Chairman Barmasse called the meeting to order at 5:02 P.M.

Approval of Minutes
Chairman Barmasse called for the approval of minutes.  Upon motion by Mr. Tarlov, seconded by Mr. Kelsey, the minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 16, 2009 were unanimously approved.

Mr. Lindland abstained from the vote as he was not present at this meeting.    

Report of Operations
Chairman Barmasse called upon Superintendent, Scott Clayton, to present the June Report of Operations which are made part of these minutes.

Mr. Clayton reported the plant operated within parameters during the reporting period.  He reported on a recent meeting with Mr. Grant Weaver from the Water Plant Company.  Several operational areas were discussed. Currently we are evaluating the results of the discussions.    

Mr. Clayton reported work on the pump stations associated with the Marlborough Wastewater System is rapidly coming to a close. A final walk through and training in the pump station operations are scheduled for next week at the North Main Street Station in Marlborough and the Town Line Pump Station in East Hampton.  Work on the American Distillery station is temporally on hold due to a conflict with the pumps.

Mr. Clayton reported that Mr. Steven Broadbent has joined the firm of Fuss & O’Neill and had visited the plant to discuss low-head hydro-electric power generation, operation of the anerobic digesters and process control issues.  As a result of the visit Fuss & O’Neill have determined that low-head hydro-electric power generation will not be cost-effective even if a smaller system is provided.  Management will consider exploring a potential public/private partnership regarding the digesters but no process control changes will take place.

Budget Status
Mr. Susco distributed the line item transfers necessary for closing out the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009.   After responding to questions from the members the following motion moved by Mr. Kelsey, seconded by Mr. Lindland, was unanimously approved:

        RESOLVED: that the Joint Facilties does hereby approve the line item transfers for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009 substantially in the form presented at this meeting.

Chairman Barmasse abstained from the vote as he was not present at the meeting to receive his copy. These transfers are made part of the minutes.       

Mr. Susco opened a discussion of the Undesignated Fund Balance (UFB).  He explained there would be a $30,000.00 shortfall in revenues as a result of lower than expected septage receiving revenues and that expenses are $211,000.00 less than budgeted.  As a result he anticipates the contribution to the UFB would be approximately $181,000.00 for the June 30, 2009 fiscal year. Before finalizing the contribution he recommended that two projects be considered for utilizing a portion of this fund balance.  Improvements to the HVAC system in the administrative building (replacement of the 28 year old air handler estimated at $35,000.00) and the installation of a second channel monster at the primary building (estimated at $55,000.00).  Management was instructed to proceed with finalizing/bidding both projects and was requested to present final estimates or recommendations for awarding the bid at the September 1, 2009 meeting.

Mr. Susco reported it is too early to review budget status in the current year as information is unavailable.  

Old Business
Mr. Susco presented the modification language to the Inter-Municipal Agreement that had been previously discussed by the members.  These timing changes contained in the first paragraph of ARTICLE IV – PAYMENT AND SHARING OF OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE COSTS address the period of time to be used in determining the flow received at the plant that will be used in the annual budget preparation.  This change, requested by the Town of Colchester, will allow management to present the budget earlier in the year to better accommodate each Town’s budget cycle.  The following motion moved by Mr. Tarlov, seconded by Mr. Kelsey was unanimously adopted:

RESOLVED: that the Joint Facilties accept the recommendations of management to the East Hampton/Colchester Inter-Municipal Agreement substantially in the form presented at this meeting and recommend approval and adoption by the Town of East Hampton Water Pollution Control Authority and the Town of Colchester Sewer and Water Commission.  
Furthermore that the Chairman of the Town of East Hampton Water Pollution Control Authority and the First Selectman of the Town of Colchester be authorized to sign and accept the terms and conditions of the Agreement.

Chairman Barmasse requested the next item under Old Business, Contract Negotiations, be tabled until the end of the meeting to accommodate an executive session.  The members agreed.

New Business  
Mr. Susco informed the members that work on the repairs and painting of the administrative building roof is progressing.  He anticipates the bidding to be completed and that an award will be possible at the next regularly scheduled meeting set for September 15, 2009.

Mr. Decker informed the members that he expects the road work on the access road to the Lyman Viaduct will be awarded shortly.  

Mr. Tarlov reported that Mr. Robert Jones will be replacing Mr. Kenneth Fargnoli on the Colchester Water & Sewer Commission and will be taking Ken’s place at the Joint Facilties.

Old Business
There being no further old business Chairman Barmasse called for an executive session to discuss the status of contract negotiations.  Upon motion by Mr. Tarlov seconded by Mr. Kelsey the motion was unanimously adopted at 5:30P.M.  At this time Mr. Clayton and Ms. McCann left the meeting.  Mr. Susco and Mr. Decker remained for the executive session at the request of the members.

The members came out of executive session at 5:45 P.M.

There was no action taken on the item.

Mr. Tarlov motioned, seconded by Mr. Kelsey, to adjourn the meeting. All voting in favor the meeting was adjourned at 5:45 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Pamela McCann
Recording Secretary

Approved by unanimous vote of the Joint Facilities Committee on September 15, 2009