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03/17/2009 Joint Facilities Minutes
Joint Facilities Committee
Regular Meeting Minutes
March 17, 2009

A Regular Meeting of the Joint Facilities Committee was held at 5:00 P.M. on Tuesday, March 17, 2009 at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. The members in attendance included:

Mark Barmasse, Chairman     Kenneth Fargnoli     Robert Tarlov    Dag Lindland

Mr. David Kelsey and Mr. Thomas Tripodi were not in attendance. Also attending were Vincent F. Susco Jr., Public Utilities Administrator, Scott Clayton, Superintendent, Mark Decker, Public Works Director of Colchester and Pamela McCann recording secretary. Mr. Craig Wagner from CDM and Mr. John Tuttle, East Hampton Town Council, were at the meeting to present their respective agenda items.

Call to Order
Chairman Barmasse called the meeting to order at 5:00 P.M.

Chairman Barmasse introduce Dag Lindland from the East Hampton WPCA as the Committee’s newest member.

Septage Receiving Facility
Mr. Craig Wagner presented a summary of the recently installed Septage Handling Improvements at the plant.  The project which has reached the substantial completion stage will be on line in the next few days.  The remaining items include paving and final landscaping.  He indicated the project has been completed well in advance of the projected 270 day completion date and within budget.  The additional back-up PLC module has been included in the project at no cost thanks to the efforts of the PUA.  Mr. Wagner provided the members with a copy of his summary and several pictures which are being made part of these minutes.  Upon responding to several questions Mr. Wagner was thanked for his efforts and left the meeting at 5:05 P.M.

East Hampton Clean Energy Task Force
Mr. Tuttle reported on the efforts of the Town of East Hampton to reduce its energy consumption.  He explained that the infrastructure associated with the operations of the Joint Facilities has been identified as a possible point of savings.  He requested the cooperation of the Committee in reaching the goal of a 10% savings in energy.  The Town’s work is being conducted in conjunction with Power Point Energy, energy consultants from Glastonbury at no cost to the Joint Facilties.

Mr. Clayton reported the plant was recently inspected by Power Point Energy and that a report is forth coming.  As a result of the inspection Mr. Clayton suggested that several of the larger lift stations in East Hampton be inspected also.  Mr. Tuttle thanked the members for their cooperation and the suggestion from Mr. Clayton.  After responding to several questions Mr. Tuttle left the meeting at 5:11 P.M.

Approval of Minutes
Upon motion by Mr. Tarlov, seconded by Mr. Fargnoli, the minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 20, 2009 were unanimously approved.

Mr. Lindland abstained from the vote as he was not present at this meeting.    

Report of Operations
Chairman Barmasse called upon Superintendent, Scott Clayton, to present the January and February Report of Operations which are made part of these minutes.

Mr. Clayton reported the plant ran within parameters during the reporting period.

Mr. Clayton reported four employees participated in the Department of Environmental Protection Wastewater Operator Certification exam in January.  Testing was completed on Class III, II and I levels.  The results have determined that for the first time all employees of the Joint Facilties are licensed unfortunately our attempt to have at least one employee certified at the Class III (as required by the DEP) still eludes us.  The next testing date is in June.  

Mr. Clayton reported that the Channel Monster, which failed in early January, has been rebuilt and reinstalled.  This emergency project was completed under budget in shorter time then originally anticipated.  Management indicated a second Channel Monster has been included in the next budget.

Several pump stations required the attention of the Joint Facilties during this time period.  In East Hampton work has been on-going at the Clark Hill Pump Station.  By-pass pumping was required during the upgrade for approximately 5 weeks.  The station recently reached substantial completion and the new pump station is now on line.  In Hebron, pumping failures at Railroad Avenue required the transporting of waste by truck for several days.  The failure was linked to a recently rebuilt pump by Water & Waste Equipment, and as a result, costs associated with the failure will be borne by the contractor and not the Town of Hebron.

The annual Department of Environmental Protection “spot” inspection occurred during March.  Although there were no violations determined, the obligatory minor recommendations were discussed.

Mr. Clayton reported the Septage Handling Improvements have been completed and that all employees have been trained on its use.

Mr. Barmasse questioned the effectiveness of the nitrogen removal during the winter months.  Management explained that the general lack of ‘food” during the winter caused the results to be skewed significantly lower.  As temperatures warm, nitrogen removal will increase.   

Management reported on a recent single vehicle accident that occurred involving one of our operators.    No person was injured; however, significant damage to the 2008 Ford F-250 resulted.  The vehicle has been totaled by the insurance company.  As a result, management used this incident to downsize the fleet by purchasing a smaller Ford Ranger to replace the F-250.  The operator of the vehicle has received a written warning pursuant to the Operating Agreement.

Budget Status
Mr. Susco presented the 08-09 budget Status report which was distributed to all members in their package.  He pointed out the information was incorrect and apologized for the error.  As a result action on the Disbursements/Transfers/Appropriations for the 2008/2009 Fiscal Year was tabled until the next meeting.

Management presented the recommended operating and revenue budget for the forthcoming fiscal year.  He explained no action will be taken on this budget at this meeting as flow data (as required by the Inter-municipal agreement) will not be complete until March 31st.   Adoption is anticipated at the next meeting scheduled for April 21st.   The proposed 2009/10 fiscal budget package is attached and made a part of these minutes. A detailed explanation followed:  

This budget has been prepared under a philosophy of zero-based budgeting.  All increases/decreases have been substantiated in the “Budget Detail”.
This year’s budget reflects a proposed increase in expenses of $54,527.00 or 3.21% over last year.
Details for an increase in personnel (eliminate part time field position-increase to full time & one additional clerical part time) are substantiated.
Due to on going contract discussions no increase in labor costs has been budgeted.  An anticipated increase is in the contingency line item.
Details of significant line item changes were documented
Capital expenditures totaled $88,900.00
Projected revenue estimates for East Hampton and Colchester were provided.
A recommendation to increase the transfer from the Undesignated Fund Balance was provided for 2009/10.
No increase in dumping fees is planned.
Upon review of the entire budget package by the members present Mr. Susco responded to questions.  

Old Business
There was no old business to discuss.

New Business  
Mr. Susco reported that on February 6, 2009 he and Mr. Decker presented testimony before the Environment Committee of the General Assembly requesting support for Proposed Bill No. 6121 “An Act Authorizing Bonds for the State for Emergency Repairs to the Lyman Viaduct”.

In another matter, Mr. Susco distributed a draft of the Inter-Municipal Agreement.  This draft addresses the desire of the Committee to change the time frame for calculating flow data.   Mr. Susco suggested this action be tabled until later in the year and the members agreed.

Lastly, Mr. Susco updated the members on the progress of the labor agreement discussions.   Members encouraged management to have the agreement reflect the ongoing economic situation.  

Mr. Fargnoli motioned, seconded by Mr. Lindland, to adjourn the meeting. All voting in favor the meeting was adjourned at 7:00 P.M.

The next meeting will be April 21st at 5:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Pamela McCann
Recording Secretary

Approved by unanimous vote of the Joint Facilities Committee on April 21, 2009